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@munibonds avatar
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Here's a great link to BOGO at Jamba Juice smoothies that will work up thru July 12th...just print it on your computer and your set....it works as I have been using it this past week a few times...printed a few of these babies out this week:


Good luck and enjoy your smoothie !!!!
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This bums me out. I LOVE Jamba Juice, and the nearest one closed 6 months ago! The next nearest one is inside a grocery store, and they wouldn't do the 2 for 1 deal.
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Yes! I work right next door to a Jamba.
@bobovespa avatar

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Oh how I wish we had Jamba Juice in the DC area .... more reason to hang out in California.
@greasy125 avatar

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Bobovespa wrote:
Oh how I wish we had Jamba Juice in the DC area .... more reason to hang out in California.
what? i was not reason enough?

c'mon over and we'll ride to get some jamba!

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