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Not sure who originally said this, but it keeps making the rounds - I'm sure many have seen it, but thought I'd stick it out here anyway

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways -- Chardonnay in one hand - Chocolate in the other, body thouroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "Woo Hoo! What a ride!"
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I'm gonna take a Murphy's Stout in one hand and some chili cheese fries with pickles in with me though...
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To hell with skidding in, I want to explode at my funeral. I'll have charges and confetti stuffed into my corpse. Play the theme song from The Big Boss and then bang!
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I'll take a double fisted load of chocolate bars thx!
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Barleywasp wrote:
To hell with skidding in, I want to explode at my funeral. I'll have charges and confetti stuffed into my corpse. Play the theme song from The Big Boss and then bang!
Well now ... there's a graphic image I really didn't need at lunch time Bleh emoticon but I happen to agree with the sentiment! Laughing emoticon
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Watch "Dear Zachary: A letter to a son about his father"

Don't read the synopsis (because if you do, you'll lose some shock factors). Don't find out anything more about it other than it's a movie shot, edited, and produced by Filmmaker Kurt Kuenne about his best friend. He made this movie to show his best friend's son. That's all. Sounds uninteresting? Just watch.

By the way, it' son Netflix as a DVD rental -and- Instant, so you can watch it anytime. I got it as a rental so I was like, eh, it's here anyway. I'll just watch it.
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"To me it's not so much about the journey as it is about the final destination"

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Re: A thought about life ...
Scopedope wrote:
Not sure who originally said this, but it keeps making the rounds - I'm sure many have seen it, but thought I'd stick it out here anyway

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways -- Chardonnay in one hand - Chocolate in the other, body thouroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "Woo Hoo! What a ride!"
It;s a myth spread by those who spend most evening rehashing the same old stories about what a great time they had last weekend and last year and 5 years prior with the same bunch of unhealthy, overweight, alcoholics when in reality this is where they have been for way too long and spend there mornings, nursing hangovers, painful bowel movements, lathargy, poor energy up until around 6 when they are woohooing with a glass of chardonay and chocolate for dinner because they did not think they had time to make a meal afraid they would miss happy hour. They struggle through their working days as years pass the body looses all attractiveness and is pickled rather then youthfully preserved, It looks twenty years older then it is, and the chardonnay is now poured from cheap carboard boxes the bowel movements are more painful and more time is spent at the local GP with an insurmountable list of ailments. The job is something you still complain about but haven't been to in years. The dress or the dapper suit that you have an image of you in with a white smile, wine glass in one hand, white chocolate in other is moldy, well back in the closet and you haven't been able to fit in for years.The teeth that you still have are yellow, your wine glass has become a dirty old cup, that you grabbed from the pile of other dirty dishes that have been sitting around on the counter since you sister was over three months ago and cleaned the joint up. Now you are on the skidding part and no longer make it any further then the local bottle shop and when you do see your old mates those that are still alive, and not in institutions you start talking about the good old days like they were yesterday, until it ends in some yelling match and you throw them out for drinking too much of your cheap booze............wooooohooooooo.... I'll pass the thing everyone forgets that skidding part last many years and by the time you get to the cliff your shoes are worn pretty thin.

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Depressing You should change your name to Negator the negative.
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Crispycritter wrote:
Depressing You should change your name to Negator the negative.
ROFL emoticon

i'll probably die at my desk which may be a blessing in disguise as i can't imagine ever being able to afford to retire Crying or Very sad emoticon

feck! it's contagious!! lighten up Negator, ferfuxsake
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Re: A thought about life ...
Scopedope wrote:
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways -- Chardonnay in one hand - Chocolate in the other, body thouroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "Woo Hoo! What a ride!"
Yeah...if you want to skid in sideways at 52. I prefer to take care of myself, live a bit longer and have a good quality of life in my later years.

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Aphorisms about Life are varied but always chock-full of wisdom. Consider:

"Life is like a sh*t sandwich;
the more bread you got, the less sh*t you eat."

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don't die, i love you all
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Absinthe, knife tricks, portrait in the attic.
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Well, to my way of think, and I'm sure you have all heard this before, no matter what circumstances you run up against in life, your only as happy as you let yourself be.

Live long and prosper! And in the process of living, Do no harm! Or at least try not to!

