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OK here is what we have done.

There are a lot of classic car and bike shows here. We give them a call and ask if we can bring vintage scooters. Usually they give a cut off date. The few vintage riders get together early to go to the show. The rest of the group shows up later. We talk scooters with everyone, people are glad we came out with the scooters, we all go to lunch and then we all ride home together.

we have never won any show prizes but thats really not why we go anyway

Its fun!
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today I rode my GTV for a few hours then came home, switched to the Rally for a few hours more... too much fun!
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THA83 wrote:
Well Jess I assume you are discussing our disagreement. You let it be known that you oppose vintage only rallies and would stop them if you could
That's not what he said at all at the top of the page.
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I've been reading this thread and KEEPING MY BIG MOUTH SHUT, but I've just got to say something.

I'm not deeply into scooter culture, or any culture. Hell, I've got trouble understanding American culture, but there's some screwed up stuff going on around here.

I'm just a boy from New York City (and a fish out of water in Maine), who couldn't afford a Vespa while living in Italy and had to settle for a Malaguti, and who finally got hold of one, got it running, and is having a great time riding it around. I've restored antique automobiles, and I rode my 1973 BMW motorcycle as daily transportation in NYC for six years, so I'm not entirely new to the concept of bikes, collectors, or restoration. I've been to countless car meets and shows, and to motorcycle events, and I really can't understand all this animosity.

I've been to BMW motorcycle meets, where people who show up on Yamahas are treated with respect. I've seen single-marque car meets where someone arriving in another brand vehicle was still allowed to park alongside the other cars. Sure, at a national BMW meet, there will be a tent for the (older) air cooled riders, and another for the (newer) oil cooled riders, but, aside from witty and good natured ribbing, there will be no animosity between the two, in spite of obvious differences in dress, and possibly in socioeconomic status.

I entirely understand the impulse that the committed have to keep the dilettantes at arm's length, but I have a hard time imagining a scenario in which there would be so many of them, and they would be so aggressive, as to cause any trouble for a group of the committed. And is there a significant difference between a committed new-Vespa rider and a committed old-Vespa rider? Harley guys would be welcome in the beer tent at a BMW rally (though an entire Hell's Angels club would probably create some social awkwardness), but I doubt that a bunch of new-Vespa riders would be nearly as troublesome as a M/C gang would be. What's the big deal about going out of your way to exclude folks?

If you want to present a certain visual impression at a rally, arrange the bikes in the ride in a way that suits you. If you just plain don't want to talk to riders of newer bikes, then, fine, don't talk to them. They'll probably get the message and leave.

Please, though, if you can, clue me in to whatever has happened in the past to make everyone so pissy about this. Were there fights, like between the Mods and the Rockers? Because, if there were, the vintage folks here would look a lot more like the Rockers than the Mods, compared with the TnG folks. Maybe (revealing my own prejudices) this is some sort of a West coast thing, and as such, incomprehensible to Easterners.

Whatever. They're a bunch of freakin' MOPEDS for chrissake. Mix your oil and gas together, fill up your tanks, and go ride around and have fun.
That's what you a have them for, isn't it? Or is it?
Life's to short for this crap.

As my friend Rodney once said, "Can't we all just get along?"

- Eric

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ScooterRaton wrote:
OK here is what we have done.

There are a lot of classic car and bike shows here. We give them a call and ask if we can bring vintage scooters. Usually they give a cut off date. The few vintage riders get together early to go to the show. The rest of the group shows up later. We talk scooters with everyone, people are glad we came out with the scooters, we all go to lunch and then we all ride home together.

we have never won any show prizes but thats really not why we go anyway

Its fun!

You guys found something that works because you have people who want to work together.

Unfortunately, here in SoCal where drama reigns supreme, there are a few, and I mean very few scooterists who are very vocal, and they are not interested in the least in working together at being inclusive. For example, several members of one of these groups showed up at the Orange Crush rally a couple months back. Orange Crush has been inclusive for the past several years. This VO group (Vintage Only) showed up, and started telling people riding modern scooters that they couldn't ride, because they were on "plastic." Some of those members who were asked to leave are members here on MV. Of course they didn't leave, so the VO group chatted up several of the folks on vintage scoots, and left with about 25 vintage scooters to do their own ride, poaching people from Orange Crush.

