First, the electrical:
I've been trying to get my damn turn signals to work. I've got a new 5-pole regulator on my battery U.S. P200E, so that shouldn't be it. Today I checked the fuse off to the side running into the positive terminal of the battery, and discovered it was blown. I THINK this means battery is not getting charged, and there is no power out to the turn signals. Is that correct? Or is this a separate problem from my signal gremlin?
Either way, I need to replace it. Can I find this at an autoparts store or is this a job for ScootersO?
Second, the mechanical:
I've noticed a very rare slippage of the kickstart when firing it up, but today when I kicked it over the start popped down a peg or two. I probably won't be able to start it cold again at the level it is at now... won't get much travel. This probably means my kickstart gear's got some chipped or rounded teeth on it, and needs replacing. Should I go all the way in for the cruciform when doing this repair, or is that a lot of extra work considering it still shifts for me? I've got 7,800 miles on it, and based on the cables and kickstart gear I don't think it's been pulled apart much over the ages.
Thanks for the advice!
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