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Of course it's bloody funny! Could have been worse Bill, could have been me...
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jimc wrote:
Of course it's bloody funny! Could have been worse Bill, could have been me...

And yeah, it's really fucking hysterical!
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LOL! Something similar happened to me many years ago. I was riding my BMW through a rural area and noticed some white boxes in the fields. "What are those white boxes?" I wondered, and then experienced a pain very similar to what you describe, accompanied by my jumping up and down on the footpegs at 60mph. This no doubt caused some mirth in onlooking motorists.

Oh, and the white boxes? Beehives.

Little buggers.
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Reminds me of that story about two linesmen working together in outback Australia. 10 hours drive from the nearest town

Bruce the linesmen gets bitten on the head of his penis by a deadly spider. He freaks out and asks his mate Tommo to help him. Tommo a calm laconic kind of a guy tells Bruce, "Don't worry, I get up the telegraph pole with my linemen's phone and contact the doctor in Darwin.

Tommo shimmys up the pole and hooks up his phone to the lines and gets in touch with the doctor at Darwin's base hospital. He explains the crisis and the doctor, proceeds to tell Tommo how to help his best mate Bruce.

He explains to Tommo high up on the telegraph pole, "Get Bruce to lie down and calm him down. Then expose the area where the bite is located. Then apply your lips to the punctured area and suck out the poison and spit the poison out into the dirt. Do this 4-5 times and, you mate Bruce will be live".

Tommo slowly comes down the pole, and Bruce frantically asks, "what did the doc say mate?".

Bruce replies, " The doc says, you're going to die mate".....
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That reminds me of when I rode through a swarm of bees on a CX500 which I used to Courier on.
I saw this odd shaped dark cloud coming closer to me while travelling at about 70 mph on the motorway and then they all splattered over my screen making an amusing sound.
I was wearing all the Rukka gear at the time so nothing got in but I did have to wipe off all of the mashed up bees off my jacket when I got home.

Mushy Bees ?

Bill X
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Damn Bill you are hardcore.

I hate to think funny thoughts but this reminded me of a joke I heard years ago that went something like.......

Two guys were camping and one of them got bit by a rattlesnake on the wanker. The other guy ran to the forest ranger and asked him what he should do. The forest ranger told him he needs to suck the venom out of his buddies snakebite or his friend could quite possibly die.

He ran back to camp and he budding was moaning and such and asked what did he find out and his buddy told him the forest ranger said you were going to die. ROFL emoticon

Feel better Bill,

EDIT Ah shit I now see a version of this already beat me but for the sentiment I am not going to delete it, hehe.
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SDG wrote:
Damn Bill you are hardcore.

I hate to think funny thoughts but this reminded me of a joke I heard years ago that went something like.......

Two guys were camping and one of them got bit by a rattlesnake on the wanker. The other guy ran to the forest ranger and asked him what he should do. The forest ranger told him he needs to suck the venom out of his buddies snakebite or his friend could quite possibly die.

He ran back to camp and he budding was moaning and such and asked what did he find out and his buddy told him the forest ranger said you were going to die. ROFL emoticon

Feel better Bill,

EDIT Ah shit I now see a version of this already beat me but for the sentiment I am not going to delete it, hehe.
Great minds, think alike
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Back for good
Nads all returned to normal now thank you all for asking.

Bill X
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Glad to hear it.
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shame we canot say the same about the wasp. Good news all the same
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Re: Back for good
williamvillage wrote:
Nads all returned to normal now thank you all for asking.

Bill X
Nothing like normal nads, Gratz!
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