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2004 GT200
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2004 GT200
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Can anyone tell me how a GT sounds when it's starter goes out. Just how you can tell it's the starter.
At first I thought it was the bendix, after $140 replaced that, but the problem did not go away.
Now the thing won't even start, its sranded in some parking lot somewhere. They tell me a new starter is about $250, I want to know if its the starter or not, because if I change the starter after paying all this money and the problem still persists, I think I might just throw the dam scooter of a clif.
My GT's problem is, if you haven't read my last posting on it, that something spins but it never spins the crankshaft. People posted about the bendix and after reading about that part it kind of made sence it would be that but no, i just have a bendix that cost me $140 to clean and the GT spranded in some parking lot,
So yea, how does the GT sound when its starter has gone out?
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Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
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Ouch. Is your battery on the way out? Know anybody that can do a temporary swap to see ?

good luck
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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I've had very similar symptoms on a Leader engine - the splines on the outer variator half had sheared. Reasonably cheap to fix.
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2004 GT200
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2004 GT200
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I just replaced my outer half, so I don't see how it can be that. It was doing it with the old variator half and now with the new one so I'm pretty sure it can't be that. Are you variator maybe talking about the (i cant remember the name) the part that is outside of the outer variator, the thing with all the teeth, that the bendix catches on to turn the crankshaft? that is definitely one of the links on the whole chain of movement but, i inspected the part fairly well and nothing seamed to be wrong with it besides slight wear on the teeth. So but yea, what does it sound like when the starter is out and you try to start it?
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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The design is different to the one I had to deal with, but if that toothed gear is OK and formly fixed then it's not that.

What the sound might be, I can't say, sorry.

79 vespa p200 & 03 vespa et4
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79 vespa p200 & 03 vespa et4
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is it the starter
i had same problem , was battery. check battery voltage should be at least 12.25 volts.
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