Of course they'll protest their innocence, but if you read the pages of the Paisans website, it's only too obvious that a few of these people have one agenda, which is to "take back the scene." Translation: get rid of modern scooters from rallies. How ironic that they protest so loudly when someone doesn't want to include them

On the bright side, these types are few and they are vastly outnumbered by enthusiasts who are much more tolerant.

What I find the most difficult to believe is that these same guys go on the bbs or the Paisans websites and belittle MV and it's members, then they come here to advertise their vintage only rides or buy a banner. Do they really think people don't read their blather? Do they really think level headed people want to hang out with people who think the sun rises and sets on them because of the kind of scooter they ride? The hyprocisy of blasting MV and it's members and then wanting us to come to their VO rallies cracks me up. Why would I want to ride my Sprint with them when they make a habit of insulting me?

Obviously not all the members of these groups are narrow minded, in fact most of them are really knowledgeable. It's the vocal few that make them look really small.
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What's all this " they" and "them" stuff and why are all these people who don't usually post in this section throwing their 2c in?

I'll say it more succintly this time. If you post under this post you're just stirring the pot.

Now go and ride.
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We road the scoots to a Shakespeare festival presentation of The Tempest, after a meal of organic grilled leg of lamb with an unsalted butter and mint sauce, garden fresh garlic home grown red potatoes basil infused and crushed.... Himalayan salt salted sugar peas and Caesar salad....absolutely no shame in being a member of MV. My only shame is not adhering to the principles of a kinder gentler camaraderie. (the North Coast CA Shiraz and unbruised stirred Martini wasn't bad either....)
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Andrea has spoken. And she is a goddess.

I shall not say another word, mates (but perhaps just one more pint...).

- Eric
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Obviously not all the members of these groups are narrow minded, in fact most of them are really knowledgeable. It's the vocal few that make them look really small.
I got to spend at least an hour with 3 of the best tuners of 2t scoots in the world this last weekend.

They did not ask what I came on...or what I ride most...they were just interested in scooters....and were really jazzed at the new stuff coming down the pipe in the 4stroke world.

I got more info on the oil burners than I can afford and hopefully they got something in return....okay, just a little.

So right here right now I am going to drop the turd I have been carrying around for years....I KNOW WHAT THE OLD SCHOOL KIDDIES ARE MAD ABOUT....

Years ago the fast bikes were the domain of the elite of the scene.

If your P200 could run at 70 you were king.....75 and you were a god.

This ment you had a grasp of mechanics and had some balls & creativity and knew your shit...a badge of honor.

Still true today.

Then came the ET4 and the 'elite' were not threatened becaust the little 150 could not match a kitted 210 Vespa and the Lammy 225's were still the bomb.....The ET's were 'okay'...not cool but you could come to the rally...no worries.

Then something awful happened....the GT200. Now an ignorant fool could put plastic down on a scooter he did not know how to ride and smoke all but the very finest tuners.....this pissed off alot of the marginal kitted vintage riders....they felt threatened....and so arrived the push to segregate the 'scene'. What was once the arena of only the most able was now the playground of the 'unwashed' auto riders.

When the 250 came out it only got worse for the 2t zealots. Some of the most insecure wanted to 'take they're ball and go home'(read segregated rallies)...and that is where we are today. That some very bright people are working on tuning and hot rodding the new water cooled bikes must make they're butts pucker....increasing the insecurity of the 'cool kids'.

Funny that I am preparing to drop some large coin on returning my VSD to stock and building a super-sport motor for my P and I don't feel welcome at a vinatge only rally no matter what I ride.

This topic seems so dysfunctional. Guess I don't care so mush for manufactured drama.

Think I'll crack another beer....



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CafeMoto wrote:
ScooterRaton wrote:
OK here is what we have done.

There are a lot of classic car and bike shows here. We give them a call and ask if we can bring vintage scooters. Usually they give a cut off date. The few vintage riders get together early to go to the show. The rest of the group shows up later. We talk scooters with everyone, people are glad we came out with the scooters, we all go to lunch and then we all ride home together.

we have never won any show prizes but thats really not why we go anyway

Its fun!

You guys found something that works because you have people who want to work together.

