That was not an easy subject line to compose, I hope it makes sense.
I just bought a new Buddy, it is an 09. Obviously I don't want to go
messing around with it and tearing it apart to see how it works. But
I would love to have a 2nd scooter to take a part and see how it works.
For example, i want to see where the transmission belt is located, take it off, put it back on, practice on the brakes, the fuel system, get to
know what makes scooters tick, in other words. Obviously the cheapest
scooters on the market are the Chinese products. Do Chinese products
basically use the same concepts as other scooters? Would it be akin
to comparing apples to apples. I suspect it would be. I suppose if I could find a wrecked late model scooter that would also be a good choice. I
just want to tear it down to its basics and then put it back together.
Doesn't that sound like fun? I am not mechanically gifted on the other hand, just mechanically interested.