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This is the closest thing I've found to what I've been looking for while searching these past few months. It's a 150cc instead of 200cc, and also won't require very much work at the present (it's running according to the ad, but needs some other things like blinkers put to rights) but I think other than that it's what I'm looking for. It's also about $500 above my budget, and 5 hrs away, so I'm taking this one slow.

Of course, before I even emailed the guy, I wanted to bring it to y'all and make sure it's legit. I know this crew can pick apart a two wheeler faster than anybody on the net, so here goes. Let me know if you see anything that lets you know this isn't a '79 PX 150, or if it looks like a bodge. Here's the work he says he's done so far:

"I've replaced quite a few parts on this bike as well as completely rebuilding the engine and YES it has a brand new head kit on it. I even rebuilt the clutch. Everything mechanical on this biek has been rebuilt. It's premix and YES it's properly jetted. There are a few problems with the wiring, such as the blinkers not working but that's what hand signals are for."
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
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chad wrote:
Would you be saying "egads" in a good or bad way? I actually kinda dig the army style he's got going on, so I at least wouldn't be embarassed to RIDE it right now, but I wonder how hard it'll be to take off that ammo box.

EDIT: Or are you referring to my new avatar? I just found it. Pretty epic, no? 8)
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i'm saying it in a "holy shit i can't believe somebody actually made that" kind of way.

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It looks cool...I see a lot of military themed scoots out there like this in the UK or somewhere in Europe.

I'm curious what he did with the cowls..

Looks like a scoot that has been "tinkered" with a lot.

This being your first vintage scoot I would have tried to find one that hasn't been messed with too much but I know most of them would be by now.

However, if it runs good and all it needs is electrical to get the blinkers to work then why not? It would be fun to get your hands dirty and do what you want with it.

How much is he asking for it?
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chad wrote:
i'm saying it in a "holy shit i can't believe somebody actually made that" kind of way.
Figured, just making sure. It's in a college town though. I'm sure some punk rocker/hipster/art student or something thought it would be an awesome idea. I get what he's going for.
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First off the avatar f'n cracked me up.

The ammo boxes look cut and welded into the cowls....don't think they are coming off. Missing it's horn. Wonder why there is no clear rear shot. Missing spare tire.
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where are you located and what is your budget?
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VLBJS1 wrote:
It looks cool...I see a lot of military themed scoots out there like this in the UK or somewhere in Europe.

I'm curious what he did with the cowls..

Looks like a scoot that has been "tinkered" with a lot.

This being your first vintage scoot I would have tried to find one that hasn't been messed with too much but I know most of them would be by now.

However, if it runs good and all it needs is electrical to get the blinkers to work then why not? It would be fun to get your hands dirty and do what you want with it.

How much is he asking for it?
The main problem with that is there's NO selection around here. This is the only vintage P I've found around here for less than $3000. There's a guy asking $16000 for one in Savannah just because it was in Playboy. Not with Bunnies sitting on it, or on the cover...they just did an article and that was the one in the picture.

He's asking $1500. My price range has been $1000 up till now, on a sliding scale of picky-ness depending on how close it was to what I was looking for (non-running vintage largebody 200cc that just needed mechanical work to get running) and how close it was to me, but after looking for almost three months, I'm willing to wheel and deal with this guy to see what happens. He doesn't sound like he'll come down at all though. Sound like a fair price?

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i would do a complete race cut on that and leave the paint

a good bosch jig saw and fresh blades.

use the web for references.

you will tyre from the army theme fast
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BAH! Now the questions are coming hot and fast, right when I'm about to go to lunch!
nigelthefish wrote:
First off the avatar f'n cracked me up.

