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So I'm standing outside and look towards my scooter and see what looks like string hanging from the under the hub.

(see red arrow)

I look and it seems to be coming out of the opening under the hub.

So does this look like belt material to you.

And is this normal or am I getting close to blowing the belt.


sorry for the crappy photos

thanks in advance

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You have a few gentle miles left in that belt, change it ASAP! It's the Kevlar splitting away - and it could either get entangled in the transmission or allow the belt to twist and jam - neither is good.

Well spotted BTW, I now look for that every time I get on the bike when around the 'belt might need changing' time.
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They're supposed to match your shoes.
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yeah that's what I was afraid of,

I knew it was getting close and found a place in Durham that can do the work.

I've called them and they are checking on getting the parts and I'll make an appointment as soon as the parts come in.

Until then I think it will just sit.

So think it will make 55.8 miles
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jimc wrote:
Well spotted BTW, I now look for that every time I get on the bike when around the 'belt might need changing' time.
thanks, I'm going to add that to my list of things to look out for in the future.
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So think it will make 55.8 miles? - NO!
Call a Tow or have it picked up by the Dealer.

If it's still under Warranty, perhaps the Dealer can give you a break?

Three hours on the Interstate the first time.

Two and a half hours on a narrow Causeway the second time.

Do not risk it!

If you do and it breaks, you might damage the CVT.

First time it cost me an additional $400.00 due to damage.

Ask for a Flat Bed if you need to have it towed.

Best regards,

Mike Lynch
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jimc wrote:
Well spotted BTW, I now look for that every time I get on the bike when around the 'belt might need changing' time.
Speaking of Belts.....how often does it need to be changed?
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It depends on the model - the mileage given in the owner's manual under 'scheduled maintenance' is a good ball-park in most cases.
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First one I had changed was a little over 5,000 mile and at the time I was told it could have gone a few more miles.

This one has 6,075 miles on it, but I'm riding harder and longer then when I first got it.
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ritchj wrote:
They're supposed to match your shoes.
and your handbag Razz emoticon
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Dang it! Livid emoticon

I was on my way home the other day, almost to the off ramp for home, and weeeeeeeee!

The RRRRRR's went bananas! Again there is a bird's nest coming out of every orifice of the housing. Crying or Very sad emoticon

Less than 5000 miles on my second belt.

Everything is on order; I should be back up and riding soon.

Fortunately, no damage to the CVT.

I used the aftermarket belt, last time because it cost so much less.

This time I ordered the OEM.

Hopefully it will last a little longer.
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salty dodd wrote:
Dang it! Livid emoticon

I was on my way home the other day, almost to the off ramp for home, and weeeeeeeee!

The RRRRRR's went bananas! Again there is a bird's nest coming out of every orifice of the housing. Crying or Very sad emoticon

Less than 5000 miles on my second belt.

Everything is on order; I should be back up and riding soon.

Fortunately, no damage to the CVT.

I used the aftermarket belt, last time because it cost so much less.

This time I ordered the OEM.

Hopefully it will last a little longer.
Just curious, was this belt that went out in 5000 miles the one you put on backwards? Not being snide, I am genuinely curious after reading your tutorial and you saying that you were going to leave it on backwards.
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imwithhappy wrote:
salty dodd wrote:
Dang it! Livid emoticon

I was on my way home the other day, almost to the off ramp for home, and weeeeeeeee!

The RRRRRR's went bananas! Again there is a bird's nest coming out of every orifice of the housing. Crying or Very sad emoticon

Less than 5000 miles on my second belt.

Everything is on order; I should be back up and riding soon.

Fortunately, no damage to the CVT.

I used the aftermarket belt, last time because it cost so much less.

This time I ordered the OEM.

Hopefully it will last a little longer.
Just curious, was this belt that went out in 5000 miles the one you put on backwards? Not being snide, I am genuinely curious after reading your tutorial and you saying that you were going to leave it on backwards.
It is the one, and I only ran it for one day until starreem noticed it in my post.

I changed it around the following Saturday, and I do not doubt that some damage may have occurred running for that one day.

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to the OP: you ought to be able to replace the belt on your own pretty easily. it's not a tough job, provided you have an impact wrench (and this is a great excuse to buy one! they're cheap).
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