Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
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A road kill averted? -Yeah, probably myself!!
I was just cruising along enjoying the beautiful weather and the lush green woods on one side of the road,
and I don't know where this big-assed buck came from in the middle of the day
but suddenly there he was at 3PM, boundng across the road not 10 feet in front of me!

Just barely had time to pull the brake levers but didn't really need to,
as he was gone across the road already!
Never would've had time to stop or even react safely if he'd been a little bit slower, or if I'd been a bit faster myself!
If he'd speared me in the side I think that would've maybe hurt a bit, no? Crying or Very sad emoticon

He also missed a bicyclist going the other way by about 20 feet, and the guy gave me a wide grin
and a big thumbs up, as if to say "We were really lucky on THAT one!"
(And we sure as shit were..!!)

Damn big things are breeding like rabbits around here!
-Gotta be careful. But that doesn't always work either.
Sometimes ya just gotta be lucky, I guess...
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Glad you missed being 'bucked off'.
These posts always remind me of the bat clinging to the leg story. Can't even remember who posted it way back when, but it remains one of the funniest stories to ever grace this forum.
Take care out there, it can be buckin' dangerous.
@boulty avatar

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Found it...cheers Zippityjacks!
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Me to on the glad you weren't hurt. It's mango season again and i tried to stop on some squished ones and kept on going today Always fun when you keep going after putting on the brakes! Slippery little buggers
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Boulty wrote:
Ouch, and ouch again! I read that thread and I know, just know that some of it will creep in and ruin my dreams tonight.

But, I will read it again as the lessons are important in keeping one from getting complacent

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