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09 Triumph Bonnie, 06 Kymco P250, (Retired: 05 Stella , 08 Piaggio Fly150, 02 Yamaha Vino50, 07 Yamaha C3)
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actually two problems.

1. my regulator (or whatever it is that cuts your throttle) kicked in this morning at indicated 55mph. What happened? I used to get 60-65 mph.

2. When starting up the bike I hit (press) the start button but it just makes a short noise and then nothing. Then i have to turn the throttle all the way, let go of the throttle and then the scooter starter sounds like its working.

Any ideas what is happening?
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09 Triumph Bonnie, 06 Kymco P250, (Retired: 05 Stella , 08 Piaggio Fly150, 02 Yamaha Vino50, 07 Yamaha C3)
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09 Triumph Bonnie, 06 Kymco P250, (Retired: 05 Stella , 08 Piaggio Fly150, 02 Yamaha Vino50, 07 Yamaha C3)
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(sorry, this is making me nervous )
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Some motorcycles use a rev limiter but I don't believe the Fly 150 has anything like this. Depending on conditions and use, you may have a partially blocked air filter which would limit your speed.

When starting my Fly 150 the starter makes an awful sound but my scooter eventually starts. I've just passed the 1,000 km mark this weekend and it's always made that awful sound so nothing's changed for me. I like to give the throttle a couple of quick twists prior to pressing the start button as it seems to help start better.
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The fly 125/150 has a spark suppression ( rev limiter ) 9000 rpm -1 out of 7 sparks , 9300 - 2 out of 3 sparks .
Never got mine fast enough to reach the rev limit
Also starts with no odd sounds from starter

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Hmmm, mine's never done anything like that. It does sound like it has something to do with the airfilter, or maybe a hose came off or broke. I did have that happen once.
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09 Triumph Bonnie, 06 Kymco P250, (Retired: 05 Stella , 08 Piaggio Fly150, 02 Yamaha Vino50, 07 Yamaha C3)
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09 Triumph Bonnie, 06 Kymco P250, (Retired: 05 Stella , 08 Piaggio Fly150, 02 Yamaha Vino50, 07 Yamaha C3)
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super-fly wrote:
The fly 125/150 has a spark suppression ( rev limiter ) 9000 rpm -1 out of 7 sparks , 9300 - 2 out of 3 sparks .
Never got mine fast enough to reach the rev limit
Also starts with no odd sounds from starter
Thanks for all the responses.
I just tried to empty the nipple on the air filter box and only a little of oil/gas came out.
Any other suggestions?
Thanks again
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When I saw the title of your post I was thinking... maybe the barn doors were open.
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