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I know I'm courting posts calling me a hooligan, but here goes...

I ride through London every day and often need people to be aware of where I am (which is to say, hanging on their bumper wanting them to pull over just 1 inch so I can not sit in the queue for half-an-hour with them).

I bought the LV4Road because I like the sound and didn't like the standard chrome barrel. Also, because I know it has a 'seperate' baffle that could be modified.

Anyone have any actually experience doing this or anything like though?

I'm thinking drilling holes would be the best gradual try-it-and-see and later 'undoable' adjustment, but maybe cutting it short is an option also.

anyone have any advice?

Thanks! *dons flame-proof vest*
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You could start by removing the baffle, which is non-destructive and 100% reversible. If that is too loud or you start to get a "back fire" when rolling off the throttle, you could reinstall the baffle, or you could try cutting off a bit of the baffle a little at a time till you find the sound that you like. Of course, this is not reversible but would not degrade the exterior appearance of the muffler. The one caveat is that if you open up the exhaust system too much, you subject the engine to potential significant damage, which would most definitely be denied if submitted for a warranty claim. There have been several exhaustive (sorry for the pun) threads on here regarding the pros and cons of modified exhaust systems. Do a search and I am sure that you will find them.

I hope this helps,

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From what I've read (I have the LV, but haven't tried it) the 4road is VERY loud without the baffle.

Shortening the baffle, as previously suggesed, might provide you a something-in-between option.

You can probably order an additional, original baffle from LV just in case you conclude it was better before your started messing with it.
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Thanks for the replies.

The baffle out is certainly too loud - it's like a frikkin Harley!

It is designed to operate with the baffle out, though, so I was hoping that baffle mods would be 'sound', though I suppose drilling holes might cause hot spots or air lfow weirdness?

The baffle is effectively a steel tube sitting inside the exhaust. Perhaps just sawing lengths off until happy would the volume be best.

As for LV providing baffles seperately? Nope - been there when the baffle came out at speed and disappeared under a juggernaut on the motorway when I had one fitted to a 250. They don't provide them sepertately and certainly don't replace those that 'come loose' under warranty

So... I would kinda like to be able to 're-extend' a baffle I cut too short. To be honest a buddy in the scooter club made a complete replacement for me before, so I know it can be done.

I'm guessing noone out there has actually done this before then? Hmm... Perhaps I'll wait until my JCosta experiments are over to start more!

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I understand you're intent is to be more noticeable and thereby, safer. Louder is most likely safer, but there's a cost to society when our moto's are making lots of noise.

Maybe consider a different route. Leave the exhaust alone. Install a bumpin' stereo system on your mp3. And when you're in a particularly dangerous or threatening area, I would recommend playing this tune at full volume to make sure folks know you're coming:


Be safe.
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I cut my baffle down. I tried 3 different lenghts before I was satisfied with the sound. Start by cutting it in half and then go in 1 inch increments. Do not drill holes in the cannister itself. Thsi is a great way to get foreign material and objects jammed in there.

Matt C.
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manfetti wrote:
I cut my baffle down. I tried 3 different lenghts before I was satisfied with the sound. Start by cutting it in half and then go in 1 inch increments. Do not drill holes in the cannister itself. Thsi is a great way to get foreign material and objects jammed in there.

Matt C.
I didn't mean drill holes in the cannister, I meant drill the baffle rather than shorten it. Easier to block holes in the baffle if I want to 'repair' my modification than to try and reattach a cut off

Really cut half way? How much louder was it?

Thanks for the reply, by the way, Matt.

P.S. So no issues with causing strange/dangerous heat flow or buildup with the modified baffle?
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I have never tried drilling holes in the baffle. I cut it just before the main tunnel is visible through the baffle. This way, there is still back pressure and the sound is not quite as loud as having the bafffle out all the way. It sound better to me.

Matt C.
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manfetti wrote:
I have never tried drilling holes in the baffle. I cut it just before the main tunnel is visible through the baffle. This way, there is still back pressure and the sound is not quite as loud as having the bafffle out all the way. It sound better to me.

Matt C.
Would you mind expanding a bit on "just before the main tunnel is visible"

Do you mean after the bend, so there is no direct sight through the baffle?
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If you take the baffle out, you'll be staring down the main tunnel. I cut the baffle at the bend... basically just before you would be looking directly down the tunnel.

Matt C.
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