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WTF was Vespa thinking when the designed the footpegs on the GTS? I went for a long ride with the girlfriend this weekend and had major problems putting my feet down at lights while her feet were on the pegs. If I were any shorter there would be no way I could ride a passenger with those pegs out. I have to stick my feet all the way out to the side. I have a fear I will get my feet caught on hers at a light and drop the bike.

Anyone else have this problem?

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Re: GTS 300 first passenger ride WTF?
Maybe she's resting her heels on the pegs, instead of her toes? If she can move her feet back some, that might help.

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Yep, I have the same problem too...especially when I take my brother with his size 15 feet, but even 'normal' people cause problems.
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I have the 250 and it has exactly the same problems - the foot pegs look really pretty and every review on the bike stated how clever they were but I suspect no reviewer actually took a passenger for a ride. It just seems like poor design to me.
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Have them ride with their feet pointing towards the front, it makes it easier on you, or it you have rear crash bars like mine the passanger can rest their feet on them instead of the pasanger pegs.

Ride Safe

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I'm short and I have that problem which is one of the reasons I don't take passengers.
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Same problem with me. That's why I don't take passengers. Either I'm riding the 300 or my girl is.
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The best way to solve the problem is to get your girlfriend her own Vespa

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Yup. We tell everyone who asks that the GTS is terrible for passengers. A few people don't mind it, but it is by and large terrible.
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You adapt and get used to it. It's a small price to pay for looking so good on a Gts.

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The problem is that the GTS "hips" are far too wide for easy foot placement on the oddly-placed pegs. This is a re-post of an adaptation I made of another gent's more elegant and permanent solution.

I just made quick-and-dirty foot peg extensions out of pvc pipe: force them onto the pegs and tap them home. The duct tape is just insurance against them slipping off, but they have shown no signs of doing so.

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The extensions take about 5 minutes to make: 6.25" of PVC pipe and a cap. My wife reports that it really helps her comfort level.

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Luck of the draw...
We both have 32" inseams and the GTS is perfect for rider and passenger using pegs. Better half sometimes uses the cowl guard but is most comfortable with foldaway pegs! Luck of the draw I guess! Darlings only complaint is getting her leg over the seat to get on! My only bitch is the inability to slide back further on the seat to change position and stretch.
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redhandmoto wrote:
The problem is that the GTS "hips" are far too wide for easy foot placement on the oddly-placed pegs. This is a re-post of an adaptation I made of another gent's more elegant and permanent solution.

I just made quick-and-dirty foot peg extensions out of pvc pipe: force them onto the pegs and tap them home. The duct tape is just insurance against them slipping off, but they have shown no signs of doing so.

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The extensions take about 5 minutes to make: 6.25" of PVC pipe and a cap. My wife reports that it really helps her comfort level.

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Sorry but I don't like the thought of having Dildo-like protrusions from the side of my 300.

ROFL emoticon

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Yeah, the unfortunate dildo factor has been noted before. Knew that would inevitably come up as soon as I glued the caps on - not sure that the caps are absolutely necessary for preventing the foot from sliding off...

Keep thinking that the 1.25" ID pvc pipe as a basis for a non-permanent attachment of some kind of peg extensions will work if a less, ah, unfortunate shape can be fashioned...
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redhandmoto wrote:
Yeah, the unfortunate dildo factor has been noted before. Knew that would inevitably come up as soon as I glued the caps on - not sure that the caps are absolutely necessary for preventing the foot from sliding off...

Keep thinking that the 1.25" ID pvc pipe as a basis for a non-permanent attachment of some kind of peg extensions will work if a less, ah, unfortunate shape can be fashioned...
It was still a good idea, just needs to made from the right stuff.
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VEZPA wrote:
redhandmoto wrote:
The extensions take about 5 minutes to make: 6.25" of PVC pipe and a cap. My wife reports that it really helps her comfort level.
Sorry but I don't like the thought of having Dildo-like protrusions from the side of my 300.

ROFL emoticon
Hey, as long as it keeps the wife or girlfriend happy...
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I posted my solution to this problem on the Project Reports page. If anybody's interested:


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Zagato wrote:
I posted my solution to this problem on the Project Reports page. If anybody's interested:

The more I look at my dildos, the more I like Zagato's fix - elegant and simple, & non-evocative of perv toys...
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Zagato wrote:
I posted my solution to this problem on the Project Reports page. If anybody's interested:

Yeah, I saw your mod before.
I definitely like your approach.

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I too don't like the GT/GTS/ETC for two up riding either for that exact reason. I'm short and am always knocking my fiances feet off.

The LX150 fits us much better but we mostly ride the MP3 around.
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GTS Pegs
After a week or so on the road Cathy couldn't tolerate the passenger pegs.....it was getting bad for her. A trip to the hardware store in Hawthorne NV solved the problem. Luckily they come off just as fast as they went on!! I think a BV500 is in our near future. It also has a better seat for 2-up riding.
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These are all good fixes for passenger comfort but it still doesn't make it any easier for me to put my feet down with a passenger at stops. The only thing I think will work is putting on the cowl protectors and having my girlfriend keep her feet on those around town.

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Re: GTS Pegs
Turkman wrote:
After a week or so on the road Cathy couldn't tolerate the passenger pegs.....it was getting bad for her. A trip to the hardware store in Hawthorne NV solved the problem. Luckily they come off just as fast as they went on!! I think a BV500 is in our near future. It also has a better seat for 2-up riding.
Zounds! Turkman, M'Lord; what is that you've used to make your extensions? I need to get rid of mine and use yours!

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