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this is a few shots of todays ride

members from many clubs

final ride tomorow
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
hidding from the sun
hidding from the sun
pacific coast highway with the big blue in the distance
pacific coast highway with the big blue in the distance
@joshzingzing avatar

Veni, Vidi, Posti
px200 cutdown,px180,px150. Puch SR. Puch scooterette
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
@joshzingzing avatar
px200 cutdown,px180,px150. Puch SR. Puch scooterette
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looks like an awesome ride --so many people and it looks nice and warm weather

i went on a club ride today too but i was the only one with a geared scoot and it was bloody freezing up in the hills
@southbayrich avatar

P 200, GT, MP3 500
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@southbayrich avatar
P 200, GT, MP3 500
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It was a great ride. Wish I could get away Sunday to join you guys.

Thanks to the Westside gang for a fun ride and a good time.

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SouthBayRich wrote:
It was a great ride. Wish I could get away Sunday to join you guys.

Thanks to the Westside gang for a fun ride and a good time.
thank you rich

i really enjoy seeing all of you

i would like to see you out on the mp3500 sometime

theres a new one at the bike shop down the street,awsome
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Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
@gatekeep avatar
1974 Rally USA 200 1980 P200e
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That looks so cool! I've been on the pacific coast highway before. It is amazing! You guys have a great scooter thing going out there. I wish it were like that around here.
It's not like the riding weather is real bad. You could ride here no prob from Feb. > Nov.
Looking at those old scoots together really makes me jelouse.
There are five colleges within 10 miles of my house and I have yet to see a old scoot.??
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