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I haven't clocked it with my GPS but was curiuos if anyone else has had this happen.

I changed to the J. Costa Variator and now going down hill the speedometer which before would redline at 85 MPH now goes to the 90 MPH mark and beyond.

Beyond meaning half way between the 90 MPH mark and the code light on the dash.

Curious let me know.
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I hit the 90 mark once. ONCE. It was on the interstate with a tailwind and I didn't even realize I was going that fast, until The front end started to shimmy. I looked down and saw how fast I was going and immediately backed off on the throttle. Whew emoticon

It scared the crap out of me and I haven't been near 90 since.
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Love to try to match you, but my speedo only goes to 80.
Guess they changed it in '06.
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cipote wrote:
Guess they changed it in '06.
My '05 shows 90.
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astromags wrote:
cipote wrote:
Guess they changed it in '06.
My '05 shows 90.
ok, I have a new guess. They changed it in 2005.
but my '04 definitely only goes to 80, both on the bike and in the manual
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(Runs down to the garage to check and comes back upstairs to the PC.)

I have an '05 and the speedo goes up to 90. However the fastest I've ever personally clocked (on level highway, no discernable head or tail wind) is 76 indicated.

Not sure what he'd do if I just gave him his head and let him run downhill with a tailwind. Razz emoticon
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I hit going 125 mph going down Bourbon Street in the French Quarter at 4 am one morning. I had to slow down because there was a garbage truck ahead of me picking up slop off of the sidewalk. Next time I ll try it on a non trash day. Clown emoticon
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You guys are F ing nuts!
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hr2lrn wrote:
I hit going 125 mph going down Bourbon Street in the French Quarter at 4 am one morning. I had to slow down because there was a garbage truck ahead of me picking up slop off of the sidewalk. Next time I ll try it on a non trash day. Clown emoticon
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My wife's GT 200 has hit around 83 on a fairly flat highway. I was pacing her on my 250. i peaked at around 83 also.
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my speedo is in kilometres per hour but i've had it right to the top - 140 km/h (87 mph) - which probably means i was going 78-80 mph in actual terms. to be honest i'm not mad about the ride at that speed, the scooter shakes like a mofo and i get a bit anxious. my preferred cruising speed is about 120 km/h indicated.
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I hit the 145km/H mark once, too...... 90MPH up!!

My GTS200 used .....

Polini variator + Polini clutch + Malossi CDI + PM68 pipe + NGK plug + NGK power cable + K&S Torsion device .
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I've pegged my speedometer on numerous occasions, which goes to 90.

On a GPS that's different. In the low 80s, like 81-82 mph.

One day on Cannonball I hit 86.4 mph. Rolf said I was full of it. He didn't believe me even after seeing the GPS. Heheheh
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I am less curious on who else has topped out what I want to know is if anybody else has had their GT200 well beyond the 90 MPH mark.
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Damien wrote:
I am less curious on who else has topped out what I want to know is if anybody else has had their GT200 well beyond the 90 MPH mark.
Answer: No. The GT will NOT do 90mph by a valid GPS reading. The rev limiter will kick in to keep the rpms from going too high and the gearing won't allow it as well. You can get to a legitimate 84-86ish, but "well beyond the 90mph mark" is not going to happen. You can get it to hit 90mph indicated if you have stock tires because your speedo is extremely inaccurate, but the conditions would have to be perfect. Like 35+mph tailwind with a nice steep decline.

Here are some numbers I calculated. https://modernvespa.com/forum/topic16582?highlight=
But this was with the 130 front and 140 rear tire. If you have the stock size of 120 front tire your speedo is inaccurate.

I can regularly hit 90-93 indicated now with the 130/140 combo but I have to have a ripping tailwind and a nice long decline to do it. My 90-93 indicated would be about 86-87ish.

But I probably wasted my breath here because you asked about people topping out their speedos and people gave feedback. Since no one answered your specific question about the JCosta, no one has probably had it happen. and...your variator would have nothing to do with going DOWNHILL at 90.
Damien wrote:
I am less curious on who else has topped out what I want to know is if anybody else has had their GT200 well beyond the 90 MPH mark.
Damien wrote:
I haven't clocked it with my GPS but was curiuos if anyone else has had this happen.

I changed to the J. Costa Variator and now going down hill the speedometer which before would redline at 85 MPH now goes to the 90 MPH mark and beyond.

Beyond meaning half way between the 90 MPH mark and the code light on the dash.

Curious let me know.
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I don't even want to imagine doing 90 on my GTS 250, I'm comfortable up to about 65 and no more.

A guy does have to laugh thinking about showing up in front of a traffic judge and trying to explain doing 90 on a scooter.
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imwithhappy wrote:
But I probably wasted my breath here because you asked about people topping out their speedos and people gave feedback. Since no one answered your specific question about the JCosta, no one has probably had it happen. and...your variator would have nothing to do with going DOWNHILL at 90.
I think it can.