The ammo boxes look cut and welded into the cowls....don't think they are coming off. Missing it's horn. Wonder why there is no clear rear shot. Missing spare tire.
I wondered about the rear shot as well. I may ask for one. If I travel all the way up there, I want to have as clear of an idea as I can beforehand of what I'm getting into. I'll ask about the horn. He said he's been trying to work the electricals to get the blinkers working, maybe he took that off? I wouldn't mind if it were missing. I could put in a Strebel.
chad wrote:
where are you located and what is your budget?
I already covered the budget, but I'm willing to haggle with this guy, and go slightly above, just due to my exasperation. I'm in Waycross, GA, just north of Florida, basically in the middle of nowhere. He's in Athens, GA, about 5 hours north of here. There's a state highway that runs straight to Athens from here.

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I honestly think you need to keep saving up some $ and get something maybe a little bit more cleaner. Summer is just starting so you will see more and more scoots for sale out there. Just keep looking and never "settle" on just something.
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jimmyb865 wrote:
you will tyre from the army theme fast
I don't doubt it, but I have a hookup on body work, and I'm sure I'll be doing too much grinnin' to worry about that in the beginning, since this will be my first scoot. I'll just have to go find some original paint chips while I wait till my budget to reinflate itself.

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beware of rubber floor mates on the east coast.

could be covering much rust damage Nerd emoticon
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VLBJS1 wrote:
I honestly think you need to keep saving up some $ and get something maybe a little bit more cleaner. Summer is just starting so you will see more and more scoots for sale out there. Just keep looking and never "settle" on just something.
Have to agree with that. If you settle on something it will not be what you want and then you end up just spending more anyway on something you do want and have to sell the first scooter....not that I have any experence with that.

Oh and fwiw I do like that scoot and jimmy is right, needs a cut down fender.
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with a $1,000 budget, i'd think you'd have the most luck scouring the net and trying to find clubs within driving distance of you. then, i'd email them, tell them what you're looking for.

they'll always be somebody with some ratty p200 or whatever in that price range that will hook you up.

anything that makes it way to craigslist or wherever around $1,000 that is legit will go pretty fast.

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jimmyb865 wrote:
i would do a complete race cut on that and leave the paint

a good bosch jig saw and fresh blades.

use the web for references.

you will tyre from the army theme fast
Best advice I've heard all day..hahaha..Master Splinter has spoken!

Chop it up!...order some drop bars from ASC..then matt black the f*cker

Ha..now that I think about it..it's exactly what I'm looking for minus the 150cc's
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Matt black cutdowns ... why would anyone do that to a scooter. What that wants is a nut and bolt restore with only NOS parts


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t5,thats hilarious.

this is how i feel.

you have to be aggresive.

don't be ashamed to low ball before you drive.

anybody that would do that to a scoot deserves a 800 offer and no more than 1000. you make a deal with cash before you drive.

i mean it
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Honestly though I wouldnt touch it. The horncasting is missing and even if you could find one I bet you'd never match the paint
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chad wrote:
with a $1,000 budget, i'd think you'd have the most luck scouring the net and trying to find clubs within driving distance of you. then, i'd email them, tell them what you're looking for.

they'll always be somebody with some ratty p200 or whatever in that price range that will hook you up.

anything that makes it way to craigslist or wherever around $1,000 that is legit will go pretty fast.
Really the only clubs near me are in Atlanta, which is about 5 hours from here, and I've been told by a couple of folks (particularly the scootlanta.com forums) that asking them for something like that is like "asking starving people where to find free food so you can get there first". The southeast just doesn't appear to be prime scooter territory. I'm definitely working the net though, searching every craigslist ad from Orlando to Nashville, ebay motors, scoot.net, etc etc every single day. I've had a post on the classifieds here on MV for awhile now, but the only person who's really responded was selling a Bajaj for $1k up in Atlanta that I wasn't really interested in. I found one in better condition for $500 in St. Augustine but it was gone before I could get to it.
jimmyb865 wrote:
beware of rubber floor mates on the east coast.

could be covering much rust damage
Good call. If I go looking, I'll put those up straight away to make sure of what I'm getting.
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pass on the Athens Ga army scooter
it is junk. My son at UGA knows the history on it and says pass on it

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Re: pass on the Athens Ga army scooter
sockster wrote:
it is junk. My son at UGA knows the history on it and says pass on it
Do tell...
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T5bitsa69 wrote:
The horncasting is missing and even if you could find one I bet you'd never match the paint
I dunno about THAT. You can buy a horncasting easily from most online sources for a P-series, and since it ISN'T original paint you could probably find a very close-match matte military green or, in my opinion, dodge the problem entirely by making it a complementary color which at the same time makes it more "custom" to your personal liking!

