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I am new to this forum, my first post.
I am from Slovenia EU, I just bought this Vespa PK 50.

And now a question for all of you.
Are horncasts-horn covers compatible between different frames:
-Original horncover for PK frame is
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-Horncover for T5 frame is
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-Horncover for Lambretta DL, GP
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-Horncover for V 50
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Since I have to buy a new horncover and due to fact that I don't like PK frame original horncover, I'd rather put on one of three listed above.
I think the main problem would be, if the front body arcs are different.
Does anybody know this?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards, Joze
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Don't have the answer sorry - I am inexperienced

But I will follow your project with interest, something like what you have is what I'd like to attempt for my first scooter-fixer-upper. I've done a few cars, and I'm itching to rip up and personalise an older Vespa
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how come you don't like the PK horncast? I love that thing.

If i were you, i would get the dimensions of the stock PK50 one.

See, only certain smallframes had removeable horncasts. ( PK's, 50 special, ....and i don't remember many others ) You want to see what the dimensions are so you can figure out if the PK takes the SMALLFRAME sized horncast ( like the 50 special, which is much thinner than a normal sized P-series ) or if it was built wide enough for a largeframe one...which i doubt.

I sold my PK125, regretably, about 3 years ago and i don't remember the dimensions ...but i thought it was small like the 50 special horncast. You could always try to get one of the 2 different style ones they had for that bike ... the one with the grill slits or the one that looked very much like an old P200, only smaller.
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Thanks for replies guys.
I'll think of something when the time is right.

So...back to the project.
First thing that i did was dismounting the engine.
It was pretty greasy.
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Then got my hands on welding machine and did this stand for easier cleaning and engine check/repair.
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Next thing was cleeeeaaaaninnnng. Mmmm, it looks much better now.
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Since there was a little time left, I started to take apart the engine.
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Cylinder and piston have a few "scratches", I'll repace them with new ones.

Until next time, Joze

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Re: My Vespa PK 50 rebuild
Nice stand.

Are the cotouts next to the LH indicator standard?? I can't imagine what they are for?

Keep it up

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the holes are for the horn as pk has no vent in horncast,You could try to get a horncast off a pk 125 my 125 automatica had one like a mini px vespa try SIP they might do them good luck with the pk i just finished one for my daughter built it from 5 that i had in garage lol if you are stuck for parts let me know good luck bill
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⬆️    About 1 month elapsed    ⬇️
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so...frame and a few other parts got sandblasted and painted.
Don't have photos yet.
Engine has new cylinder, piston, crankshaft bearings, oil seals.

I would like to replace rubber legshield trim for "chrome metal" look trim like two, http://scootersauce.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=3237 or http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/vespa-lml-T5-125-150-200-plastic-legshield-trim-silver_W0QQitemZ400068445778QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Motorcycle_Parts?hash=item5d25f00652&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14.

Does anybody have any expiriences with this trims?
I would reather put plastic trim, because it is easier to mount it.

Thanks, Joze
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Hi jozzze2000, try beedspeed.com they have lots of parts for the pk or sip scooter or www.scooter-center.de/ the plastic is easier to fit, cheers Bill
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Some photos....

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Front with custom horncover:
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Rear with customized SS180 tail light:
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Customized SS180 tail light with rubber seal (not being in it's place):
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A few other painted parts:
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Sick! what's going on with your horncover Wha? emoticon
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Horncover is customized to retro look.
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Hi jozzze, wow that looks great I love the colour , did you spray it yourself? nice job a real credit to you keep up the good work, if you pm me your address i will send you a top tray for the toolbox for free as i do not need it anymore and you can have it.I also have some pk badges in my garage i will send them too ,looking forward to seeing your PK finished Cheers Bill
toolbox tray
toolbox tray
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PS are there any other bits you need as I have some sitting in my garage,cheers Bill
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hi joz

I'll put a picture of the solution that I have adopted with regard to the carpet mat ..... The wasp is a pk that I restored last year for a girl.
instead of the rubber mat I put the adhesive strips that you use the stairs as slip, shaped and cut

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that's a clever idea, and looks nice. Well done.

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It's painted already, but if you are careful and use a lot of PVA, you can still make a mold from the horncrest, so you can make them and sell them : )
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If I knew before, that I would have problem finding floor mats, I would have prepared floor for V50 floor rails.
My floor isn't as flat as I want it to be to use floor rails.

I will have to improvise some how...
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Update from last night...

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My moto is: Every bid cleaned/polished or replaced.

