I'm only a scooterist, and I wear a FF helmet, jacket and gloves. I ride in traffic obviously. Now most days I will see cyclists riding on the side of the road where there isnt enough room, cars wizzing by them at speed and they usually have no helmet on, or those little beanie style helmets. I look at them and think they are CRAZY.
Do you guys that cycle with traffic worry about the head protection that affords?
I started thinking about this more and more as my girlfriend works in a hospital on the brain injury floor. She tells me hey, no more ladder climbing for you etc, as she gets a new patient with that specific injury. Well she is way more worried about me ridding a bicycle than a scooter, because of the number of bicycle head injury patients she gets... no motorcycle ones yet. Now that is more likely because they wear helmets and serious injuries are more likely to be spinal etc.
But anyway, does it seem crazy to anyone else how cyclists ride? I gotta think a bike messenger job in a busy city is pretty scary.