Unfortunately, here in SoCal where drama reigns supreme, there are a few, and I mean very few scooterists who are very vocal, and they are not interested in the least in working together at being inclusive. For example, several members of one of these groups showed up at the Orange Crush rally a couple months back. Orange Crush has been inclusive for the past several years. This VO group (Vintage Only) showed up, and started telling people riding modern scooters that they couldn't ride, because they were on "plastic." Some of those members who were asked to leave are members here on MV. Of course they didn't leave, so the VO group chatted up several of the folks on vintage scoots, and left with about 25 vintage scooters to do their own ride, poaching people from Orange Crush.

Of course they'll protest their innocence, but if you read the pages of the Paisans website, it's only too obvious that a few of these people have one agenda, which is to "take back the scene." Translation: get rid of modern scooters from rallies. How ironic that they protest so loudly when someone doesn't want to include them

On the bright side, these types are few and they are vastly outnumbered by enthusiasts who are much more tolerant.

What I find the most difficult to believe is that these same guys go on the bbs or the Paisans websites and belittle MV and it's members, then they come here to advertise their vintage only rides or buy a banner. Do they really think people don't read their blather? Do they really think level headed people want to hang out with people who think the sun rises and sets on them because of the kind of scooter they ride? The hyprocisy of blasting MV and it's members and then wanting us to come to their VO rallies cracks me up. Why would I want to ride my Sprint with them when they make a habit of insulting me?

Obviously not all the members of these groups are narrow minded, in fact most of them are really knowledgeable. It's the vocal few that make them look really small.
For the record, I have and will continue to go on some mixed rallies. I have attended Orange Crush many times. I remember the incident that you are talking about and know many of the parties involved on both sides. I have heard that it was relatively innocent though in bad taste to "Poach" people from another ride. Also, I have caught a lot of flack on Paisans for advocating some degree of tolorance. As I have stated in this thread and countless other times, I have a hard on for Runners and Dragsters. I just wouldn't ride one on a vintage only rally. The reason I wanted to put a banner on the Vintage section of MV is that there are Vintage minded folks in this section. I hope that makes sense. It's the same reason that Scooters O caters their adds to this section. It's called targeting your audience.

1970 Sprint, ET2, GT200, MP3 500
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edited. Moving on to other topics.
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hi everybody

is everybody ok

one thing is true

whatever you ride,when it breaks down you push Nerd emoticon

and thats a fact jack
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TheO.Z. wrote:
I can very much appreciate Jess' position here.

Jimbo, while that was a nice speech, let's take a step back here for a second and remember this forum itself has some history of its own.

When this forum was started, it was started with the goal of being a technically minded forum for modern riders. Why? Because anyone riding a modern bike got a shit-ton of flack from people on the BBS. There has always been a mentality of second-class citizenry, which I can understand the genesis of and don't need a reiteration of the same grievances, but the fact remains: the alternative places to go for technical information were actually elitist, and there was no way to get any information if you actually wanted to work on and maintain your bike, much less tune it. You were basically told you were an idiot and to go home.

As a result, Modern Vespa was formed to give people a friendly, inclusive environment to discuss scooter related challenges. People of all technical proficiencies are invited to ask questions they might have related to their bikes.

of course, things change. The general tone is less about figuring out how to fix up your bike, and more about enjoying the community that formed around that, regardless of what you ride. People here ride new and old Vespas, Piaggios, Aprilias, Derbis, Peugeots, Fujis, Heinkels, Lambrettas, Italjets, Genuines, TGB/Pierspeed, Hondas, etc, and aside from the threads where people explicitly talk about why they like Vespas or why Vespas are so great, for the most part there is pretty much no pretension about what others ride. In riding my GT200, my V9A, my P125X, my Aprilia Atlantic 500, my Honda 599, my Honda Elite 250, or my MP3 500, I don't think I've ever really felt the kind of general derision here than at any other forum.

Perhaps the biggest thing that strikes me about Jess' post is that he talks about this forum being about inclusion, and not wanting to push things that bring exclusion, because that's why I'm here, and this place has helped me develop significantly both as a mechanic and a rider. I'm a decent wrench on my GT, and don't shy away from rebuilding any of my 2Ts.

And of course, Jimbo, you post a lot of things about crocs and scooter skirts, arguments we've all seen a billion times, that are ridiculous hyperbole that alienates people. For example, what if I were to say you wouldn't have any bikes at Classic (which I've attended the last 5 years), because none of your bikes would be running anyway? That your bike is just a prop for a drinking problem? That even living in the city you'll just truck your bike to the meet-up anyway?