From some of the reports of higher top speeds with the J Costa -- combined with the reports of tranny case damage right below the variator caused by the belt on scoots so equipped -- one can only surmise that the J Costa allows the belt to ride higher on the driving pulley, effectively creating taller gearing. With taller gearing, you can get higher top speeds downhill before hitting the rev limiter.
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You will absolutely not hit over 90 (or even 90) with a GT, even with a JCosta. I had a GT with a flowed head and a JCosta that is arguably the fastest GT anyoe has ever clocked legitimately, and I never ever exceeded that 86.4 mph by gps on my GT. Ever.

And like I said, I'm a small guy. Very few instances where you'll get as little weight on a GT as with me on it (at the time I was 135 if not 132).

Not happening dude. Sorry. While in principle you're right, peak power is way lower than max rpm (where the limiter hits) and by that point the bike is beyond it's abilities to efficiently push beyond drag with it's output.
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Another thing to note is that having the belt sits higher is not a good thing. For instance, the Polini and JCosta have both been shown to ride th belt higher, and both have shown the belt cutting in to the oil pan.

Which is basically an epic failure.

Again, it's not really happening the way you think it will.
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You speed freaks should check the speed rating of your tyres (U.S. tires) before you venture over 70.
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Just to clarify... I wasn't implying that a GT will hit an ACTUAL, verified 90mph. I was just responding to the comment that the choice of variator would not affect the top speed on a downhill stretch. It will... perhaps at the peril of the machinery, obviously.
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Silver Streak wrote:
Just to clarify... I wasn't implying that a GT will hit an ACTUAL, verified 90mph. I was just responding to the comment that the choice of variator would not affect the top speed on a downhill stretch. It will... perhaps at the peril of the machinery, obviously.
Now I remember the reports from "The OZ" about the belt riding higher on the JCosta at speed and the resulting damage, Jess had it happen as well I think... I wouldn't necessarily qualify that as the variator increasing top speed. A faulty modification is not a good thing. NO ONE has come up with a way to get a GT above 85 regularly. It just isn't going to happen.
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I got pulled over here in cali on the 99 doing 95mph on my stock gt200 but I only wiegh 155 so I guess that could be a big factor in achieving the speed. The cop let me go because he couldnt believe my scooter could go that fast. Just a side note over 85 is very unstable feeling to me 80 is comfertable.
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Danger Powers wrote:
I got pulled over here in cali on the 99 doing 95mph on my stock gt200 but I only wiegh 155 so I guess that could be a big factor in achieving the speed. The cop let me go because he couldnt believe my scooter could go that fast. Just a side note over 85 is very unstable feeling to me 80 is comfertable.
calling bullshit. He clocked another vehicle while pointing his radar at you - radar readings can be inaccurate on motorcycles and scooters due to size, and they pick up near by vehicles instead.

No one has ever verifiably demonstrated a stock Vespa that can clear 91, at least the 250s and below. Not sure about a 300, no ones mentioned.

Guarantee this story is flawed, potentially in a way the poster doesn't realize.
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TheO.Z. wrote:
Danger Powers wrote:
I got pulled over here in cali on the 99 doing 95mph on my stock gt200 but I only wiegh 155 so I guess that could be a big factor in achieving the speed. The cop let me go because he couldnt believe my scooter could go that fast. Just a side note over 85 is very unstable feeling to me 80 is comfertable.
calling bullshit. He clocked another vehicle while pointing his radar at you - radar readings can be inaccurate on motorcycles and scooters due to size, and they pick up near by vehicles instead.

No one has ever verifiably demonstrated a stock Vespa that can clear 91, at least the 250s and below. Not sure about a 300, no ones mentioned.

Guarantee this story is flawed, potentially in a way the poster doesn't realize.
Although we haven't yet got the authorities to admit it fomally, it's been often shown here that 'radar' detectors can seriously over-estimate PTW speeds. This is believed to be because at least some of the top half of the wheels is visible to the 'gun' - and of course those are moving faster than the bike itself. The top of a rolling wheel is going twice the actual speed of the wheel while the bottom is at a standstill.

This can hardly ever happen to a car as the wheels are much more enclosed.

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I hit 80-85 many days on the freeway going to work before the speed governor kicks in. If someone said they'd hit 90, I'd ask for proof.
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TheO.Z. wrote:
Danger Powers wrote:
I got pulled over here in cali on the 99 doing 95mph on my stock gt200 but I only wiegh 155 so I guess that could be a big factor in achieving the speed. The cop let me go because he couldnt believe my scooter could go that fast. Just a side note over 85 is very unstable feeling to me 80 is comfertable.
calling bullshit. He clocked another vehicle while pointing his radar at you - radar readings can be inaccurate on motorcycles and scooters due to size, and they pick up near by vehicles instead.

