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Brought to you as a public service announcement by a concerned citizen.

The Sad Story: http://www.davecarrollmusic.com/story/united-breaks-guitars/

Quickie Viddy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YGc4zOqozo

"My god they're throwing guitars out there".

Guess United Airlines has some sort of Pete Townsend fetish. Or sumthin.

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Oh, so sad, but brilliant.
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Those of us in the guitar world have been following this for a while now.
It's really a shame. You can get as attached to your favorite guitar as much as to your Vespa.

Unfortunately, horror stories of outrageous treatment of property and damage by package handlers (not just airlines: UPS and others for example) are not uncommon.

This guy had the talent, wit, and the means to put together this video to draw attention to his plight. Good on him!
Yesterday, it was even reported on the hourly radio news, so it's now risen beyond a youtube-only thing.

I'm going to buy one of his CD's for going to bat for the rest of us.
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I haven't had to fly a guitar in years, but it's always been this way in my experience. Back in the day, you could ask the stewardess to check it in a coat closet, but sometimes they would, and sometimes they didn't have room. I learned that if I was on vacation, the best way was to get a cheap bolt-on neck strat copy, take the 4 bolts out of the neck, and pack it in my suitcase using my clothes as packing material. If it was a performance and I needed a specific guitar, then a flight case is the only option. You usually had to pay extra for the added weight. It's bad enough in the states, but overseas flights are even rougher. If the guitar made it, you could count on not having any handles or latches left!
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Or you could be like Keith Richard and have, "fakes" custom made to look worn and shredded like all your vintage guitars when you don't want to risk braking or losing them on tour.
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Small town Nova Scotia boy has certainly made a name for himself now, career set.
I think the Youtube hits for his song are now right around 2 million and growing.
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Nothing new.

Back in the day (wayyy before YouTube), the folk singer Tom Paxton suffered a similar fate and included a song on his next album that went: "Thank you, Republic Airways, for breaking the neck on my guitar..."

Republic went under shortly thereafter, but I doubt if Tom had much to do with it.

This post was not quite
What we were hoping to see
Try again, perhaps?
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My boyfriend and I already didn't like United. They cancelled the last three flights we booked with them, then said it would take over 3 months to issue a refund. And even then, we had to bother them to actually get it back. So we can't fly United even if we want to, apparently.
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Too bad it takes a public humiliation to get them to make it right. They can't do the right thing because it's the right thing, can they?
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I have worked for United Airlines for 23+ years now. Some of these guys they hire must have been in the old Samsonite TV ad's!
I never check my luggage in anyway, I always fly standby and I never know for sure if I get a seat. So it stays with me. Razz emoticon

When the airlines deregulated and after Nine Eleven, they laid of so many workers. Then when they were hired back, it was part time only. So they have not been a happy bunch of workers. They throw things when they get mad!
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