Aren't those tired cliches as well? Aren't they bullshit? Yet at the same time, you're busting out the same sort of crap here. You may think I sound like a schmuck saying them, but that's basically the same sentiment of your post. And I don't believe what I say...

I mean really - this place is about inclusion. I think it's pretty safe to say that if you posted this on BBS' vintage only section you'd reach anyone you would have wanted to reach. So why come to an inclusive but modern oriented forum that contains people who you ridicule as being croc-wearing, scooter skirt owning, bad riders who will trade paint with you (if they had paint on their plastic), to promote a ride, then send a butt-hurt PM about how lame it is that you're not getting promotion on it that basically says you're trying to make sure none of the MV'ers come out (and post that same PM later)?

I am personally not against vintage only rallies, or modern only rallies. I'd personally rather go to an inclusive rally, but I've no issues with either. The one thing I don't like is when people assume I'm one thing or another simply because of the bike I choose to show up with on that day. I was actually mentioning to Jess a few days ago that I could appreciate the idea of Classic's return to form as a vintage-type rally, because first off it was for a damned long time when the Rally Kings ran it, and second off, no one ever presented it as "we don't want those damned modern riders around", just that people wanted to celebrate vintage bikes. The intent was about showcasing bikes, not riders.

Your post above does the exact opposite though. So who knows, maybe you speak for others in the club. Maybe you don't. But posts like yours make me not want to go to Classic.

For the record, 60% of my club has vintage bikes, one of them only has vintage (but also has a motorcycle) and another having only recently gotten a modern Vespa. Jess is in that same club. No one ever thinks any less of anyone regardless of what we ride. No one's the "black sheep" (if you pardon the expression). We led the San Juan Bautista ride at Amerivespa and had a shit ton of fun, and there was every type of bike imaginable (including a Thruxton and some... weird... MP5... thing), and I am thankful to have gotten to lead a very successful ride (with Pistol Pete taking pics from the back of my MP3) that had such an inclusive audience.

Also, I've been nearly murdered at rallies by just as many people riding Vino's or Tanks as I have people on vintage bikes. Everything from watching Jordan careen into a fuckin' fence to Bill Shamrock stalling 2-up while going up Lombard causing a chain reaction of Supers and Ps sucking it and spinning into everyone else. Then there's the skinny kids on the Primas who don't realize that just because your rear brake is the only one that will actually stop you, doesn't mean you need to lock it going down hill right in front of cable car tracks that their front tires track quite well into, fishtailing them into others just enough to nearly take out 5 other riders. I've also seen an LX bounce off a Burgman.

And yet, I enjoyed myself. I enjoyed the people I hung out with, who owned everything under the sun.

I don't expect every rally to be for everyone. I also think that if its not for an audience, don't post it to that audience. Especially when you've got an attitude about it.

To Summarize,
Vintage only rallies because classic bikes are cool: nothing wrong with it, no harm no foul. In fact, if you want to be super gracious, invite all bikes and say that only vintage bikes can be in the show or on the ride.
Vintage only rallies because you think modern bike riders are choads: don't post them here, we don't want that shit. This community isn't about belittling other people based on what they ride, or excluding people because of what they ride - there are other places to do that, and do it there.
Modern only rallies: sure, why not, but I've never really seen anyone care that much
Inclusive rallies: kick ass, love it. Love that I have a wide range of friends from a wide range of lifestyles and persuasions

Meanwhile I'm going to go out in a few to a ride to Daly City on my P125X, to check out some 50cc Yamahas and Hondas, with absolutely no irony in my soul what so ever.

One of the minions

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i think all you guys have lame bikes Nerd emoticon

the only people that have cool bikes are me and vlb Razz emoticon

see you tomorow jason for the last day of scooter invasions vintage only scooter ride. Clown emoticon

who knows, maybe sergio will show up on his 4t shifty something Wha? emoticon
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CafeMoto wrote:
Unfortunately, here in SoCal where drama reigns supreme, there are a few, and I mean very few scooterists who are very vocal, and they are not interested in the least in working together at being inclusive.
Hey now, Len... I don't think your round up of SoCal is accurate. I think that in SD we have the MOST inclusive scooter scene of all. The Pharaohs, Secret Society, Bastards and anyone one on two wheels are easily, effortlessly riding together. Come down to San Diego and ride with us... it's a different world, trust me.
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What a pointless thread .

