OK ... I won't do what the kid told me to do. I have a battery tender and have been using that anyway. I was just checking to make sure that the battery tender was sufficient.
You dont get your motorcycle liscense automatically once you pass the MSF course in Florida?
Yes, you do. But I live in the British Virgin Islands and since I have a driver's license ... all I have to do is pass the (scooter) road test
here to be licensed. Unfortunately, a U.S. MSF certificate means nothing here.
I went to Florida and took the MSF course for my own education because we don't have training centers here at all. There was no other purpose other than to reap the benefit of what I could learn from the course. I am legal to drive in Florida (and in fact passed the course with a perfect score) but I haven't been able to master
our requirement here which is the dreaded figure 8 inside of 18' as yet!
I can do it inside 20' but I am finding it very difficult to do inside of 18' without having to put my foot down because you have to drive sooooo slowly and the turns are sooooo tight. It is much harder than
anything we had to do to pass the MSF course in Florida!
The 18', figure 8 is the only thing we have to demonstrate to get a scooter license here ... which is why we have so few scooterists in the BVI. However, I am determined to conquer it and will keep practicing until I can do it. The examiner gives no second chances and you have to wait a month between tests if you fail. You see, they really don't want scooters on the roads here ... unlike many other islands in the Caribbean where they are everywhere ... so they have made the test damned near impossible for the majority of would-be-scooterists!
I find doing a figure 8 in a 24' space is a piece of cake. 20' is pretty tough but I can do it 98 percent of the time. 18' ... well, I haven't quite mastered it yet.
In CA we get a permit which means we just can't ride on the freeway (not sure where you are but that is probably not an issue), can't carry a passenger or ride at night.
No, they do not give out learner's permits for scooters. You have to practice somewhere off the roads and believe me, on Tortola, it is difficult to find a place flat enough to practice. I am trying to practice on our driveway but there isn't a lot of room to do much and I can't take the scooter out on the road. Well, I could ... but if I get caught they take your scooter away!