Until next time, Joze
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Excellent! Can't wait to see this all up together 8)
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WOW !!!
Hi Joze, wow that looks amazing!! Love your moto. I will be clearing out my garage next weekend so if I come across any PK bits I will PM you . I still have the tool tray for you, it means I can send them all together.Keep up the good work friend. Cheers Bill ps what are you going to do with the engine? paint/tune etc?
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I cleaned the engine, changed piston and cylinder DR 75cc Formula 6 ports. Changed all sealings, bearings, polished kickstarter and painted flywheel. It has new chromed flywheel cover and head cover, some racing spark cable and that is it. I am planning to polish lower part of engine to full shine if I'll have some time during winter time.

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Bill, thanks for the look-up for PK bits.
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who would have tought that old vespa horn cover would look nice on a PK
great Idea man! very sick
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Interested think is that no one noticed v50 fender
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haha since u mention it now i see it clearly Razz emoticon u my friend have a very unique taste and i like ur motto so much keep up the good work and i cant wait to the full result

ebeth Razz emoticon
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Thanks for the updated pictures, it really looks like it is coming together nicely. Good luck with the rest and keep us updated...
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jozzze2000 wrote:
Interested think is that no one noticed v50 fender
I did, I did!! just couldnt rem what it was off lol honest lol

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horn cover
Heya how are you, I have just been searching around trying to find a similar horn cover to the one you have put on your 50, could you tell me your secret? bike looks amazing. I am doing a similar one up myself but it is the 125 model. Boyd
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@cgallenger: check your PM.
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Damn you've done a nice job! Really impressed!

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Thanks guys for all the compliments.

Back to the project...
...engine installed, cables mounted. Joze

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Hi jozzze,

I was just wondering if you had your frame and parts wet-sprayed (e.g. with a compressor and spray gun) or if it was powder-coated?

The reason I ask is that in my area I can only find a decent company which does powder coating and I don't know anyone who can wet-spray. Problem with powder coating, is that it won't work with plastic. I'm looking at buying a PK and it is needing some restoration work so I'm wondering if you can help me a bit more:

Could you tell me whether these parts are made from metal or plastic?
- rear bumper
- glovebox parts
- headset and handlebar parts

any other parts which are plastic?

Many thanks,
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Paint looks really nice. But I'd have stuck with the entire PK trimmings. The PK is a sharp scooter!

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I like what you have done. Sometimes it takes some big balls to do something different and make it look good tops it off. Nice work mate.
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Junglizt1210 wrote:
Hi jozzze,

I was just wondering if you had your frame and parts wet-sprayed (e.g. with a compressor and spray gun) or if it was powder-coated?

The reason I ask is that in my area I can only find a decent company which does powder coating and I don't know anyone who can wet-spray. Problem with powder coating, is that it won't work with plastic. I'm looking at buying a PK and it is needing some restoration work so I'm wondering if you can help me a bit more:

Could you tell me whether these parts are made from metal or plastic?
- rear bumper
- glovebox parts
- headset and handlebar parts

any other parts which are plastic?

Many thanks,
My frame and all coloured parts were wet-sprayed. Powder coating is more suitable for brake hubs, fork, rims. I don't think that powder coated frame would look good.
I have marked all plastic parts with red dot. Horncover is plastic too.

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If you have any further questions don't hesitate to ask.
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Hi jozzze,

Thank you so much. I have visited someone in my town selling a Vespa PK on eBay and obviously I need to think about how I am going to restore it, since it is not in great condition. Did you spray your parts yourself? it looks good!

Looks like I need to find someone who can wet-spray near me then Laughing emoticon


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hi ill will be following your rebuild as ive just bought my son a pk 50 special for his 16th birthday but we are doing it up any tip and help would be appreciated [/img]

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pk 50 spcial
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hi ill will be following your rebuild as ive just bought my son a pk 50 special for his 16th birthday but we are doing it up any tip and help would be appreciated
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Junglizt1210 wrote:
Hi jozzze,

Thank you so much. I have visited someone in my town selling a Vespa PK on eBay and obviously I need to think about how I am going to restore it, since it is not in great condition. Did you spray your parts yourself? it looks good!

Looks like I need to find someone who can wet-spray near me then Laughing emoticon

Painting was done by local "afternoon garage painter" that has painting booth.
coops68 wrote:
hi ill will be following your rebuild as ive just bought my son a pk 50 special for his 16th birthday but we are doing it up any tip and help would be appreciated
No problem, all you have to do is ask.

PS: Can anybody guess which car colour is this blue?
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I know the colour!!! only because Joze told me lol so keep guessing cant wait until its finished
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Re: colour
xmanhoe wrote:
I know the colour!!! only because Joze told me lol so keep guessing cant wait until its finished
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