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What would be a reasonable resale price for a new-ish black 300 with 2000km with cut down windscreen & rear cowl guards?

The problem is going to be convincing anyone that it's worth anything near what I paid for it. I'm not convinced myself...

I bought a vintage motorcycle recently... a 1978 Honda CB750K... the Vespa seems like an overpriced indulgence at this point, & I have major buyer's regret.
The Motorcycle is sooooo much faster, cooler, & more fun. Parts and service are easy to get. The Vespa feels like a toy after riding the 750. It's a great ride, for a scooter. The Honda is just a great ride. the amazing part is the motorcycle cost me well less than half the price of the scooter.

I believe the MSRP in Canada is 8200-ish + the stupid extra fees that the dealer charged on delivery. I feel I got soaked & can get so much more motorcycle for the money.

It is mint, except for the front reflectors which I removed.
nice scooter... for someone else? : D
nice scooter... for someone else? : D
The replacement killer
The replacement killer
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may as well ride it for a year or so you'll get the same money for it then
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Jesse, this thought has crossed my mind... the thing is, I'm just not riding it much.
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nice, NICE looking 750 !!

My guess is that you are going to get hammered if you sell the Vespa..seems like the <scooter> is slowing subsiding...Good luck if you decide to sell..
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Re: Fair resale price for a GTS300ie? [Buyer's Remorse]
[quote The Honda is just a great ride. the amazing part is the motorcycle cost me well less than half the price of the scooter.

I know what you mean...I bought a brand new Chevy Equinox for $30,000 out the door....I could have bought a 30 year old car for less than $300.
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VespaBurlington ... I see what you're saying... but even a new motorcycle would cost about as much, or less, and far outperform a Vespa.

the fact is, on a road trip I'd feel far more secure taking my 31 year old Honda... it feels faster, safer, and I know I could easily get parts and service anywhere.

I'm not hating on Vespas, just coming to a realization that I could have spent my money far more wisely for what I need. The fact is that a 31 year old cheap motorcycle is a way better machine in just about every way... sorry, but these are my findings.

So, anyone have a guestimate as to what I may be able to ask for a *slightly* used Vespa 300?
I know I'm going to get skinned alive... but how much? ...25%... 33% ?
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Hang on to the Vespa for a while if you can afford to. The Honda is a pretty new acquisition if I recall and although you may not be riding the 300 much now but in a while when the Honda experience is less 'new and exciting' you might see the Vespa in a different light. As far as money goes, you will lose way more than you want to if you sell it now. Sell it next year and you'll probably get the same price. Sell it in the spring when people are getting ready for a whole season of riding rather than now when the season is almost half over.

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Since there can't be many used 300's on the market yet, you might look into what used 250's are going for. That would give you some kind of baseline.
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I dont know, my Harley is almost 1600 cc's and I wouldn't think of getting rid of my Vespa. On the open road, I'll take the Harley any day, but for urban riding, the Vespa is far superior, and a lot more fun.
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Try 20% and see what you get for responses. I would start higher since you can always lower the price if you find an interested party. Good luck
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So, anyone have a guestimate as to what I may be able to ask for a *slightly* used Vespa 300?
I know I'm going to get skinned alive... but how much? ...25%... 33% ?
Hell, I'll give ya $45 for that POS Italian junk....

*And* I will come and pick it up and solve your pressing problem.

Nothing worse than an unwanted toy....

Keep the rubber bits down.


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Peter Evans wrote:
VespaBurlington ... I see what you're saying... but even a new motorcycle would cost about as much, or less, and far outperform a Vespa.

the fact is, on a road trip I'd feel far more secure taking my 31 year old Honda... it feels faster, safer, and I know I could easily get parts and service anywhere.

Hindsight is 20/20....sometimes. Honda is pretty "proud" of their parts pricing as well as Piaggio, AND you may find certain parts not common to other, newer Honda bikes out of production.

That Honda certainly is faster, but safer and more secure? That's very subjective and I for one disagree. Parts and service anywhere? G'luck.