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Re: A thought about life ...
snakebike wrote:
Scopedope wrote:
Not sure who originally said this, but it keeps making the rounds - I'm sure many have seen it, but thought I'd stick it out here anyway

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways -- Chardonnay in one hand - Chocolate in the other, body thouroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "Woo Hoo! What a ride!"
It;s a myth spread by those who spend most evening rehashing the same old stories about what a great time they had last weekend and last year and 5 years prior with the same bunch of unhealthy, overweight, alcoholics when in reality this is where they have been for way too long and spend there mornings, nursing hangovers, painful bowel movements, lathargy, poor energy up until around 6 when they are woohooing with a glass of chardonay and chocolate for dinner because they did not think they had time to make a meal afraid they would miss happy hour. They struggle through their working days as years pass the body looses all attractiveness and is pickled rather then youthfully preserved, It looks twenty years older then it is, and the chardonnay is now poured from cheap carboard boxes the bowel movements are more painful and more time is spent at the local GP with an insurmountable list of ailments. The job is something you still complain about but haven't been to in years. The dress or the dapper suit that you have an image of you in with a white smile, wine glass in one hand, white chocolate in other is moldy, well back in the closet and you haven't been able to fit in for years.The teeth that you still have are yellow, your wine glass has become a dirty old cup, that you grabbed from the pile of other dirty dishes that have been sitting around on the counter since you sister was over three months ago and cleaned the joint up. Now you are on the skidding part and no longer make it any further then the local bottle shop and when you do see your old mates those that are still alive, and not in institutions you start talking about the good old days like they were yesterday, until it ends in some yelling match and you throw them out for drinking too much of your cheap booze............wooooohooooooo.... I'll pass the thing everyone forgets that skidding part last many years and by the time you get to the cliff your shoes are worn pretty thin.
Wunnerful, wunnerful!! Laughing emoticon
As a now fairly healthy but once very active alcoholic and drug addict who was lucky enough to somehow make it thru into his 70's (maybe because I stopped doing all those "fun" things in my forties?), I'm glad that somebody here has the sense (and the guts) to tell it like it is! Because in the long run, life is really nothing at all like a T-shirt saying!

If one does manage to live long enough it soon dawns that something else (perhaps something spiritual?) needs to be found in order to live a happy, contented, at-peace-with-oneself life! -Because conspicuous consumption and wild raging partying will eventually just not do it anymore! -In fact they become quite boring, and also as stated above, almost always quite disabling too!

The fierce partying life style does not send one out in a "blaze of glory"! Almost everything one has gets either sold or lost; cars, bikes, scooters, careers, homes, family..! Either one lives long enough to limp crippled, insane, friendless and minus family thru the later years of life, or else one mercifully dies earlier of an alcohol and/or drug overdose while sitting on the toilet! (Or puking into it...)

I'm completely overjoyed to be where I am in life now.! (Well, most times, anyway...)
I love and throughly enjoy living my life now, and I wouldn't go back into the raging street life and partying battle scene again for anything!

And I like my scooters, and do not intend to "slide" them into anything, -not if I can help it!! 8)
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redhandmoto wrote:
Aphorisms about Life are varied but always chock-full of wisdom. Consider:

"Life is like a sh*t sandwich;
the more bread you got, the less sh*t you eat."
Are you being sarcastic? You'd eat the same amount of shit as everyone else, just with more bread. Unless, of course, each shit sandwich is a closed system and somehow achieves conservation of mass, but this would require the shit to be transformed into bread and vice-versa. That's just plain silly. Razz emoticon

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"The Scootin' Scott Are you being sarcastic?
of course. But I enjoyed your reasoned explication - made me think of Madoff, of Ms. Helmsley, of those who die with the most toys..
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Check out my signature for another point of view.
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Just minimize or eliminate any regrets...hence the reason for focusing on an early retirement.

Got to really take an assessment of where you're at and where you going to end up and how your going to spend the rest of the time that you can really enjoy doing things you enjoy.

A day at a time will work...but need to take a step back at times and do an assessment.

Gotta get my riding in before it's time to hang it up!
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Have always done the proverbial "treat every day like it's your last" thing So far it seems to be working
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A smoking hole is a small price to pay for a sh*t hot maneuver.

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genie wrote:
Crispycritter wrote:
Depressing You should change your name to Negator the negative.
ROFL emoticon

i'll probably die at my desk which may be a blessing in disguise as i can't imagine ever being able to afford to retire Crying or Very sad emoticon
Funny you should say that. Last year a friend forwarded me a news article
about a man who died at his desk and no one noticed until a cleaner noticed him there on the weekend. Apparently he worked for a publishing co, in a cubicle and was known as being the quiet type. Apparently it wasn't unusal for him to come early or stay late and very rarely left his cubicle. It seems he was dead at his desk for 3 days. The cleaner thought it unusal he was there and checked on him.

