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Add a Thermador car cooler:


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Re: Alright, not so simple
Fin wrote:
Add a Thermador car cooler:


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As long as we are going this far over the top, why not install a 12V Peltier-effect thermoelectric cooler element in the wall of the top case?:

The smallest ones are only about 15 watts.
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I also had that heat issue with the pet carrier.. at first i thought how dumb was that because as other posters said that it get so hot it could damage a berry, camera, plastic glasses.. yes it get that hot....

I found a very simple solution which cuts the heat... just lay down a soft towel (regular size will do ) just throw it into or line the pc so the heat doesn't rise.... i was worried because i like to put fruit or wine in the carrier ... the towel method works .. its that simple.. the ony neg. is that you loose some space... its not a perfect world!
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scooterwest.com sells this. It could help get some more air in there. This one however is only for the LX and LXV 150. You may have to cut yours to get this, or just take the door off.
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TonyMusc wrote:
How bout just using one of those small insullated fabric lunch bags and putting all the stuff you want protected from the heat in there. That should fit under the seat.
Eventually.... this is what I do, all that clapotrap about insulation bollox, just get a £2 coolbag FFS Crying or Very sad emoticon
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I was out in the store room, and I came across this stuff. I bought it a few weeks ago to repair a leaking Heating/AC vent. It's self-adhesive, 1/4 inch foam rubber, with a heavy aluminum foil attached. I attached to the underside. The pet carrier still fits perfectly. Best of all, it didn't cost anything extra.

Will it accomplish anything? I don't know. Will it fall off and catch the scooter on fire? I don't know.

I'll have to get back to you on that.
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Fair play to you my old son for havin the goolies to do it !lol .We all have been saying we will do .. YOU did it looks good ,at first glance with your brownish sofa in background it looked like a big guitar!!Maybe i should see my doc about my meds!! lol WELL DONE
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xmanhoe wrote:
Fair play to you my old son for havin the goolies to do it !lol .We all have been saying we will do .. YOU did it looks good ,at first glance with your brownish sofa in background it looked like a big guitar!!Maybe i should see my doc about my meds!! lol WELL DONE
If you think that sofa is brown, you should get your eyes checked while you're at it. Razz emoticon
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Alice wrote:
xmanhoe wrote:
Fair play to you my old son for havin the goolies to do it !lol .We all have been saying we will do .. YOU did it looks good ,at first glance with your brownish sofa in background it looked like a big guitar!!Maybe i should see my doc about my meds!! lol WELL DONE
If you think that sofa is brown, you should get your eyes checked while you're at it. Razz emoticon
Or your monitor...

astromags, that is awesome and might do a big part of the trick. Next time you go for a longer ride, please take a thermometer with you inside the pet carrier and let us know how it did.

Then I will have to see where I can get just a decent piece of this stuff. I would think that heater installers would have it off a big roll...
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astromags wrote:
Will it fall off and catch the scooter on fire?
We can prevent that with a number of duct tape braces across the bin and hope that
a) duct tape is not a con-duct tape
b) duct tape won't fall off itself

In case of b), we could apply a number of packing tape braces over the duct tape braces. With those, we wouldn't have a problem with a), and in case of b), we could apply a number of...wait, we're getting too thick now. Cancel that.
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Well I have some worthless data for you.

Since I never took a temperature reading before I put the stuff on, it doesn't tell us much, unless someone else has a GT200 and a thermometer. I have a thermometer that shows the maximum and minimu teperatures achieved. I reset it before each ride.

But for what it's worth (notmuch) here it is:

Average Maximum Temperature 105 Degrees F

Outside temperature 97 Degrees F

I suppose I'll have to strip the insulation off, and try it without.

Yes I realize I'm doing this backwards. I just had the stuff laying around and slapped it on there before I thought logically about it. Nerd emoticon
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windbreaker wrote:
111 degrees when I ce back from the ride. The thermometer showed
from 81 at start, to 103 at a check in between, to the 111 at the end.

It would be interesting to know the air temp in the engine room.
these where windbreakers results
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styrafoam liner for the under-seat stoge area
I made a model for a styrafoam company so I could have a bunch of liners made up for the GTS model. The problem was the mold needed to make the unit. The company wanted about $14,000 just for the mold. I doubt if anyone could make a profit designing one and then selling it. I felt bad because I spent hours making a mock up out of plaster and then being shot down because of the cost. So much for inventing something!
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That's quite helpful, thank you. It is good news. We can conclude that...

