Damien wrote:
I am less curious on who else has topped out what I want to know is if anybody else has had their GT200 well beyond the 90 MPH mark.
Answer: No. The GT will NOT do 90mph by a valid GPS reading. The rev limiter will kick in to keep the rpms from going too high and the gearing won't allow it as well. You can get to a legitimate 84-86ish, but "well beyond the 90mph mark" is not going to happen. You can get it to hit 90mph indicated if you have stock tires because your speedo is extremely inaccurate, but the conditions would have to be perfect. Like 35+mph tailwind with a nice steep decline.
Here are some numbers I calculated.
But this was with the 130 front and 140 rear tire. If you have the stock size of 120 front tire your speedo is inaccurate.
I can regularly hit 90-93 indicated now with the 130/140 combo but I have to have a ripping tailwind and a nice long decline to do it. My 90-93 indicated would be about 86-87ish.
But I probably wasted my breath here because you asked about people topping out their speedos and people gave feedback. Since no one answered your specific question about the JCosta, no one has probably had it happen. and...your variator would have nothing to do with going DOWNHILL at 90.
Damien wrote:
I am less curious on who else has topped out what I want to know is if anybody else has had their GT200 well beyond the 90 MPH mark.
Damien wrote:
I haven't clocked it with my GPS but was curiuos if anyone else has had this happen.
I changed to the J. Costa Variator and now going down hill the speedometer which before would redline at 85 MPH now goes to the 90 MPH mark and beyond.
Beyond meaning half way between the 90 MPH mark and the code light on the dash.
Curious let me know.