The lesson I learned is, if at first you don't succeed, give up and pay a professional to do it! I'm happy to try any project but in the case of this seat, it was doomed as soon as I bought that mini flame thrower
I found the pictures I took last summer on that fateful evening...
Peeling back the cover and foam, the problem my wifey had riding the scooter with her short and cuteness is she was lifted clean off the floor by this hump, this hump this hump this hump! Check it out:
Managed to hack all this plastic off and still have 8 fingers and 2 thumbs
Melting time! I lit the torch, put the flame to the tip of the unlit Lucky Strike between my stupid lips (one of those Darwin moments) and...
After the panic of one had died down, I'd extinguished the flames, lit it again, extinguished it again, stripped the nozzle down, inspected, put back together really tight to no effect, melted a big arse-cheek sized dent in the seat foam...I fucking gave up and started hacking
I actually re-trim priceless classic Rolls-Royces for a living, honest
The waste from the lipofucktion:
The empty saggy end of the chair
Note the lumps and bumps, only the finest ducktape can acheive this sought-after effect
It looked ok from a moderate distance...
...but I knew it looked like shit on toast!
Now it's nearly March the next year, I'm nearly 32 (last birthday I bought a scooter) and the temperature is creeping towards double figures, and I reckon I can get a couple of weeks in before wifeycakes robs me of the Vespa for the rest of the year
so it was time to sort that effing chair out!
Found a local trimmer who had a good reputation, and took the seat along. The workshop smelled of glue and leather and was full of vintage furniture in varying stages of repair, an 80's 911 and a '58 Corvette 8)
After a brief chat and my parting words being "no hurry" I got a phonecall 4 days later saying my seat was done! A mere EUR71 later, I'd got exactly what was requested!
Which was a standard S50 seat, only a good chunk lower and not looking like some bodging pothead ruined it:
Nip, tuck and tauten
No cellulite!
I have nothing else to say, which if you've read this far may come as an anticlimax. I'd just like to say I'm very happy with the seat and if just one of you laughed, it was worth doing.