Should I Start "help whats a Vintage, Whats a Modern??"

Sod that, can't be arsed
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buglake wrote:
CafeMoto wrote:
Unfortunately, here in SoCal where drama reigns supreme, there are a few, and I mean very few scooterists who are very vocal, and they are not interested in the least in working together at being inclusive.
Hey now, Len... I don't think your round up of SoCal is accurate. I think that in SD we have the MOST inclusive scooter scene of all. The Pharaohs, Secret Society, Bastards and anyone one on two wheels are easily, effortlessly riding together. Come down to San Diego and ride with us... it's a different world, trust me.
Agreed, Ive ridden in SF & SD and it only appears to be Fucking LA/OC with all this BS. Tiresome it is.

PS Len, they do some nice rides down south and no drama.


Sorry Gitta I wont be able to make for your guys ride(2nd Sunday), pissed because I wanted to ride across that bridge. Tell the SD crew "Hey".

Ride Safe


Also Props to Secret Society SF for a drama less Scooter Rage 23.
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Sure glad that stuff hasn't spread to here. 21 of us just had a grand time without any concern for make, year or model. Expect the same in 2010

It really isn't worth the emotion.


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snapshot05 wrote:
buglake wrote:
CafeMoto wrote:
Unfortunately, here in SoCal where drama reigns supreme, there are a few, and I mean very few scooterists who are very vocal, and they are not interested in the least in working together at being inclusive.
Hey now, Len... I don't think your round up of SoCal is accurate. I think that in SD we have the MOST inclusive scooter scene of all. The Pharaohs, Secret Society, Bastards and anyone one on two wheels are easily, effortlessly riding together. Come down to San Diego and ride with us... it's a different world, trust me.
Agreed, Ive ridden in SF & SD and it only appears to be Fucking LA/OC with all this BS. Tiresome it is.

PS Len, they do some nice rides down south and no drama.


Sorry Gitta I wont be able to make for your guys ride(2nd Sunday), pissed because I wanted to ride across that bridge. Tell the SD crew "Hey".

Ride Safe


Also Props to Secret Society SF for a drama less Scooter Rage 23.
am i blind or is it because i did'nt make it to orange crush.

here in la we have a monthy group ride that is for everyone

we also have a lambretta only ride

we also have a vintage only ride

i am starting a ride that will be for et3's and old bald guys ONLY Nerd emoticon

manny,your half way there
@chad avatar

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@chad avatar
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this morning i was an elitist asshole when i rode my p200 out for a test ride.

then i came home and turned into a douchebag so i could ride my et4 for groceries.

i'm not sure what the stella trip this afternoon will bring. probably poseur.

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you elitest-douchbag-poser-moped owning-fancy dressing-grocery shopping-bill paying-funny guy

can we hang out sometime
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jimmyb865 wrote:
snapshot05 wrote:
buglake wrote:
CafeMoto wrote:
Unfortunately, here in SoCal where drama reigns supreme, there are a few, and I mean very few scooterists who are very vocal, and they are not interested in the least in working together at being inclusive.
Hey now, Len... I don't think your round up of SoCal is accurate. I think that in SD we have the MOST inclusive scooter scene of all. The Pharaohs, Secret Society, Bastards and anyone one on two wheels are easily, effortlessly riding together. Come down to San Diego and ride with us... it's a different world, trust me.
Agreed, Ive ridden in SF & SD and it only appears to be Fucking LA/OC with all this BS. Tiresome it is.

PS Len, they do some nice rides down south and no drama.


Sorry Gitta I wont be able to make for your guys ride(2nd Sunday), pissed because I wanted to ride across that bridge. Tell the SD crew "Hey".

Ride Safe


Also Props to Secret Society SF for a drama less Scooter Rage 23.
am i blind or is it because i did'nt make it to orange crush.

here in la we have a monthy group ride that is for everyone

we also have a lambretta only ride

we also have a vintage only ride

i am starting a ride that will be for et3's and old bald guys ONLY Nerd emoticon

manny,your half way there
I know Marv does have the open monthly,congrats on joining Westside, Ive met Marv, Pete & tanktop cool guys, now theyve added one more cool guy.

