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Stella, Buddy, Vespa
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Stella, Buddy, Vespa
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How many Mod or Scooter Culture films can you name besides Quadrophenia?

Well, what ever the number you came up with Add one more.


I love Sadie's Daydream for the obvious reasons, but really enjoy the use of The Troggs.

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Molto Verboso
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This just played in SF after rage, but I missed it.
What are your thoughts?
Any good?
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Stella, Buddy, Vespa
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Stella, Buddy, Vespa
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Based solely on the previews only i think it looks rather good. We are currently trying to get the film here in Chicago.

I mean really, hot girls, awesome vintage music, clothes, and scooters, i don't see how I can not find something to enjoy in the film. I can't wait to see it.

Being in SF if you get another chance to see it before we do in Chicago please let us know your thoughts. Nerd emoticon
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