It doesn't look too bad, though I'd rather pay 1500 for a stock original 150 than one which is not. But that is just me.
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xantufrog wrote:
I dunno about THAT. You can buy a horncasting easily from most online sources for a P-series, and since it ISN'T original paint you could probably find a very close-match matte military green or, in my opinion, dodge the problem entirely by making it a complementary color which at the same time makes it more "custom" to your personal liking!

In other words buy a new horn cast and matte black the mofo
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Re: pass on the Athens Ga army scooter
sockster wrote:
it is junk. My son at UGA knows the history on it and says pass on it
I'd listen to the word on the street.......
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Hey Dullivan,
where are you located?
St Mary's?
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nigelthefish wrote:
In other words buy a new horn cast and matte black the mofo
Damn straight!
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ana wrote:
Hey Dullivan,
where are you located?
St Mary's?
I'm in Waycross. If you're only semi-familiar, I'm about an hour west of Brunswick/St. Mary's. You wouldn't happen to have any info about any other bikes around here do you? I lived in Atlanta for awhile myself. What part do you live in?
xantufrog wrote:
nigelthefish wrote:
In other words buy a new horn cast and matte black the mofo
Damn straight!
In my hands, something like this would probably stay Army green for a couple months, then get rattle canned till I had the change to nuts and bolts restore. I love the matte black style, but can't see leaving a bike like that. I have too much respect for these old scoots (especially one that I could call mine) to NOT nuts and bolts restore one, both to bring it back to its original glory, and just to say I did.
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Re: pass on the Athens Ga army scooter
sockster wrote:
it is junk. My son at UGA knows the history on it and says pass on it
I'd seriously like to hear anything you know as well. I was just going to take it as gospel and not ask too many questions, but now my curiousity is getting the best of me. I'd love to hear the story. I don't doubt that you're right (word somehow always gets around in the Vespa community it seems ) but I wanna hear more! Laughing emoticon

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take their word and forget the bike

unless you want to waist your time with drama
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Wasn't looking for drama, just whether it was wrecked, mistreated, cut in half and welded back together, etc. Please don't think I'm a gossip hound.
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xantufrog wrote:
T5bitsa69 wrote:
The horncasting is missing and even if you could find one I bet you'd never match the paint
I dunno about THAT. You can buy a horncasting easily from most online sources for a P-series, and since it ISN'T original paint you could probably find a very close-match matte military green or, in my opinion, dodge the problem entirely by making it a complementary color which at the same time makes it more "custom" to your personal liking!

It doesn't look too bad, though I'd rather pay 1500 for a stock original 150 than one which is not. But that is just me.
I'm sorry I didnt expect it to be 747 I was trying to project sarcasm
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T5bitsa69 wrote:
I'm sorry I didnt expect it to be 747 I was trying to project sarcasm
Haha sorry, sarcasm noted! There were a lot of points coming up for why not to buy it and I thought that was another one. Funny stuff
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I like it and I'm cheap, so I would just go get it and learn about them whilst riding that bitch in the clean air. Then again, I ride a Bajaj Legend, so I'm obviously not looking for beauty. For $1500 you could do a lot worse. For $1200 (offer 1k), I'd go get it tomorrow.
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Dullivan wrote:
Really the only clubs near me are in Atlanta, which is about 5 hours from here, and I've been told by a couple of folks (particularly the scootlanta.com forums) that asking them for something like that is like "asking starving people where to find free food so you can get there first". The southeast just doesn't appear to be prime scooter territory. I'm definitely working the net though, searching every craigslist ad from Orlando to Nashville, ebay motors, scoot.net, etc etc every single day. I've had a post on the classifieds here on MV for awhile now, but the only person who's really responded was selling a Bajaj for $1k up in Atlanta that I wasn't really interested in. I found one in better condition for $500 in St. Augustine but it was gone before I could get to it.
Err, You came on the scootlanta forum asking for Barn find Vespa's for a few hundred dollars? And the really nice Bajaj frame was $500 in Atlanta.
⬆️    About 5 years elapsed    ⬇️
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Wow, can't believe I came across this after 5 years.