Jimmy only if you share the sunscreen.

I look forward to seeing ya at Swerve n Curve. That and Orange Crush are the only rides Im doing here in LA, theyre open to all. Afterall I ride with Ruckus, so to some I must be a bad guy.

Viva La Difference


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thanks manny

tank is a true scooter enthusiast

a good contrast for marv who can be a little over powering at times(in a good way marv)

the two have worked very hard to make our rides FUN.

to the extent of kicking certain members out for inappropriate behavior to others. 8)

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so i have included a couple pics of today

the one is of SERGIO on his 4t stella

and the other is bobby on his 100 mph lambretta

a guy showed up with his honda elite Wha? emoticon and was quickly shooed off Razz emoticon

just kidding,he was only there for food 8)

last ride of the "scooter invasion" weekend

then a bbq and raffle,will post later because i know you guys are just chomping at the bit for more Clown emoticon
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Wow, I leave town for five minutes and all hell breaks loose. For the record, you all can talk about whatever you want, rally-wise. I'm just not going to run the banners. I'm definitely not in favor of vintage-only rallies (duh!) but it's not up to me and I'm not going to impose my viewpoint on anyone else. I'm not really keen on modern-only either.

But let's say, for the sake of argument, that I was going to stage a modern-only rally. Do you think I could get Paisans to run a banner for me?

in any case, this thread has been very... Educational. Yeah, that's the ticket!

Anyone know where I can find a PK Automatica in the US?
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Aviator47 wrote:
Sure glad that stuff hasn't spread to here. 21 of us just had a grand time without any concern for make, year or model. Expect the same in 2010

It really isn't worth the emotion.

that's because we were all riding kymco agility's al ROFL emoticon the humiliation was evenly distributed
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jess wrote:
Anyone know where I can find a PK Automatica in the US?
There's a guy i call about once a year who i know has a PK125 automatica...just sitting in his garage....and i call to see if he's changed his mind about selling it to me. He's the same guy i bought my ss180 off of ( cheaply ) and a $450 50 special. I'm hoping one day he opts to sell me the PK125 automatica, though i don't know why i want it so bad. I guess just to rescue it out of that dude's garage mostly.
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Dude I'd buy the automatica. Mostly for shits and giggles though.

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don't doubt the pk auto

i hear their zippy but hell for parts

as a side note

jess,i'm just glad you guys let me hang out here

nobody else lets me hang out with em Razz emoticon
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jimmyb865 wrote:
jess,i'm just glad you guys let me hang out here

nobody else lets me hang out with em Razz emoticon
Well, I can't really stop you, so that must mean I'm a bad guy. Or something. Actually, I'm not sure what it means.

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There's an asshole in every crowd. I still can't figure what category a P200E falls into. I'm part bald.
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They should just make it Shiftys & Autos, that would clear up the muddy vintage/classic crap.

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i say shifty and bald(or kinda bald)

if you can meet those requirments then you can hang out Nerd emoticon

and if your a girl you have to have hair and be hot

cause shifty bald guys like hairy hot girls Clown emoticon Laughing emoticon
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Hell, Jimmy, forget vintage scooters, how about

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snapshot05 wrote:
They should just make it Shiftys & Autos, that would clear up the muddy vintage/classic crap.
except that my 2005 px shifts LOL

Super nice lambretta jimmy!
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CafeMoto wrote:
ScooterRaton wrote:
OK here is what we have done.

There are a lot of classic car and bike shows here. We give them a call and ask if we can bring vintage scooters. Usually they give a cut off date. The few vintage riders get together early to go to the show. The rest of the group shows up later. We talk scooters with everyone, people are glad we came out with the scooters, we all go to lunch and then we all ride home together.

we have never won any show prizes but thats really not why we go anyway

Its fun!

You guys found something that works because you have people who want to work together.

Unfortunately, here in SoCal where drama reigns supreme, there are a few, and I mean very few scooterists who are very vocal, and they are not interested in the least in working together at being inclusive. For example, several members of one of these groups showed up at the Orange Crush rally a couple months back. Orange Crush has been inclusive for the past several years. This VO group (Vintage Only) showed up, and started telling people riding modern scooters that they couldn't ride, because they were on "plastic." Some of those members who were asked to leave are members here on MV. Of course they didn't leave, so the VO group chatted up several of the folks on vintage scoots, and left with about 25 vintage scooters to do their own ride, poaching people from Orange Crush.

