Wayne B wrote:
FYI: Never apply polish or wax in a circle motion, this will leave swirl marks. You always apply polish and wax in straight back and forth motions. Your friend needs to get up to date training, this has been the rule for over 10 years now. I hang out in body shops a lot.
Wayne B
Wayne is half wrong/half right. You CAN use straight motion if you like, I just prefer circular. This IS NOT THE 'RULE'. If it were, then the modern and recent Power waxers and buffers that all spin would be pretty useless and not made. I use the Mother's Powerball and Micropowerball for the body and detail of my scoot, but I still prefer to hand polish the shiny bits and the exhaust. This is directly from the Mother's Detail guide(pg 30):
"When applying polishes, sealers, glazes or waxes use a clean, 100-percent cotton towel, microfiber
cloth, foam wax pad or suitable applicator. Moisten the applicator only when using paste products,
because liquids already have water in them. Don't goop on too much material-thin layers work
better. If you're using liquid waxes and polishes, pour them on the applicator instead of directly on the
paint; otherwise they may leave dark, super-waxed streaks. The exception to this rule is Mothers FX®
Spray Wax and Reflections® Spray Wax which can be applied directly to the paint surface.
Apply the material on only one section or body-panel at a time-don't try to do the whole vehicle at
Whether you use a straight or circular motion is not as important as the amount of pressure.Don't use too much-work with a soft hand, letting the applicator and wax or polish to do its job. Just
be sure to rotate the applicator frequently and work with new surfaces to reduce the chance of paint
If you'd like a copy of the guide for free, simply go to:
I think I'll take the word of Mother's. I love their stuff and they've been making great detail products for ages.