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Kinda stuck on pulling the wiring on the cables through my bike. I know this question was asked a few weeks ago for a Rally, would it be the same for a P series bike. Trying to figure out which hole the wiring comes out by the motor, and exactly how to run the cables through the chasis, and to the gear selector box.... Pictures would be helpful if anyone has 'em. The Haynes manual kinda has me stuck right now.

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do a lil searching, Eric just covered this in another post
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was it the post with the yellow Rally? I just saw that one and want to know if it's pretty much the same thing.

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I would start there, i think that aspect fo the two bikes is quit similar.
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Re: P200E wiring and cable routing...
79p200e wrote:
Kinda stuck on pulling the wiring on the cables through my bike. I know this question was asked a few weeks ago for a Rally, would it be the same for a P series bike. Trying to figure out which hole the wiring comes out by the motor, and exactly how to run the cables through the chasis, and to the gear selector box.... Pictures would be helpful if anyone has 'em. The Haynes manual kinda has me stuck right now.
There's three holes in the upper part, and one big one pointing backward towards the engine down at the very bottom of the frame ( where the wheel/engine area meets the floorboard.

Holes are as follows :

1) Big bottom one i just mentioned is for your Rear brake cable, gear selector cables and clutch cable

2) For the upper three, there's a sorta large oblongish one. That one is for your fuel hose

3) upper small one, for your oil hose from the oil tank

4) upper large one, roundish ... choke cable, throttle cable, and wiring harness

Note that every one of these holes has a big black rubber grommet that goes between the hoses / cables and the metal of the frame. Make sure you purchase these. They are meant to keep the cables and such from wearing on the metal of the frame, stop vibration noises, keep out dirt and such from the frame area ( which is where the "Fresh" air is pulled for the carb - that air is meant to be supplied from the 3" hole under where you sit..where the air is supposedly free of dirt ).
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awesome thanks eric that helps a lot... as far as the headset goes do the cables come out of the respective sides (throttle, brake right hole, Clutch, gear selector cables, on left hole) or do they come out of the middle hole in the headset. I have my wiring coming out of the middle hole so far and that's it. This is what happens when you sit on your ass too long and forget how to put your bike back together.
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quick correction my front brake is coming through the fork!
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hmm...i typically bring my wiring harness and throttle up the right hand side ( where your right hand would be if you were sitting on the scooter ) .... the clutch and 2 gear selector cables come up the left hand, and the speedo and front brake come up through the fork tube.
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alright your going to have to forgive me as I'm getting ahead of myself when I'm typing... wiring is split on both sides... should I just pull it all to the right hand side? Have nothing coming up through the middle then?
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Here are some pictures of where I'm at on the bike as of right now... Still a little way to go.
How I pulled the wiring is this correct or pull it all to the right side?
How I pulled the wiring is this correct or pull it all to the right side?
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bike looks great.

I think your wiring is probably fine.
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Cool, thanks again Eric.
⬆️    About 6 months elapsed    ⬇️
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I did some searching and couldn't find a picture, so I'm going to post mine. Sorry for beating this to death but I want to make sure I've got it correct.

Blue: This hole is underneath the frame, level with the floor boards. I've got my Gear, Clutch, and Rear Brake routed out here.

Green - Fuel Line

Yellow - Wiring harness, choke, and throttle

Red - WTF is this?

Note, my P2 is premix so there is no oil line. Am I on the right track? What's the hole with the red arrow for?

Thanks - Jeremy
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the red is where your gear selector cables come out. There should be a little arm on your motor to help keep the cables from touching your motor, so you run those cables through there to the arm to the gear selector box.

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They must have done it that way so the selector cables don't fry against the exhaust.
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yeah..i've never seen that side hole before. Weird.

Everything else looks just like how i would do it.
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ah..i lied..i have seen that before. Def. recognize that grommet.
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Jeremy W wrote:
I did some searching and couldn't find a picture, so I'm going to post mine. Sorry for beating this to death but I want to make sure I've got it correct.

Blue: This hole is underneath the frame, level with the floor boards. I've got my Gear, Clutch, and Rear Brake routed out here.

Green - Fuel Line

Yellow - Wiring harness, choke, and throttle

Red - WTF is this?

Note, my P2 is premix so there is no oil line. Am I on the right track? What's the hole with the red arrow for?

Thanks - Jeremy
Jeremy, Right mate you are almost there

Yellow= Electrics,choke, throttle cable
Green= Fuel
Blue= Rear brake & Clutch
Red= Gear cables

I know it's covered, just so we are apples and apples mate.

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Old thread,,, new question!!!
Just painted my '67 P150 and routing the cables, but I got no hole where everyone else does for the Gear Cables!! Pic here,, should I cut one? the old cables were quite toasted.
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