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Has anyone installed the Kisan in their BV500? If so, which one did you install?

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I just ordered Kisan modulators for all three of our scooters, of which one is a BV500. I ordered the P115W-S model for all three scoots. This is a very small unit that is a direct plug-in. You just have to select a place to put the daylight sensor outside the bucket. Mine haven't arrived yet but I intend to put the sensor for the BV somewhere on the plastic above the speedo or to the left or right of that area.
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Please let me know how it fits! I was thinking of just getting the P115W but I've never taken the headlight out so I don't know what kind of space is back there.

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The Kisan headlight modulators will probably arrive around the first few days of next week. I chose the P115W-S because that is the recommended model for the GTS and GTV and Kisan doesn't list a suggestion for the BV500. I also like the ease of the plug-in installation for this model (no wire splicing) and I know it will fit with no problems because it's the smallest model they offer.
I'll post back in this thread when I receive and perform the installation.
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2009 BV 250
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Headlight modulator
I haven't ordered the headlight modulator yet, but I did open up my BV 250. Looks like there should be enough room for the Kisan P115W-S.
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2009 BV 250
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Headlight modulator
I haven't ordered the headlight modulator yet, but I did open up my BV 250. Looks like there should be enough room for the Kisan P115W-S.

Piaggio BV500
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I installed the Visipath modulator on my BV500 last year as well as a brake flasher purchased from here:

The headlight modulator was a simple plugin unit that sits between the bulb and existing socket. I ran the light sensor wire out the side and secured it to a brake line with a cable tie. It sticks out about 1/4 inch past the edge of the side of the handlebar cover.

The brake flasher required splicing a couple of wires, but everything fit inside the back of the tail light housing without a problem.

The only hard part was parts removal and replacement in order to get access to the headlight bulb.

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O.K.: The Kisan modulators arrived and I installed them in all three scooters........They all work just fine.

HauntedMyst: You definitely want to go with the P115W-S model for ease of installation. There's a little room behind the bucket if you had to splice some wires but why bother when the P115W-S just plugs in? The biggest PIA is finding and getting all the hidden screws out so you can get in there. I mounted the light sensor directly above the instrument panel/in the middle/behind the center bolt.
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