File Under: Missed Connections
Listen, I can appreciate your enthusiasm for the Tour de France. It's cool. I've been known to dust off the basketball and hoop a little during the NBA playoffs or March Madness, but hey... there is a difference. My dumb ass doesn't dribble through a 4 way stop as I drive to the basket for a lay up.
My Primavera may look small, but as I took that left turn yesterday you were almost flattened as you ignored everyone at the intersection in your freshly purchased spandex. Maybe your legs hurt form the fresh razor burn and you needed to keep them cool with the flowing wind? But, mark my words moron... These brakes are 30+ years old and you assumed a whole lot when you ran that stop sign. If I would have highsided onto the pavement you'd have been dodging my helmet and any other projectile I could have found.
Unless you are in a peleton with police escorts you had better effin' take the time to follow the rules of the road to some minor degree. I am cool with a rolling stop if you were there first. No worries. But your dumb ass was last to the party yesterday, and you didn't even break stride. Grow up dude. No one thinks your cool just because you are rocking all the gear and peddling for 5 whole miles through the burbs. More importantly, the bubba in the F350 that was behind me last night, pulled over and asked if I was OK. Then he opined: "Man, I think I mighta accelerated if he'd done that to me." Not all folks are so even keeled as myself down here in the Redneck Riviera.
Live Strong Lance (I can't wait until the Tour ends and you get back on the golf course).