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Rex's excellent warning label (mentioned recently in these two threads) inspired me to try creating an mp3 silhouette and then beg Rex to add an mp3 version to his Cafe Press store.

I'm not entirely satisfied with the results, but being the art and design know-nothing that I am, I don't know how to improve it.  Do you any of you clueful people have ideas to make this silhouette better?

Edit: Now that I have it posted, it doesn't seem so bad, but maybe that's just because I'm getting used to it (and I have no taste)?  The request for feedback stands.
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stick some cross-bones between the front wheels for the 'pirate' look !!
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I like it
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My two cents worth:

Try raising the wheels up to where they almost touch on the bottom, and on top add the handlebars on either side.
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It kind of looks like darth vader and a grey alien had a baby, and the wheels look like car seat belt straps. Razz emoticon

Maybe if you made the windscreen just an outline rather than filled in....
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astromags wrote:
Try raising the wheels up to where they almost touch on the bottom, and on top add the handlebars on either side.
Astromags, thanks!  Raising the wheels has improved it a lot, I think.  (I had meant to include the handlebars to begin with and just flat forgot.) 
With Astromags' suggestions
With Astromags' suggestions
With Astromags' suggestions and the rear wheel added
With Astromags' suggestions and the rear wheel added
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Drop the wheels add cross bones and you have a bad ass pirate/mp3 flag.
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RadioCtrlDWife wrote:
Maybe if you made the windscreen just an outline rather than filled in....
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I'd say you've got it!
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I 2nd that.The last silhouette is it!
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Yep, less darth vaderish, much better. Laughing emoticon
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mp3 design
I like it with the clear windscreen , but what happened to the 3rd wheel?
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Woot!  Thanks everyone for the responses.  I couldn't have done it without the help.

I have a PM off to Rex.  We'll see what he thinks.
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Re: mp3 design
Edward Teach wrote:
I like it with the clear windscreen , but what happened to the 3rd wheel?
I don't think it quite works this way, but here it is with the clear windscreen and rear wheel, for anyone who wants a complete set.
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Re: mp3 design
lostboy wrote:
Edward Teach wrote:
I like it with the clear windscreen , but what happened to the 3rd wheel?
I don't think it quite works this way, but here it is with the clear windscreen and rear wheel, for anyone who wants a complete set.
I like it! 8) I think it needs the 3rd wheel to be 'coded' as MP3-- but maybe do the top of it rounded/separate like the front 2?
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