1976 Rally 200
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1976 Rally 200
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I have a '76 rally 200 and need to replace the steering column lock. I do not have the original key. What's the trick to removing the cylinder, I have a replacement ordered from Scooterworks.
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There may be a better trick, but I've just drilled through the old one.

1976 Rally 200
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1976 Rally 200
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Steering column lock replacement
cipote wrote:
There may be a better trick, but I've just drilled through the old one.
Thanks, I'll give it a try. I guess the cylinder will pop out? It is currently in the unlocked position.
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'76 Rally
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crb, let us know how it goes.
I'm in the middle of a '76 rally rebuild and was wondering what to do with the column lock as well.
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Try this step by step tutorial:
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1976 Rally 200
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1976 Rally 200
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the deacon wrote:
crb, let us know how it goes.
I'm in the middle of a '76 rally rebuild and was wondering what to do with the column lock as well.

1976 Rally 200
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1976 Rally 200
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Steering column lock replacement
SteveinSac wrote:
That's awsome, thanks!

1976 Rally 200
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1976 Rally 200
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Steering column lock replacement
the deacon wrote:
crb, let us know how it goes.
I'm in the middle of a '76 rally rebuild and was wondering what to do with the column lock as well.
See the step by step tutorial that SteveinSac wrote.
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'76 Rally
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got it, thanks
did you replace yours yet?

1976 Rally 200
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1976 Rally 200
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Steering column lock replacement
the deacon wrote:
got it, thanks
did you replace yours yet?
Got tied up with stuff last weekend, may tackle it Wednesday.

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Please keep us posted on how it goes, especially if you come across any tips. I'll be doing mine over the winter, and was planning on using the method linked above.

1976 Rally 200
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1976 Rally 200
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Steering column lock replacement
the deacon wrote:
crb, let us know how it goes.
I'm in the middle of a '76 rally rebuild and was wondering what to do with the column lock as well.
Okay, sorry for the delay, didn't go exactly as planned. I ordered a replacement lock set from Scooterworks, which seemed fine. First, I could not believe how easy the lock was to drill out, took about 15 seconds with my cordless drill. That just goes to show you how useless the lock really is. But, if you are like me and want everything to work, you replace it. The set that Scooterwoks sent was not original. The keys were wafer-thin and bend when inserting....not good. Once the set was installed, the key refused to go in...also not good. So, the new set had to be drilled out. Scooterworks was good enough to believe my story and sent me an original lock set which was a much heavier set, not flimsy at all. Bottom line, when ordering demand an original set and follow the directions previously posted. Installation is very easy. Hope this helps..

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Isn't an easier solution to just have a key made to replace the missing key and not deal with replacing the whole lock? I've wondered about this for a while now since I hear so much about people replacing the locks over missing keys.

1976 Rally 200
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1976 Rally 200
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vintagewasp wrote:
Isn't an easier solution to just have a key made to replace the missing key and not deal with replacing the whole lock? I've wondered about this for a while now since I hear so much about people replacing the locks over missing keys.
Well, I did try to have a locksmith make a key, but he could not locate a suitable blank. However, searching around on the internets today, I found some blanks that would work.....


Still, I bought the steering lock and glovebox lock set for $35.00. I'm sure a locksmith would charge more to cut a key. Seriously, it took about 15 minutes to install a fresh new sterring and glovebox set.

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yeah that's not bad....never had to deal with it.
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'76 Rally
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'76 Rally
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thanks for the update CRB. Seems like a snap. I'm having trouble just removing the pin for the cover plate. Will try and hit it with a little heat this weekend.

1976 Rally 200
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1976 Rally 200
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Steering column lock replacement
the deacon wrote:
thanks for the update CRB. Seems like a snap. I'm having trouble just removing the pin for the cover plate. Will try and hit it with a little heat this weekend.
Yeah, that was a little tough, I hade to use vise grips, WD-40, and a little left-right wiggling of the wrist to get it out. Note: when you replace the cover, don't hit rivet too hard or it wont swivel properly. Also, put some tape on the vise grips so you don't boogger up the metal. I did some booggering and had to file to remove a few burs.
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