Of course they'll protest their innocence, but if you read the pages of the Paisans website, it's only too obvious that a few of these people have one agenda, which is to "take back the scene." Translation: get rid of modern scooters from rallies. How ironic that they protest so loudly when someone doesn't want to include them

On the bright side, these types are few and they are vastly outnumbered by enthusiasts who are much more tolerant.

What I find the most difficult to believe is that these same guys go on the bbs or the Paisans websites and belittle MV and it's members, then they come here to advertise their vintage only rides or buy a banner. Do they really think people don't read their blather? Do they really think level headed people want to hang out with people who think the sun rises and sets on them because of the kind of scooter they ride? The hyprocisy of blasting MV and it's members and then wanting us to come to their VO rallies cracks me up. Why would I want to ride my Sprint with them when they make a habit of insulting me?

Obviously not all the members of these groups are narrow minded, in fact most of them are really knowledgeable. It's the vocal few that make them look really small.
We, in Florida, have managed to build a great scooter community. All of our rallies are ALL inclusive. Some lean more toward modern or vintage, but everyone is welcome and treated with kindness. Even when a spouse or friend shows up on a motorcycle, they are welcome.

It's interesting to observe people at the rallies or events. There are 60 year olds riding vintage and moderns. There are 20 something year olds riding vintage and moderns and there is everyone else in between. Some are on their first scooter and some on their tenth scooter. Some have both vintage and modern. Then there are those like ScootRaton, who has one of everything and he can work on them all.

It's the blend at the rallies that make them interesting and fun. I have noticed that the few who have shown up with an attitude of superiority, for whatever reason, don't get attention for very long. It's not usually good attention either and they usually don't show up at any other events. If they do, they have had an attitude adjustment.

And ScootRaton's Vintage Vespa did WIN at the Classic Car Show this winter.

Just because you ride modern or vintage, big or small, red or black, doesn't make you any better or worse or smarter or cooler than anyone else. It just makes you YOU.

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jimmyb865 wrote:
hi everybody

is everybody ok

one thing is true

whatever you ride,when it breaks down you push Nerd emoticon

and thats a fact jack
unless it's a moped. then you can pedal it home.

i've spent time with the moped crew here. i've seen it happen more than once.

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i think when people or clubs throw out "vintage only", it really is used as a call out to people of similar "mindset" as opposed to what they actually ride.

might not be the best way to approach it, but it appears to be effective (bar the interweb or playground bitching/defending that always ensues.) i've gone to a number of vintage only events, and there is almost always a couple of autos in attendance. were they shunned, told to go home, or made fun of? not in any case i've seen, but then again, the people i know would shrug it off as they really could care less.

if you come to have a good time, party, have good conversation, like to wrench on bikes (no matter when they were made), then i think you'll fit in fine at any "vintage only" rally. believe me, there would be equal animosity towards someone that is grinding the clutch on a vintage they just paid 3000 for, yet has no idea or interest on how to change the tire.

if people (my club included) that have "vintage only" rallies REALLY started enforcing the rules, it would all devolve to a bunch of cushman guys in someones backyard with a six pack.

here's the best way to look at it...."vintage only" = "no posers". if you buy a bike to fit into a scene, it doesn't matter if it's an immaculate sx200, people will still think you're an asshole if you are.
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Rover Eric wrote:
jess wrote:
Anyone know where I can find a PK Automatica in the US?
There's a guy i call about once a year who i know has a PK125 automatica...just sitting in his garage....and i call to see if he's changed his mind about selling it to me. He's the same guy i bought my ss180 off of ( cheaply ) and a $450 50 special. I'm hoping one day he opts to sell me the PK125 automatica, though i don't know why i want it so bad. I guess just to rescue it out of that dude's garage mostly.
Is he in Toronto? Cause I know one that just sits around with many other rare Italian scooters and cars.
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Brett K wrote:
snapshot05 wrote:
They should just make it Shiftys & Autos, that would clear up the muddy vintage/classic crap.
except that my 2005 px shifts LOL

Super nice lambretta jimmy!
So you got a shifty, lucky dog, my buddy has one and it shift so smoothly.
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