You've purchased an apple, and an orange and will take a beating whether you sell it now, 6 months from, now, or a year from.

I'd keep it for the time being, your mood and/or the status of that 31 yo Honda may change in the meantime and put that shiny, new Vespa in a different light to you.
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Peter Evans wrote:
Jesse, this thought has crossed my mind... the thing is, I'm just not riding it much.
I feel your pain I have 2 Bikes also.

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To answer your question: first you'll have to write off all of the dealer prep fees, shipping fees, tax, and license. The buyer will have to pay tax when they register it in their own name, so that part is self cancelling.

Then I'd watch Craigslist or it's equivalent near you for a couple of weeks, and see what people are getting (actually selling) for a low mileage GTS. I'd take that number, and add about $500 to it, and that's probably a realisitic expectation of what the market will bear.
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I would typically look at Kelly Bluegook retail and trade in to establish a high and low bracket...but the your scoot is really too new to determine a true high / low.

You could investigate what's being offered in your local market or even check with the Dealer and see if they'll sell it on consignment...but you'll lose some on the percentage they would take.

Best bet is to post where you deem appropriate and see what Buyer's are willing to offer for your scoot.

That's about all I can come up with at this time...

BTW...my son's friend purchase a Honda 650cc sportbike (used) for ~ $6,500 and just sold it last night for ~$6,000 after owning it for a couple of months...may be going with a 250cc or no MC at all...bought the MC on impulse and changed his mind...it happens...
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That Honda looks great! 8)

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Sandman wrote:
I dont know, my Harley is almost 1600 cc's and I wouldn't think of getting rid of my Vespa. On the open road, I'll take the Harley any day, but for urban riding, the Vespa is far superior, and a lot more fun.

Have you ridden both enough to appreciate them individually? Does one experience have to negate the other? If it is possible, ride them both and have fun. Enjoy it. Lots of people would like to be in your lucky shoes. Unless you believe otherwise, slow down and give yourself some time and then find the decision to be made.

Why spend the summer fretting over which bike is right?

Good God man - go ride!

Best to you and you summer,
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Fin wrote:
Sandman wrote:
I dont know, my Harley is almost 1600 cc's and I wouldn't think of getting rid of my Vespa. On the open road, I'll take the Harley any day, but for urban riding, the Vespa is far superior, and a lot more fun.

Have you ridden both enough to appreciate them individually? Does one experience have to negate the other? If it is possible, ride them both and have fun. Enjoy it. Lots of people would like to be in your lucky shoes. Unless you believe otherwise, slow down and give yourself some time and then find the decision to be made.

Why spend the summer fretting over which bike is right?

Good God man - go ride!

Best to you and you summer,
Well spoken.
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glasseye wrote:
Hell, I'll give ya $45 for that POS Italian junk....

*And* I will come and pick it up and solve your pressing problem.

Nothing worse than an unwanted toy....

Keep the rubber bits down.


That is just mean. This guy is hurting here. I'll go $500 Canadian
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I've always contended, it's more fun to go fast on something slow than to go slow on something fast.

I gotta be honest, it's possible you're just not a scooterist. I have had 600 cc inline 4 naked Honda streetfighters before, and the bike I still own is my GT.

If it's not you, it's not you. That's all there is to it. But you couldn't convince me if you tried to give up my GT for your Honda. Or any of my other scooters for that matter. Including my Honda scooters.

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You've purchased an apple, and an orange

I think we are comparing apples and oranges here....

I gotta be honest, it's possible you're just not a scooterist.

Exactly what I was thinking....

Ok, its 20% depreciation out the door or more depending on our deal or lack there of.....Deal with it, that's why some rather not buy "brand new Stuff".

Sure the Honda is a great bike, but are we really discussing that here...

Sounds just more like someone wanting to scooter bash...

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pdxscoot wrote:
glasseye wrote:
Hell, I'll give ya $45 for that POS Italian junk....

*And* I will come and pick it up and solve your pressing problem.

Nothing worse than an unwanted toy....

Keep the rubber bits down.


