I can very much appreciate Jess' position here.
Jimbo, while that was a nice speech, let's take a step back here for a second and remember this forum itself has some history of its own.
When this forum was started, it was started with the goal of being a technically minded forum for modern riders. Why? Because anyone riding a modern bike got a shit-ton of flack from people on the BBS. There has always been a mentality of second-class citizenry, which I can understand the genesis of and don't need a reiteration of the same grievances, but the fact remains: the alternative places to go for technical information
were actually elitist, and there was
no way to get any information if you actually
wanted to work on and maintain your bike, much less tune it. You were basically told you were an idiot and to go home.
As a result, Modern Vespa was formed to give people a friendly,
inclusive environment to discuss scooter related challenges. People of all technical proficiencies are invited to ask questions they might have related to their bikes.
of course, things change. The general tone is less about figuring out how to fix up your bike, and more about enjoying the community that formed around that, regardless of what you ride. People here ride new and old Vespas, Piaggios, Aprilias, Derbis, Peugeots, Fujis, Heinkels, Lambrettas, Italjets, Genuines, TGB/Pierspeed, Hondas, etc, and aside from the threads where people explicitly talk about why they like Vespas or why Vespas are so great, for the most part there is pretty much no pretension about what others ride. In riding my GT200, my V9A, my P125X, my Aprilia Atlantic 500, my Honda 599, my Honda Elite 250, or my MP3 500, I don't think I've ever really felt the kind of general derision here than at any other forum.
Perhaps the biggest thing that strikes me about Jess' post is that he talks about this forum being about inclusion, and not wanting to push things that bring exclusion, because that's why I'm here, and this place has helped me develop significantly both as a mechanic and a rider. I'm a decent wrench on my GT, and don't shy away from rebuilding any of my 2Ts.
And of course, Jimbo, you post a lot of things about crocs and scooter skirts, arguments we've all seen a billion times, that are ridiculous hyperbole that alienates people. For example, what if I were to say you wouldn't have any bikes at Classic (which I've attended the last 5 years), because none of your bikes would be running anyway? That your bike is just a prop for a drinking problem? That even living in the city you'll just truck your bike to the meet-up anyway?
Aren't those tired cliches as well? Aren't they bullshit? Yet at the same time, you're busting out the same sort of crap here. You may think I sound like a schmuck saying them, but that's basically the same sentiment of your post. And I don't believe what
I say...
I mean really - this place is about inclusion. I think it's pretty safe to say that if you posted this on BBS' vintage only section you'd reach anyone you would have wanted to reach. So why come to an
inclusive but modern oriented forum that contains people who you
ridicule as being croc-wearing, scooter skirt owning, bad riders who will trade paint with you (if they had paint on their plastic), to promote a ride, then send a
butt-hurt PM about how lame it is that you're not getting promotion on it that basically says you're trying to make sure none of the MV'ers come out (and post that same PM later)?
I am personally not against vintage only rallies, or modern only rallies. I'd personally rather go to an inclusive rally, but I've no issues with either. The one thing I
don't like is when people assume I'm one thing or another simply because of the bike I choose to show up with on that day. I was actually mentioning to Jess a few days ago that I could appreciate the idea of Classic's return to form as a vintage-type rally, because first off it was for a damned long time when the Rally Kings ran it, and second off, no one ever presented it as "we don't want those damned modern riders around", just that people wanted to celebrate vintage bikes. The intent was about showcasing bikes, not riders.
Your post above does the exact opposite though. So who knows, maybe you speak for others in the club. Maybe you don't. But posts like yours make me not want to go to Classic.
For the record, 60% of my club has vintage bikes, one of them
only has vintage (but also has a motorcycle) and another having only recently gotten a modern Vespa. Jess is in that same club. No one ever thinks any less of anyone regardless of what we ride. No one's the "black sheep" (if you pardon the expression). We led the San Juan Bautista ride at Amerivespa and had a shit ton of fun, and there was every type of bike imaginable (including a Thruxton and some... weird... MP5... thing), and I am thankful to have gotten to lead a very successful ride (with Pistol Pete taking pics from the back of my MP3) that had such an inclusive audience.
Also, I've been nearly murdered at rallies by just as many people riding Vino's or Tanks as I have people on vintage bikes. Everything from watching Jordan careen into a fuckin' fence to Bill Shamrock stalling 2-up while going up Lombard causing a chain reaction of Supers and Ps sucking it and spinning into everyone else. Then there's the skinny kids on the Primas who don't realize that just because your rear brake is the only one that will actually stop you, doesn't mean you need to lock it going down hill right in front of cable car tracks that their front tires track quite well into, fishtailing them into others just enough to nearly take out 5 other riders. I've also seen an LX bounce off a Burgman.
And yet, I enjoyed myself. I enjoyed the people I hung out with, who owned everything under the sun.
I don't expect every rally to be for everyone. I also think that if its not for an audience, don't post it to that audience. Especially when you've got an attitude about it.
To Summarize,
Vintage only rallies because classic bikes are cool: nothing wrong with it, no harm no foul. In fact, if you want to be super gracious, invite all bikes and say that only vintage bikes can be in the show or on the ride.
Vintage only rallies because you think modern bike riders are choads: don't post them here, we don't want that shit. This community isn't about belittling other people based on what they ride, or excluding people because of what they ride - there are other places to do that, and do it there.
Modern only rallies: sure, why not, but I've never really seen anyone care that much
Inclusive rallies: kick ass, love it. Love that I have a wide range of friends from a wide range of lifestyles and persuasions
Meanwhile I'm going to go out in a few to a ride to Daly City on my P125X, to check out some 50cc Yamahas and Hondas, with absolutely no irony in my soul what so ever.
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