2011 BMW R1200 GS Adventure, 2016 Vespa PX 150
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2011 BMW R1200 GS Adventure, 2016 Vespa PX 150
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Location: London, UK
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maver wrote:
just sounds to me like soft rivets vibrating so the harder stainless of the pipe cuts thru them and the end blows out.......

scrape the rivet heads, if you can mark them easily they're aluminium, if you can't they're stainless
I think you're right about what's happening. The questions is, how can I find someone who could fix it with stainless rivets.
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Mike Holland wrote:
I would like to hear some comparisons with a PM68 with the decibel killer fitted. It is supposed to give a little more power too, and I thought it was coming as standard on new PM68s

It has come as standard on all PM068's for the last couple of years. dont know what it was like without it but as the OP has said -- it is plenty loud enough with it fitted!!!! And contrary to some discussion on the forum I have found a small but appreciable performance difference in addition to the noise!!!
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