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Would any users consider buying a tyre pressure monitoring system (TPMS) for the Fuoco 500 ?

I am busy designing a system for a 3-wheel vehicle and need to judge what the purchasing response would be.

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Moved to MP3 Discussion.
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Re: Fuoco 500 - TPMS
Graham2107 wrote:
Would any users consider buying a tyre pressure monitoring system (TPMS) for the Fuoco 500 ?

I am busy designing a system for a 3-wheel vehicle and need to judge what the purchasing response would be.

South Africa
An idea of what it consists of, how it works and cost would be a good idea first.

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TPMS - concept
The idea, based on the existing car tyre system would be to have a valve stem transmitter with a built-in temperature sensor. Drop in pressure and/or a rise in temperature would create an alarm signal and relay this information to a wireless dash mounted panel.

My original posting was purely to see if anyone was interested in the idea.

Thanks for your reply to the post. Let us hope many more for this subject.

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I'd be interested. This was discussed once, and if I recall, some of the problems were that:

1. The current systems are very pricey to actually get a 'good' one.
2. The systems that do work well tend to have expensive sensors on the valve stems that could easily be taken off and stolen.
3. There is very little clearance, especially on the rear tire, of the Fuoco, so some of the better systems, while good, extended the valve stem length to dangerously close to the tire well/brake pad/wiring.

If you could make a tire system with small, unnoticeable additions to the tire stems and a simple to read electronic readout that could be mounted on the dash, you'd have a winner!
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The automotive TPMS I know about put the sensors inside the wheel, at the base of the stem, so no worries about clearance. Personally I'd rather check my pressure before each ride than have another annoying nanny light.
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ramblerdan wrote:
The automotive TPMS I know about put the sensors inside the wheel, at the base of the stem, so no worries about clearance. Personally I'd rather check my pressure before each ride than have another annoying nanny light.

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TPMS - concept
Thanks for all the feedback, much appreciated.
The systems that do work well tend to have expensive sensors on the valve stems that could easily be taken off and stolen.
The valve stem transmitter has the "guts" inside the tyre/rim assembly and as such nothing can be stolen as there is nothing to steal - save the fact that the valve itself could be forced out.

My main technical concern is the clearance that the rear tyre has for this transmitter to be mounted inside.
The current systems are very pricey to actually get a 'good' one.
I am aiming at US$200.00 excluding installation
If you could make a tire system with small, unnoticeable additions to the tire stems and a simple to read electronic readout that could be mounted on the dash, you'd have a winner!
As mentioned the tyre valve stem will look "normal" from the outside.

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ramblerdan wrote:
Personally I'd rather check my pressure before each ride than have another annoying nanny light.
I have to agree, too many monitor lights are distracting. And monitoring systems can offer false security... still, if the price were maybe more like $100 there would probably be more of a market. For two bills, I'll be buying other stuff, thank you.

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I have to agree, too many monitor lights are distracting. And monitoring systems can offer false security...
Understood, but a South African user that I spoke to made a comment about monitoring tyre pressure and temperature on the road being an excellent feature. Especially when about to turn into a corner.
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$200 for TPMS would be interesting.
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Graham2107 wrote:
I have to agree, too many monitor lights are distracting. And monitoring systems can offer false security...
Understood, but a South African user that I spoke to made a comment about monitoring tyre pressure and temperature on the road being an excellent feature. Especially when about to turn into a corner.
No argument it would potentially be a good feature to have, but I think price point is a big factor for something like this, and there are probably not many that would want to pony up for it. I'm sure there's a market but for the MP3 its likely a real niche market. I really do hope to see you succeed because costs will come down with economies of scale. A few users sure won't be enough.

Someday, probably not too far off, we can have full-on, self-powered, wireless transmitters all over the scooter ("smart dust") that tie into an onboard network nexus and keep our head-up displays in our helmets poulated with status info on demand. Kind of like that Ironman movie but without the distraction of constant display. Now THAT will be an interesting niche!

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Please email me and I will foward you details as soon as they are available.

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BravoTwoFour wrote:
ramblerdan wrote:
Personally I'd rather check my pressure before each ride than have another annoying nanny light.
I have to agree, too many monitor lights are distracting. And monitoring systems can offer false security... still, if the price were maybe more like $100 there would probably be more of a market. For two bills, I'll be buying other stuff, thank you.
You've never had a flat while riding have you? I did the other day and would of loved to have this system. The thing that sold me is the sensor on the valve stem inside the rim, not a screw on cap.

Wayne B
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I can easily see the value of such a system, particularly for long road trips.  Alas, I'm the kind of bought-a-scooter-because-I-couldn't-afford-a-car consumer who has almost no chance of actually coughing up money for one. 

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TPMS - valve stem transmitter
The valve stem transmitter. The "wing nut" side of the transmitter (the antenna) goes inside the tyre.
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interesting...do you have to take the tire off to change the battery?

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Changing the battery
interesting...do you have to take the tire off to change the battery?
Yes as the only part of the device that is (a) visible and (b) accessible is the air valve. Battery should last 3-years.

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lostboy wrote:
I can easily see the value of such a system, particularly for long road trips.  Alas, I'm the kind of bought-a-scooter-because-I-couldn't-afford-a-car consumer who has almost no chance of actually coughing up money for one. 
What? For the $6000 you paid for your scooter you could have bought a very nice used car. You give me $5000 and I can find you a car that will last you 10-15 years if you maintain it right.