No one has ever verifiably demonstrated a stock Vespa that can clear 91, at least the 250s and below. Not sure about a 300, no ones mentioned.

Guarantee this story is flawed, potentially in a way the poster doesn't realize.
Dude... 91.3. You were there, maybe within 500 yards of me.
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Was your GTS stock like I was talking about?
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TheO.Z. wrote:
Was your GTS stock like I was talking about?
Fine. Be like that.

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jess wrote:
TheO.Z. wrote:
Was your GTS stock like I was talking about?
Fine. Be like that.

heheh I know, I know, I ruin everyone's fun.

Nothing wrong with you having being built a fast bike that was even faster with a really big downhill...

I remember watching you rocket right past me. Razz emoticon Then I remember shooting past you
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TheO.Z. wrote:
Was your GTS stock like I was talking about?
Keep him honest O.Z.

88mph max with GPS, PM62 pipe, 130/140 tire combo, full tuck, small vespa windscreen, 35mph wind on about a 3% decline over about a mile. I ain't sayin' 91.3 isn't possible(i'm sure it is), but if it's stock it ain't happening unless you drop that mofo out the back of an airplane.

Guys with 120 front tires shouldn't be allowed to talk about top speeds.
But gals are...

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Is there some speed governer taker offer thread that I don't know about?
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This is a photo showing where my speedometer needle is pointing when I am at top speed.

I will get my GPS going so I can see what the actual speed is in the next day or two.

Until then we'll never know.
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unless you have a 130 front tire prepare to be disappointed.
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imwithhappy wrote:
unless you have a 130 front tire prepare to be disappointed.
Why, exactly?

The rear is the drive wheel, which is where the "up-gear" comes from.

Funny cars - huge rears, small fronts. No one alters them to make them huge on both sides
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jimc wrote:
TheO.Z. wrote:
Danger Powers wrote:
I got pulled over here in cali on the 99 doing 95mph on my stock gt200 but I only wiegh 155 so I guess that could be a big factor in achieving the speed. The cop let me go because he couldnt believe my scooter could go that fast. Just a side note over 85 is very unstable feeling to me 80 is comfertable.
calling bullshit. He clocked another vehicle while pointing his radar at you - radar readings can be inaccurate on motorcycles and scooters due to size, and they pick up near by vehicles instead.

No one has ever verifiably demonstrated a stock Vespa that can clear 91, at least the 250s and below. Not sure about a 300, no ones mentioned.

Guarantee this story is flawed, potentially in a way the poster doesn't realize.
Although we haven't yet got the authorities to admit it fomally, it's been often shown here that 'radar' detectors can seriously over-estimate PTW speeds. This is believed to be because at least some of the top half of the wheels is visible to the 'gun' - and of course those are moving faster than the bike itself. The top of a rolling wheel is going twice the actual speed of the wheel while the bottom is at a standstill.

This can hardly ever happen to a car as the wheels are much more enclosed.
Whether the wheels are visible or not.... it will have no efect on the radar gun reading. Radar gun measure distance at multiple points in time...whether something is spinning fast still doesn't change its distance. To learn more about radar guns and detectors visit the following link or your local library: http://auto.howstuffworks.com/radar-detector1.htm
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TheO.Z. wrote:
Danger Powers wrote:
I got pulled over here in cali on the 99 doing 95mph on my stock gt200 but I only wiegh 155 so I guess that could be a big factor in achieving the speed. The cop let me go because he couldnt believe my scooter could go that fast. Just a side note over 85 is very unstable feeling to me 80 is comfertable.
calling bullshit. He clocked another vehicle while pointing his radar at you - radar readings can be inaccurate on motorcycles and scooters due to size, and they pick up near by vehicles instead.

No one has ever verifiably demonstrated a stock Vespa that can clear 91, at least the 250s and below. Not sure about a 300, no ones mentioned.

Guarantee this story is flawed, potentially in a way the poster doesn't realize.
wait a minute your conclusion is flawed. Multiple vehicles travelling over 95mph and the cop pulls the scooter over? c'mon. Radar is accurate enough to register motorcycles ...if we can measure the speed of baseballs ...you can track a motorcycle
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Special Ed wrote:
Whether the wheels are visible or not.... it will have no efect on the radar gun reading. Radar gun measure distance at multiple points in time...whether something is spinning fast still doesn't change its distance. To learn more about radar guns and detectors visit the following link or your local library: http://auto.howstuffworks.com/radar-detector1.htm
True for Lidar, but the Radar detectors measure the doppler shift.
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TheO.Z. wrote:
imwithhappy wrote:
unless you have a 130 front tire prepare to be disappointed.
Why, exactly?

I think he was referring to the speedometer accuracy.

I read here somewhere that running a 130 on the front is supposed increases the accuracy of the speedometer a bit.
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