Rode out to riderside, rode with a group, scoot ran fine. Coming home on the freeway and just passing 65mph, the scoot started to lose power. As long as I kept it under 65 it wouldnt lose power. if I gased it from 50 mph to 65mph it had power but I couldnt go over 65mph or else it would just lose power. When I got closer to home and stopped at a gas station, it sputtered out like it was out of gas or losing spark.
The gas gauge had 3 bars, but I put gas in it anyways, still wont start. pulled off the gas line and the fuel pump was working, cap attached to sparkplug, disconnected the battery, still wont start. I turns over and sounds like it wants to start but it wont. I even removed the gas cap and tried that, nope.
Had to have it towed home through my insurance, Foremost via Farmers (no out of pocket cost). * Gonna roll it down to the Vespa shop Tuesday morning (they are closed on Mondays and a couple blocks away), prob something covered under the warranty.
Anyone one experienced got any ideas? My guess the electronic ignition pooped out. Thought it was vapor lock as it was hot today, but not at night on the way home.