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09 Triumph Bonnie, 06 Kymco P250, (Retired: 05 Stella , 08 Piaggio Fly150, 02 Yamaha Vino50, 07 Yamaha C3)
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09 Triumph Bonnie, 06 Kymco P250, (Retired: 05 Stella , 08 Piaggio Fly150, 02 Yamaha Vino50, 07 Yamaha C3)
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After reading reviews I decided to go with an HJC IS-Max.
Anyone on these boards have personal experience with that model?
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Piaggio Fly 50: "L'Escargot Rouge" (the red snail)
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Piaggio Fly 50: "L'Escargot Rouge" (the red snail)
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I got the IS-MAX from New Enough about a month ago and I am very pleased with it.

I don't have to take my glasses off and juggle them before I put the helmet on, I can flip up the front of it when I'm stopped in traffic or at long lights to get some air (and exhaust fumes), and I really like the slide down internal sun visor. I got it in white, and I don't know if it is my imagination or if it really is because of the color, but I find it a lot cooler.

YMMV, but I think it is a great helmet.
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09 Triumph Bonnie, 06 Kymco P250, (Retired: 05 Stella , 08 Piaggio Fly150, 02 Yamaha Vino50, 07 Yamaha C3)
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09 Triumph Bonnie, 06 Kymco P250, (Retired: 05 Stella , 08 Piaggio Fly150, 02 Yamaha Vino50, 07 Yamaha C3)
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I just ordered it with Newenough.com

Thanks scoot_in_VA

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Seems like an excellent helmet,
but do send it back if it doesn't fit you properly
(probably you already knew, but just in case...)

On-line helmets are a bit of a gamble,
but NewEnough is gracious about taking prompt returns

There are other things to check for, besides that the helmet is absolutely comfortable
See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNdec2xhVJk
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