scriber wrote:
Question for you, what are your thoughts on the tall Vespa windshield? I know you rode through some killer heat. Did you want to rip it off when it got hot? How about when it rained?
Thanks for sharing your experience with us, it was inspiring.
Tall/Mid windshield was critical to the trip. First off, it blocks a ton of wind which helps minimize fatigue, which is a huge factor on 8+ hour riding days. Second, on the east coast we experienced a ton of rain - the windshields really helped keep us dry. I cannot imagine how wet I would of been had it not been for the windshield (you do get a little wet - the arms especially, but torso and upper body were relatively dry @ 40 mph even in torrential downpour). Third, in EXTREME heat, the windshield also helps out - while riding to Vegas in 122 degree heat I initially put up my visor and rolled up my pant legs up to my knee. When it is that hot, the wind literally feels like its coming from a hair dryer - it felt like it was searing my skin on my legs, and given the high temperature and dryness of the air, it quickly dried out my contacts to the point that I could barely open my eyes. In such temps, having anything to block the wind (windshield, visor, etc) is helpful.
I found the windshield pretty useful in all situations, but you do have to keep in mind a couple things to most effectively use it. First, consider cutting the windshield down. My windshield came up to eye-level, which allowed me to see over it, which was helpful when it was pouring rain (rain on the wind shield is sometimes difficulty to see through - especially at night). This is a good height IMHO, because it still deflects alot of wind while still allowing you to see unimcumbered. Second, get the right jacket/pants. Windshield does protect you from the wind, which is helpful when its cold, but when its hot, it cuts out some wind which might make you hotter than usual. My jacket was CRITICAL to being comfortable in hot conditoins - with minimal wind and up to 120+ degree temps, I stayed relatively cool. The jacket/pants and windshield combo is really important, especially if you are traveling through areas with different climates/weather.