Okay this is obvisouly not scooter related but anyhow to make a long story short I got in trouble last night when my wife snuck in and caught me midstream in my weealeepeepalee in the shower. Granted I was seven makers marks in but now I gotta buy a new shower curtain liner.
AND I was taking a shower at the same time mind you.
Anyhow this got me thinking...a lot of my male friends have gotten busted peeing drunk in all kinds of places. I had one friend do it in the oven, another on their dresser..even one on his roommate.
Is this normal for guys? Who knows but until I whizz in the fridge, I think my shower snafu is looking pretty good.
Golden showers is one thing but inebriated leakage is at least, pretty funny.
Is it normal for guys to do that, pee on things other than toilets, sinks and tubs?