1985 MotoVespa PK125S
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1985 MotoVespa PK125S
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On my '97 et4, i let it get to a little below half tank for the first time... except the fuel light came on, and kept blinking... i got paranoid (even though it looked on the gauge like there was plenty of petrol) and filled it up.. it only took 5 litres.. is it normal for them to blink right below half? How many litres does it hold?

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The tools are all at your fingertips......


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2016 Vespa Sprint 150
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2016 Vespa Sprint 150
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On my Piaggio Zip 50 4T there is no fuel gauge but there is a low fuel warning light. At around half tank, it would come on (blinking) when I brake to slow down, and disappear when I've stopped completely. I guess that's due to the movement of the fuel in the tank. I usually ignore that until it started to blink even when I'm not moving. If I don't give it more gas, eventually the blinking will become a solid yellow light which I take it to mean "seriously low on fuel"...

I've recently purchased a Vespa LXV50, and the fuel gauge is such a luxury! I've also noticed a fuel warning light... and despite the fuel gauge showing just a tiny bit left, the fuel warning light isn't coming on yet. I'm actually a little worried, wondering if that warning light is broken...
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Molto Verboso
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S 150, VNB 150, 101 Allstate, 01 ET2
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the gas light on your vespa is working, with my s150 i am on the "E" before my low fuel light comes on. and if i fill the tank from there i put in 1 1/4 gallons, but my tank is 2 1/2 gallons, to put it simply i have over a gallon of fuel in the tank when the low fuel light comes on. also if your gas gauge is broken (or at least in my case) it won't register past a half tank, even topped off.
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