So as I was riding in to work this morning I was thinking about why I enjoy riding my MP3 so much and what caused this. Yes its the safety, the gas mileage, the flexibility of commuting, the storage, the handling, but what really makes it fun?
This came to me as I noticed that while I'm in cruise mode (going less than the speed limit/coasting), I find myself "carving" from side to side in the lane much like how a skier would carve going down the mountain. Note 1: I'm an avid skier, enjoying both the speed and vertical descent of downhill skiing. Also in large open parking lots I enjoy leaning and carving the bike around speed bumps. Note 2: I do not do this carving when traveling in high speed areas or heavilly trafficed zones.
So I'm thinking that this all has something to do with my inner ear and my physiological enjoyment of the carving/leaning/speed motion. I also enjoy high speed Karting and car racing.
Just wondering what others are feeling our there on their MP3s.