(a) "worst" case, there is temp delta of 6°F between inside bin and engine room, if your engine room had ambient temperature from turbulent air, that is 97F.

(b) "best" case, your engine room was hotter than ambient, then the delta is even smaller (that 's why this is best case).

How long was your ride? Was there ample time to heat everything up?

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I just wraped and taped my box it was a tight fit but my whole box is coverd,
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Use a couple of feet of copper tubing--( well a lot actually)
A small 12v pump and a 12 volt cooling fan.
Pump antifreeze though the tubing using the pump and have a section where the fan could cool the coolant, similiar to the cooling system used on liquid cooled engines..
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windbreaker wrote:
...How long was your ride? Was there ample time to heat everything up?
About 40 minutes around town, stop and go riding.
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astromags wrote:
windbreaker wrote:
...How long was your ride? Was there ample time to heat everything up?
About 40 minutes around town, stop and go riding.
that's good news. 40 min is long enough, and with stop and go, you didn't get too much cooling air in the engine space (so, even smaller delta than 6 deg).
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175mws wrote:
I just wraped and taped my box it was a tight fit but my whole box is coverd,
wrapped and taped with what?
Got pix?

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windbreaker wrote:
175mws wrote:
I just wraped and taped my box it was a tight fit but my whole box is coverd,
wrapped and taped with what?
Got pix?
I used AC DUCT tape the silver reflictive kind and an emergecy camping blanket I'll up load a picture later. its a tight fit so other stuff will not work so good on the sides.


Ok I uploaded the pics

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got mine wrote:
Use a couple of feet of copper tubing--( well a lot actually)
A small 12v pump and a 12 volt cooling fan.
Pump antifreeze though the tubing using the pump and have a section where the fan could cool the coolant, similiar to the cooling system used on liquid cooled engines..

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astromags wrote:
Well I have some worthless data for you.

Since I never took a temperature reading before I put the stuff on, it doesn't tell us much, unless someone else has a GT200 and a thermometer. I have a thermometer that shows the maximum and minimu teperatures achieved. I reset it before each ride.

But for what it's worth (notmuch) here it is:

Average Maximum Temperature 105 Degrees F

Outside temperature 97 Degrees F

I suppose I'll have to strip the insulation off, and try it without.

Yes I realize I'm doing this backwards. I just had the stuff laying around and slapped it on there before I thought logically about it. Nerd emoticon
Canyou do the sides too
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175mws wrote:
Canyou do the sides too
The foam insulation would add another 1/4 inch on each side. I definitely wouldn't be able to get the bucket in after that.
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astromags wrote:
The foam insulation would add another 1/4 inch on each side.
I definitely wouldn't be able to get the bucket in after that.
In, maybe
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windbreaker wrote:
astromags wrote:
The foam insulation would add another 1/4 inch on each side.
I definitely wouldn't be able to get the bucket in after that.
In, maybe
How about adding a "bottomless 'bag'" or cuff for the pet-warmer bucket made of mylar/bubble-wrap insulation, and installing that to the frame before putting the bucket in place? It'd be a tight fit, but other than where the diagonal frame braces run down beside the pet-warmer (LX series, not sure on the larger machines), there's still some clearance.
Cut it to fit around the sides of the bucket while it's out of the bike, pull it off and then attach to the frame, possibly by zip-ties to the diagonal braces. Then drop the bucket (with insulation already mounted to its underside) into place. The bottom insulation should extend slightly beyond the edges of the bucket to make a good seal against the side cuff -- it will have to 'give' a little.

The only thing that concerns me is that the holes in the transverse bulkhead ahead of the battery might be needed for ventilation of the battery compartment, and this might block airflow up into there.

'09 LX - Orange Julie S.
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I mentioned this in the other thread about underseat heat, but as it works so well I'd thot I'd do it here again:

I keep my Frogg Togs rain gear in the very bottom of the pet carrier. Does two good things; keeps my mind at ease about sudden showers, and it insulates so well I'm never disturbed at all by any underseat heat!

The Frogg Togs raingear tops and pants are made out of some sort of tough fiberous resin material that feels like soft, thick paper. I knew they worked real well in the rain and also folded up fairly compact in the pet carrier, but the natural insulation qualities of this stuff was an added benefit that pleasantly surprised me! 8)
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