That is just mean. This guy is hurting here. I'll go $500 Canadian
That is what Glasseye already said... Don't be mean.

See if you can return the Vespa to the dealership and maybe they can sell it off their showroom floor on a consignments basis.

I would ride the H' outta the Vespa and use the Honda on weekends or joyrides.
30 yr old bike... Wha? emoticon Antique... I would be a little afraid of depending on it on a daily basis..
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to be fair, there's not much in the way of urban riding in newfoundland, and a lot of stretches of long straight road - so i can understand the OP's reasons for wanting to stick with a bigger bike. sorry i can't offer you any help with your original question... if my mum were a few years younger i'd suggest she buy it as she's been wanting a scooter, but she's getting on a bit and i think the 300 would be too big for her to handle.
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I'd have to agree, the Vespa is probably better and faster when riding downtown... But downtown here is like one "big city" block...

Most of my riding is on relatively crappy condition coastal roads.
Very little traffic.

The vespa doesn't do bumps well.
It's not fast enough for long fast rides.

It's awesome safe fun, for sure... But I'm just not on it much.
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Peter one problem you're going to have is likely relative lack of demand for a scooter in Newfoundland. I was in St. John's less than a month ago, during the time I was there I saw tons of motorcycles on the road, but in that same time period only one scooter. Even if someone could get $6500 for a GTS 300 in Toronto let's say, you may not be able to find a buyer willing to pay that for "only a scooter" in Newfoundland. There seems to be great demand for motorcycles, but not so much for scooters.

I also agree with the observation that many of the roads just aren't very friendly to a scooter with small wheels. I can see why more people ride motorcycles in Newfoundland rather than scooters.
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Odd enough, my friend has the same Honda and we went for a ride a few weeks back. He was pushing it through the twisties, but he couldn't shake my 300. Can't maximize the hp on tight mountain roads. (remind anyone of InitialD?) I guess if you are riding longer stretches of road the hp is nice though. When we traded rides I was really impressed with the Honda, but when I got back on my scooter I remembered why my motorcycle is on Craigslist.
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Funny that. You have one of the most pristine examples of a great old Honda, AND a new interpretation of a classic Italian scooter....and your unhappy. Imagine that. =P

I bet ya this...you'll sell the scooter, and one day you'll wonder why you did. NOT that it's better than a motorcycle...anymore than a motorcycle is better than a scooter. But a Vespa is a ready made classic.

last thought...you only take a soaking if you try to sell it. It's still as well made and beautiful as the day you bought it. And you were happy with what you paid the day you took it off the lot.

By the sound of things you've not experienced all the "joys" of owning a motorcycle, let alone one that's almost 30 years old. Your going to find...parts are not as easy to come by as all that...they need a lot more attention, adjustment and money as well...performance comes at a cost.

Keep them both. Make your friends jealous.
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... or maybe he just tries to run a few errands on the Honda?

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Before you sell it and take a severe whipping on your $$$$ loss, keep it until next Spring (at a minimum). You may learn to love it. I rode large motorcycles for over 35 years and now, I only own scooters. I used to have a Honda, exactly like yours. (over 30 years ago). It was a great bike and I'm sure that you will enjoy the bike. But, there is a drastic difference between what the Vespa IS and what it excels at vs the Honda.
You're going to take a large financial hit NOW if you sell it and the hit is NOT likely to be any heavier if you wait until Spring. I just wouldn't make an impulsive decision. I'd give it some real heavy thought over a period of time before selling the Vespa.
Please let us know what you decide.
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Thanks to everyone , for the sound advice...
You are probably right, I may as well enjoy it, It's as good as the day I bought it...

I was thinking of liquidating it to buy a dirtbike for me & my son, maybe next year!

The Vespa definitely has an edge in stop & go traffic... not having to keep a deathgrip on the clutch is nice!
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Peter Evans wrote:
VespaBurlington ... I see what you're saying... but even a new motorcycle would cost about as much, or less, and far outperform a Vespa.

Have you priced new Hondas?

