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Okay, so I'm in the car on the way home from work today. I'm on a residential street. On the other side of the street, on my left, a scooter catches my eye. It's a no-name Chinese 150, with two guys on it, mid 20's, no gear. They cut diagonally across the lawn in front of a house, roll over the curb in front of a parked car, into the street and straight into the path of a car. They and the driver see each other just in time to avoid what I was sure was going to be a collision.

They turn left, going in my direction, a few places back. We come up to a traffic light. I'm in the left lane, to turn toward the interstate. I'm a few places back from the light. They pass me on the right, in the straight-only lane, and stop for the light. The light turns, and they gun it and turn left. So they wind up a few places ahead of me, and (how did I know?) get on the onramp. I think "this'll be interesting."

We merge onto the highway. Traffic prevails at 60 - 65 mph through that stretch, busy and getting busier that time of day. Thinking this bike isn't going to keep up, I merge into the center lane first chance I get. I pass them in short order. They're WOT I can only assume, their engine sounding like a continuous Bronx cheer, doing no better than 50mph.

As they drop back into my blind spot, we all pass through a debris field of disintegrated truck retread. I manage to miss the big stuff without swerving. I don't know if our heros caught any of it; but I did see them in my rear-view, still in traffic, a few moments later.

So I continue driving. I check my mirror a few times, and see them dropping steadily behind. Lost sight of 'em for a moment. My last glimpse of them was when they were about ½ mile back, pulling over onto the right shoulder.

Yep; it was interesting.
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Says more about "guys in their mid-20's" to me than "scooterists."
@cincinnati_john avatar

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No argument here...
@tb avatar

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Initially I would have thought of it as "shake your head in disbelief"...but as I read on I realized that I would have actualy worried about those scooterist as well as those who might have put in harms way with their antics.

The "guys in their mid-20's" was a descriptive term...I'm quite sure it wasn't meant to generalize.

BTW "Bruno" is on the silver screen and if you caught the preview (stunt driver or otherwise; cutting out in front of an on coming cager). That scene is going to generate..."Hey ain't that one of those mopeds that Bruno rides in a reckless manner...are you all like that?" (edited comment). I know it's meant as comedy...wished he was riding something that would not be so distinctive as a Vespa.
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This is a funny and dumb story all in one. What those guys did was funny, but dumb at the same time. People don't understand that there are differences between 50, 150, 200 and 250 cc scoots. I would not dare put anything less that a 150CC scoot on a primary highway, and would not put a 300cc scoot 2 up on a primary highway. I'm not sure of the top speed of highway you were on, but if the cars were traveling around 60-65 it's more than likely a primary highway. Those guys need some educatin really bad!
@windbreaker avatar

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Cajun Critter wrote:
... and would not put a 300cc scoot 2 up on a primary highway.
Why not, what's wrong with that?

I had no problem 2-up with my GTS, keeping up with the cars and trucks, over 80 indicated on the level stretches.
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I was riding home from an Easy Peasy Scooter Posse ride on Sunday on State Rt 33 in SE Ohio. 60 mph speed limit on my BV 200

Much to my surprise I rode up to and passed a crotch rocket.

He must have been stuck in first gear !

I was waiting for him to speed up and pass me doing a wheelie.
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I was riding down the street yesterday, and the traffic on the main road on which I am riding stops at a light. Under the light is a crosswalk. To our left are two directions of trolley tracks bisecting us from the other direction of traffic.

Two DOUCHEBAGS on scooters driving from a side road ride DOWN the crosswalk, scaring the pedestrians, OVER the two sets of trolley tracks, and turn onto the other direction of traffic which is NOT stopped.

It was ludicrously dangerous, and pissed pretty much everyone off. One was on a Fly, the other on a Vino. I'd expect better out of such a crowd

They both looked to be ~35, by the way, so not teenagers
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Stupid crosses all age groups.
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JimmyTwoNutz wrote:
Stupid crosses all age groups.
So true!

I thought it was a regional thing, but it knows no borders!
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Gobshite Shiva
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you all should come and visit me in london and experience the local two-stroke scootering yoof

they obey precisely NO traffic rules and even break rules that haven't been invented yet. they ride so dangerously that i'm amazed there are any of them alive at all. their scooters are typically lacking vital parts like brakes, headlights, etc. and more often than not they wear their helmets balanced on top of their heads. they ride in t-shirts and trackie bottoms in a ridiculous exaggerated crouch posture with their elbows sticking out at right angles.

however they are so distinctive as a breed that they don't give regular scooter riders a bad name. be patient - their kind will eventually migrate across the atlantic and you can stop worrying
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Maybe these goofballs are the vangard...
@brett_k avatar

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genie wrote:
be patient - their kind will eventually migrate across the atlantic and you can stop worrying
You can keep 'em thanks very much, we're all stocked up here.
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Sounds like a scene from the Bruno movie.
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