In lieu of the fact that the poster didn't relay the entire ad, I will address your concerns. Had I been asked these questions, I would have answered them.

A brief history: I got this bike in a swap with my hair stylist who couldn't handle it in exchange for my Piaggio Free that I built out of spare parts we had lying around in the shop. It was a seized 125 at the time of acquisition. IT WAS MATT BLACK JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER VINTAGE VESPA ON THE ROAD. Boring. Overdone.

This bike got stripped down and rebuilt.

There was no rust under the rubber mat. I scraped all the gook and cleaned all rust prone areas prior to painting. Yes I sanded it beforehand.

The back of the bike is more or less visible in the last photo in the series. Craig's List would only let me post 4 photos, I had to leave one out. The back of the bike was fine.

The bike didn't come with a spare when I got it so I had no qualms about dropping an ammo box in the side cowl and welding it into place. Bam. Extra storage.

New side cowls are easier to find than bikes.

I was the sales manager at the scooter shop it was parked in the rear of and we had so many horn casts we gave them away like candy. I would have let one go with the bike but why would you want one? It looked super tough without it.

Color matching wouldn't have been an issue, it was olive drab spray paint from the local army/navy store. I gave a can away with the bike as a "touch up kit." It was as professional a spray job as you can get with an aerosol can. We grew up doing this with cars.

It had a BBQ rack on the back. The bike was worth buying just to get your hands on one.

Stock exhaust. Brand new head, cylinder and piston. Less than 100 miles on the kit. Total on the bike was 3600(ish).

I put (at retailer cost) $500 bucks worth of new parts in this bike, too much to list.

Your son at UGA most certainly DID NOT know the history on that bike unless he worked at the shop with us (he didn't) or was in the Fist City Scooter Club (probably not, they're all blue collar grown ups).

Yeah, the wiring hadn't been fixed yet. I gave a brand new wiring harness to the purchaser. I offered it as part of the original advertised deal.

These bikes and their parts aren't rare or holy, it's not a big deal to customize the body with a rotary saw and a torch. Attend an AmeriVespa rally.

I was specific in the ad that no less than $1500 would purchase it. The previous month someone took one look at it and offered me $3500 and I told him that no one had enough money to buy that bike from me. Keep in mind gas was $4 a gallon then and scooters were worth their weight in gold in metro areas. 2 weeks later the bottom dropped out of my life and I needed money to move more than I needed the bike.

Perhaps you emailed me, didn't matter. A vet fresh home from the Iraq war took one glance at the ad and drove up from Atlanta with 15 crispy $100 bills in his hand. He didn't even want to test ride it, he just wanted help loading it into the back of his SUV. I had my stuff packed that night.

The simple fact is that if your first thought is "What will it take to make this what I want it to be?" then it's not what you want.

I've owned 19 vehicles. They don't mean anything, I change them like underwear. When I sold that one I cried. I wish I had it back.
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Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
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And there ya go.
Not a bodge, just style
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true story

but what happend to dullivan mommy
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You just need to get a few grenades, a RPG a machine gun and get a stencil with the "A" team and you will be set. Where did you find that scooter? ROFL emoticon

Are you sure that is what you want>?, I am not saying it looks bad, I mean, it is a different.

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