My feeling is you can learn how tight is good enough by
a) Stripping some threads and breaking off a few bolt heads, or
b) Torquing them to the factory recommended values until you have the ‘feel’.
Having done the former, I would recommend the latter.
cfargo wrote:
Looks like a good tool for removing these 2 (although I have yet to get one of the newer filters with a nut on it) but beware that both of these have very low torque specs. Just 4-6Nm for the Oil filter and 24-30Nm for the drain plug. I worked on a scooter this past weekend whose drain plug was on with 75Nm+ torque, a good way to cause damage. Depending on your grip, 4-6Nm isn't much more then hand tight.
windbreaker wrote:
daysailer1 wrote:
I was told that I would not be able to perform this operation without a 24mm combo wrench. It fits the drain plug perfectly. Thank you Pete at Sportique!
Yes, that helps. I had to do my first one with an adjustable wrench--not a nice tool for that.
Now that I have a torque wrench, I checked how tight I had it on: 60 lbs ft!
The recommended torque is 20! Oh well, the thread is still on.

Giuliano wrote:
Having once bought a bike with a poorly repaired cracked sump second-hand I have always used a torque wrench on the drain plug.
Tightening and/or Torquing Bolts. Best Practices?