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Re: A thought about life ...
snakebike wrote:
Scopedope wrote:
Not sure who originally said this, but it keeps making the rounds - I'm sure many have seen it, but thought I'd stick it out here anyway

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways -- Chardonnay in one hand - Chocolate in the other, body thouroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "Woo Hoo! What a ride!"
It;s a myth spread by those who spend most evening rehashing the same old stories about what a great time they had last weekend and last year and 5 years prior with the same bunch of unhealthy, overweight, alcoholics when in reality this is where they have been for way too long and spend there mornings, nursing hangovers, painful bowel movements, lathargy, poor energy up until around 6 when they are woohooing with a glass of chardonay and chocolate for dinner because they did not think they had time to make a meal afraid they would miss happy hour. They struggle through their working days as years pass the body looses all attractiveness and is pickled rather then youthfully preserved, It looks twenty years older then it is, and the chardonnay is now poured from cheap carboard boxes the bowel movements are more painful and more time is spent at the local GP with an insurmountable list of ailments. The job is something you still complain about but haven't been to in years. The dress or the dapper suit that you have an image of you in with a white smile, wine glass in one hand, white chocolate in other is moldy, well back in the closet and you haven't been able to fit in for years.The teeth that you still have are yellow, your wine glass has become a dirty old cup, that you grabbed from the pile of other dirty dishes that have been sitting around on the counter since you sister was over three months ago and cleaned the joint up. Now you are on the skidding part and no longer make it any further then the local bottle shop and when you do see your old mates those that are still alive, and not in institutions you start talking about the good old days like they were yesterday, until it ends in some yelling match and you throw them out for drinking too much of your cheap booze............wooooohooooooo.... I'll pass the thing everyone forgets that skidding part last many years and by the time you get to the cliff your shoes are worn pretty thin.
WOW! Depressing ... you must be loads of fun at parties! Of course I kinda like the version I posted -- the idea you go shouting "what a life, I had fun" vs do everything right, don't make waves, die anyway. Boring!

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Some are taking this post too seriously, to0 literally. I don't see where it says destroying your life w/ drugs & alcohol is the way to go. I think the only point is to go to your grave, having enjoyed life and knowing that you lived, didn't just exsist. So relax, take it in the spirit it was intended. Just sharing something I thought was a humorous way of looking at things.

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astromags wrote:
Check out my signature for another point of view.
I agree on that one. Same as the journey is what's important not the destination. I guess if you set a goal, it's something to be obtained, and if it's importantant and you don't reach it, it can be a massive dissapointment. Where as a lot can be learned and gained in a journey of no specific goal, but with a focus on constant self development...

Sorry having a bit of a blah day, and I ponder stuff like ths on and off.
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Scopedope wrote:
Some are taking this post too seriously, to0 literally. I don't see where it says destroying your life w/ drugs & alcohol is the way to go. I think the only point is to go to your grave, having enjoyed life and knowing that you lived, didn't just exsist. So relax, take it in the spirit it was intended. Just sharing something I thought was a humorous way of looking at things.
Ha ha, yes, people are taking this way too literally. Everyone will interpret it in their own way; to me it's more like this:

Scoot, rather than post about scooting. Razz emoticon

Scoot a new path, rather than "the usual" path.

Order that new special at your favorite restaurant, rather than "the usual".

Go to a new restaurant, rather than "the usual".

Have people over your house for a dinner party even if you didn't iron your curtains, rather than always keeping it absolutely perfect.

Have a good time, take chances, and don't sweat the small stuff.

This especially rings true, as a friend of mine's child committed suicide recently. We all go through that young-adult angst, but it's never as bad as it seems.
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Raisin Hell, not seen you here for a while. How nice you popped in.

Anyway, moderation is key.

For instance, try one breakfast vodka, rather than two.

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Re: A thought about life ...
Scopedope wrote:
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways -- Chardonnay in one hand - Chocolate in the other, body thouroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "Woo Hoo! What a ride!"
Ahhhh, but I'm thinking it all depends on what age you want your body "totally used up and totally worn out.."!

The great jazz sax player, Charlie Parker, when he died in his thirties the coroner thought
he was looking at the body of a 65 year old man!
Jimi Hendrix choked to death on his own vomit at a young age.
Janice Joplin partied herself into oblivion almost before becoming a woman.
Elvis was a bloated mess...
And MJ, at 50..?

I don't think I want my body 'screaming' "Woo Hoo..." anything!
It'll wear out naturally soon enough anyway (has already started in fact),
so I'll settle for a nice warm loving whisper, "It was fun, you did do some good, you'll be missed by a few..."

Good enough for me! 8)

(And I still like chocolate.)
(But if one dies with it in hand it would just be one more mess for someone to clean up after you...)
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Wonder Machine wrote:
Raisin Hell, not seen you here for a while. How nice you popped in.
It's good to be back. I'll try to pop in again now and then. It's fun to see who's got what now (I see a lot of GT300 upgrades!).
Anyway, moderation is key.

For instance, try one breakfast vodka, rather than two.
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