Some one suggested a gremlin bell for my scooter. Does anyone else have this on theirs and where did you put it? Or is this just a motorcycle thing?
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Mine is hanging on the windscreen...
Seems to work....just not on cops with radar.... R 8) |
Molto Verboso
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The only way a gremlin bell works is if someone gives it to you.
Giving yourself one voids the anti-gremlin clause... |
got mine wrote: The only way a gremlin bell works is if someone gives it to you. Giving yourself one voids the anti-gremlin clause... I've not been offered one for my scoot but if that were to happen, I'd have this individual attach the gremlin bell to the undercarriage. It has to be close to the ground to be effective!!!???!!!?? |
Piaggio BV200, Genuine Buddy 125, Honda Metropolitan
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To work, it supposed to be as low to the ground as possible.
Heres mine on that useless security ring. On Scooter Diva we did a Gremlin Bell exchange |
ferret wrote: what is the gremlin bell? Is it some kind of lucky charm? |
2010 Dragon Red GTS 300 Super, 2018 Grigio Titanio Piaggio Liberty S 150
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Someone gave me one, it is in the garage, I haven't yet attached it to my GTS yet. Perhaps I'll do that today, the security ring is a good place for it.
My wife got me one.
Right now it's attached to the blue key. I use the security lock to lock my cover on so I didn't want to put it there, but it's a great place for it. |
i was worried i'd be laughed at by the hd riders for having one...but then who cares...let them laugh
Molto Verboso
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I actually use the useless security ring so I drilled a small hole in the plastic cowel panel kerjigger so I could hang the bell close to the ground as recommended.
My daughter bought it for me. I have two students who wanted to get one but they were hoping that someone would get them one as a gift. I suggested that they buy each other one. I don't think they did, and one of them dumped and totaled his brandy new bike. They should have listened to me. 8) I'm not superstitious really. It's all in fun. (But I'm hedging my bets, just in case. ) |
Molto Verboso
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harold_h wrote: ferret wrote: what is the gremlin bell? Is it some kind of lucky charm? You can find them at a discount on ebay. I've purchased two Guardian Bells, one hog design to exchange at a Pollyanna gift exchange at my scooter club's One Year Anniversary party last month (the name of the club: The Wild Hogs) and the other is a liberty bell design to give to a good friend of mine who rides a Yamaha cruiser and has actively urged my mission to get a scooter. The woman who received the bell I gave away rides a 50cc. Other people were asking about the bell and saying it was a cool gift... Guardian Bells come in a little velvet pouch with a slip of paper that has the "legend of the bell". The bell itself has a keychain style ring (not shown above) for mounting. One thing I wasn't expecting -- it really does have a clapper, so it does make a ringing sound (since I don't have one myself, I don't know if it rings while you ride). Benito wrote: Someone gave me one, it is in the garage, I haven't yet attached it to my GTS yet. Perhaps I'll do that today, the security ring is a good place for it. |
1965 90 Super Sprint / 2014 GTS 300 / 2010 Harley Softtail Deluxe
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I ran over a rabbit a while ago and the rabbit foot got stuck in the rim. I just left it there for luck.
G |
Gremlin bell? Hell, yeah!
Received one off of another forum, and returned the favour to a couple of other riders. I have it on my rear rack. |
Molto Verboso
LX150 Darling Plum; GTS 250 Dragon Red; Honda Big Ruckus Demented Bastard
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Molto Verboso
LX150 Darling Plum; GTS 250 Dragon Red; Honda Big Ruckus Demented Bastard
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Gremlin bells are a waist of time and effort... If you want to protect yourself you have to use an OH NO Mr. Bill just like me.
The more messed up he gets the better protected my Darling Plum is.
Mine is also on the security ring. Saw some beautiful ones at Cycle Gear. If my current one wasn't working so well, I would be tempted to buy one of those.
http://www.vendorgirl.com/bikerbells.html These are great, too. From Cook's Corner (popular motorcycle hangout in Orange County, CA) When I was taking MSF, another student who rode a big HD had his hanging between the forks. Dee |
ferret wrote: what is the gremlin bell? Is it some kind of dorky charm? |
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A few years ago, I flipped a few bucks into the Salvation Army Bell Ringer's kettle.
She gave me a little red bell and wished me a Merry Christmas. I mounted the little red bell on my daily ride (ET4) as a good luck gremlin bell. Later I called the Salvation Army and asked if I made a donation if they would send me 2 addition red bells. I sent the donation and they sent 5 bells. I have mounted them on all of my scoots and sidecar too. I guess that counts as some one giving me the bells... Don't you think? A good cause and a cool looking red bell for a red scoot. My daily rider also sports a cute little angle. Seems to work... ⚠️ Last edited by ExonicJay on UTC; edited 1 time
1985 PX200E Arcobaleno : 2010/14 GTS300 S: RIP GTS250 @ 40K
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1985 PX200E Arcobaleno : 2010/14 GTS300 S: RIP GTS250 @ 40K
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Molto Verboso
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Oh hooray, Now I need a gremlin bell. I have Road watchers in my cars. Those are like Beenie babies/ small stuffed animals I put on my dashboard. They help keep "extra eyes" on the road. Haven't messed up yet. The only time I didn't have one on board and guess what happened.....
Mine was given to me by my barber. She's a "fox" and rides some Harley looking Honda. Her husband has a Harley. Trisha said she purchased it at the local Harley shop, and called it an "Angel Bell", not a "Gremlin Bell". She said that a Guardian Angel would watch over me and protect me as I rode.
It's a brass bell with a leather thong, (from a Harley shop? Right? Don't leather and Harley's go together?) I mounted it on my rear rack, but with the top box, it is somewhat hidden from view. I can still hear it jingle from time to time. Here is what the enclosed card says, (that I keep in the top box). FREEDOM BELLS The Mystical Story of... The Source's Freedom Bells. Have you ever wished you could get rid of those nasty road "surprises" that turn your ride in the wind to a trip where everything goes wrong? As we all know, life has many mysteries that have no apparent solutions. One of these is Evil Road Spirits. That are the little gremlins that live on your bike. They love to ride. They're also responsible for most of your bike's problems. Sometimes your turn signals refuse to work, or the battery goes dead, the clutch needs adjustment, or any of several hundred things go wrong. These problems are caused by Evil Road Spirits. Road Spirits can't live in the presence of a bell. They get trapped in the hallow of the bell. Among other things, their hearing is supersensitive. The constant ringing of the bell and the confined space drives them insane. They lose their grip and eventually fall to the roadway. (Have you ever wondered how potholes are formed?) The bell has served its purpose. If you have picked up a bell of your own, the magic will work. But if your bell was given to you, the power has been doubled, and you know that somewhere you have a special friend helping to look after you. So, if you have a friend that doesn't have a bell, why not be the person to give them one? It's a nice feeling for the recipient to know you personally cared. The bell, plus a good preventative maintenance program by the bike's owner, will eliminate the Evil Road Spirits. THE SOURCE As Reported in Thunder Press. |
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