corsader wrote:
14perry wrote:
There are electronic flashers on the internet that flash at a constant rate and are not load dependent. Load resistors can get hot and you may need to play with the value to get the right flash rate.

Look at the LED products at this site
I took a brief look at the MP3's wiring diagram awhile back and it looked like the flashing device was integrated in with something else. Might have been the 4 way Hazard system. I didn't want to access or modify it. Otherwise, an automotive type electronic flasher unit would probably work.
The flash rate with these LEDs is about double that of the incandescent bulbs which isn't really too fast.
I concur with corsader on the flash rate not being too fast. I acquired LED 1156 replacement lamps from, which for all practical purposes are the same that corsader picked up (and displayed above in this thread). I like the faster flash rate that results from an unmodified installation (no resistor in series) because the LEDs are on and off so quickly, as opposed to the latency experienced with the incandescent lamps, and are more likely to 'catch the eye' of those not conscious of having the bike in their immediate attention zone, imho.

While I also feel the incandescent is a better light source for the fixture, especially for side viewing, I prefer to have LEDs for longevity because I want to use them as running lights as well (with magicblinkers). With that in mind I am embedding LED fixtures in the bike fascia (amber fwd and red aft) to function as turn signals as well for added visibility from the side. This is all a work in progress but materials are almost all in hand, so I will post more as I git 'er done.