The closest current offering to the CB750 is probably the VFR 800 with a price tag of $15,300. Want your cake and eat it too? The automatic transmission 800cc Honda DN-01 could be yours for a mere $17,600.

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Ha, ha. Last night I went riding with a friend of mine who was riding that exact bike. He just got his permit and borrowed it from his neighbor. He was thinking of a 350, but after riding that 750, he might reconsider. It's a nice bike!

Side note: He's still going to take his road test on my P.
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So you just want something fast. You're obviously not looking for convenience, judging by the incredible amount of storage on the motorcycle.

Why in the world did you get a scooter in the first place?

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Peter Evans wrote:
Thanks to everyone , for the sound advice...
You are probably right, I may as well enjoy it, It's as good as the day I bought it...

I was thinking of liquidating it to buy a dirtbike for me & my son, maybe next year!

The Vespa definitely has an edge in stop & go traffic... not having to keep a deathgrip on the clutch is nice!
Well I hope it grows on you, maybe your son will want iy someday,

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I don't blame you I wouldn't want a Super 300 either especially on a continent that didn't have a network of equipped and knowledgeable dealers. Put it on the market for say 7800.00 see what happens there is always someone who has a lesson to learn. It will be hard to sell and take a while, the sooner you get it on the market the better, before your warranty expires. It is only going to cost you more and give you grief get rid of it. Maybe ask the dealer to sell it for you on commission that way you wouldn't have to deal with it.

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From where I am standing you are comparing two different things.

I would keep both if you can afford to, I have a motorbike and a scooter and i like having the choice.
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Who hasn't experienced buyer's remorse? My first car was brand new and I instantly regretted it. Sold it a year later and lost a ton of money that I couldn't afford to lose. Lesson learned. I think it's already been said, but comparing a new 300 with a 78 Honda 750 is comparing apples and oranges. Put the Vespa up for $7500 and see what happens. Don't expect someone else to cover the cost of freight, pdi, taxes etc.

I bought an old Suzuki to putz around on last year. Didn't like it at all compared to my LX150. Sold the bike. Now, I wouldn't mind picking up a 300. Too bad you don't live on the West Coast.

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Interesting post. I started on a gt200 but sold it about a year later because my local dealer sucked and I wanted to move on to bigger bikes. I ended up getting a gs500 and then a 750 nighthawk. And now im riding (actually not riding since it keep breaking down) a lambretta.

Out of all the bikes I miss the GT200 the most. Im not even sure why...the thing head a wicked amount of the notorious GT headset shake and a persistent clutch slip problem....but i had a lot of fun on the bike. Perhaps it was because it was my first bike...but I also because there was just something carefree and fun about the scoot.

The power of the 750 was great for long trips, but i realized i dislike interstate riding anyway, so its wasted power.

Im eying another used GT....but p200's have been popping up and i like to shift=)
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I can go to almost any bar in town and someone will try and convince me why their bike is the best brand and the best model. I finally realized there isn't a best bike, just a personal "best" for the kind of riding they spend most of their time doing.

For interstate touring, I think a 1000 + cc bike is right at home. For navigating a lot of stop-and-go traffic and weaving between cars on inter-city streets, that same 1000 cc cruiser is unwieldy and out of place. Not saying it can't be done, it's just not as enjoyable for most folks.

It sounds like for your needs and for where you live, the Honda is a great way to go. Sorry you took a beating on a new Vespa to come to that conclusion though.

Ride what you enjoy, how you enjoy riding it. You shouldn't have to convince anyone else what is right for you. Even if the Vespa isn't right for you, I wish you many miles and smiles on the road ahead, riding whatever makes you happy.
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You're right, one is not better than the other... they each have their own special qualities.

I have not sold it, so I haven't taken a beating... Laughing emoticon

I've been getting on it more lately & quite enjoy it... It is best for riding around town, it is fun to thrash it a bit, something I'd be afraid to do on my 750.

I think that's where it shines... all the stop & go is where the vespa is best, it's very nimble, accelerates fast & reliably & has nice brakes.
I can ride a little crazier, but feel a little safer, in town.

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