The basics: 07 LX105, purchased in March 08. About 1100 miles. Mainly used for a very short (3 mile) commute on surface streets (stop and go, 25-45 mph) and the occasional errand. Boston area
The problem: This morning, I turned the key, lights came on, pressed the killswitch, and before I got my thumb to the ignition button, the lights died. Fiddled with key and buttons for a few minutes, but no luck. Parked it again and quickly dashed for the subway.
The hypotheses: Loose spark plug, fried spark plug, dead battery.
Anything else I should look for? Is there any sort of surefire way of determining that the battery is dead, aside from putting it in another scooter? Anyone know if Herb Chambers sells spark plugs or has a rapid charger?