Wayne B
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Re: TPMS - valve stem transmitter
Graham2107 wrote:
The valve stem transmitter. The "wing nut" side of the transmitter (the antenna) goes inside the tyre.

I think this is an excellent idea...how would you wire up the system so that there's some sort of indicator on the dash?

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Wayne B wrote:
You've never had a flat while riding have you? I did the other day and would of loved to have this system. The thing that sold me is the sensor on the valve stem inside the rim, not a screw on cap.

Wayne B
No, I haven't, and hope I never do. I suppose that might be the type of catalyst that would move one to consider a monitoring system for tire pressure, assuming the flat was a result of something it could forewarn one of (i.e., not a blowout). TPMS has a lot of value, especially for hard riders, but like lostboy said, a lot of folks are financially pinched and have to be selective on adds and mods. I look forward to hearing how well it works when you get one.

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TPMS wiring
I think this is an excellent idea...how would you wire up the system so that there's some sort of indicator on the dash?
The valve stem transmitter transmits its coded data, unique to each tyre, straight to the receiver in the display unit. The only wiring required is to supply +12Vdc to the display.
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Re: TPMS wiring
Graham2107 wrote:
I think this is an excellent idea...how would you wire up the system so that there's some sort of indicator on the dash?
The valve stem transmitter transmits its coded data, unique to each tyre, straight to the receiver in the display unit. The only wiring required is to supply +12Vdc to the display.
Wow, now that is awesome!!!
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Re: TPMS wiring
Graham2107 wrote:
I think this is an excellent idea...how would you wire up the system so that there's some sort of indicator on the dash?
The valve stem transmitter transmits its coded data, unique to each tyre, straight to the receiver in the display unit. The only wiring required is to supply +12Vdc to the display.
What is the size of the display unit?
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This does look like a great system, and I'd definitely buy one. I hate having to check the tire pressure by hand. I've certainly found the pressure sensing system in my car handy on several occasions.
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I've bought similar systems for cars and would be interested in a well designed system for the MP3 if the price is right.

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What is the size of the display unit?
Approx. 80x50mm
I've bought similar systems for cars and would be interested in a well designed system for the MP3 if the price is right.
As mentioned in previous posts approx US$200

4-wheel car display with the 4 valve stem transmitters shown here.
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80 x 50 mm? That's Pretty DARN big Razz emoticon Razz emoticon

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It's about the size of a GPS unit.

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BIGDDY wrote:
80 x 50 mm? That's Pretty DARN big Razz emoticon Razz emoticon
You can't be serious:) As Wayne B has said it is about the size of a GPS. That is the display with its receivers !
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Graham2107 wrote:
What is the size of the display unit?
Approx. 80x50mm..... 4-wheel car display with the 4 valve stem transmitters shown here.
Just a thought, but since you only need three display windows for MP3 tire pressure and you likely use this same display unit, why not a voltage transducer and sending unit and the fourth corner is for realtime voltage display? How hard could it be to change the gui and alarms / warnings? Now the unit is multipurpose and could be even more attractive. Add more functionality (temps maybe?) and even this unit the size of a gps looks better, cuz face it, there's not a lot of extra real estate on the MP3 dash area.

Like I said, just a thought!
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I would be in the market for one.

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Personally I put Ultraseal in all my tires and never had to add air again although I check it once in a while.
With those sensors you can't put any sealant in the tires so if you pick up a nail it will go flat. Then your in for a $100 towing charge or you have to carry a "fix a flat" kit with you.
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larry8 wrote:
Personally I put Ultraseal in all my tires and never had to add air again although I check it once in a while.
With those sensors you can't put any sealant in the tires so if you pick up a nail it will go flat. Then your in for a $100 towing charge or you have to carry a "fix a flat" kit with you.
Larry brings an interesting perspective to the thread. One in which I didn't think of. I have another question. Would having this type of valve require any special type of tire removal? (That is if you can find anyone other that a piaggio dealer to do it).I know that on some cars that have this type of warning system there is a very specific set of instructions and requirements that must be followed when changing out tires.

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Just a thought, but since you only need three display windows for MP3 tire pressure and you likely use this same display unit, why not a voltage transducer and sending unit and the fourth corner is for realtime voltage display?
The 4-wheel tyre display is shown and the receiver assembly is programmed to display accordingly. Temperature are displayed already.
With those sensors you can't put any sealant in the tires so if you pick up a nail it will go flat. Then your in for a $100 towing charge or you have to carry a "fix a flat" kit with you.
Why with these valve stem can't you put sealant in the tyre ? Surely when you fill the tyre with a normal valve stem you just simply remove the non-return valve from the outside and fill the tyre with your sealant product ?
Would having this type of valve require any special type of tire removal?
You obviously have to be more careful and just make the tyre dealer aware that there is a special valve fitted. No special tools are needed.

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With those sensors you can't put any sealant in the tires so if you pick up a nail it will go flat. Then your in for a $100 towing charge or you have to carry a "fix a flat" kit with you.
Why with these valve stem can't you put sealant in the tyre ? Surely when you fill the tyre with a normal valve stem you just simply remove the non-return valve from the outside and fill the tyre with your sealant product ?

The sealant will plug up the sensor in the tire.
My Toyota Rav4 has the sensors and the manual states not to install any type sealant. I also called Ultraseal and they told me the same thing.
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