GTS 250ie
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GTS 250ie
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Hi Everyone,

Just bought a 2008 GTS 250ie yesterday, love it!!!!

Need some advice taking the rear tire off so I can have the local shot balance and mount the tire.

Is this task too hard for me to take on? Should I have my local shop do it or is this something I can tackle on my own?

Also I need an oil change on the scoot so I would appreciate it if anyone can refer me to a website that have good pricing on oil filter.

Thanks in advance.
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The Modern Vespa WIKI page has lots of helpful links. Heres the one on Oil Changes.


I find a lot of deals from these guys at AF-1 Racing.


Also check out MV Sponsor Motorsport scooters. Not the cheapes but they have some cool stuff.

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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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Yeah! woodenhead beat me to it.

If you're undecided on tires, I'm a big fan of the Michelin Pilot City as you can tell from the following post:

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Forget the Zippys and Pilots... spend the extra few $$ and get Heidenau K61's! You're in SoCal, they'll be the best to have in hot dry weather there. Just my $0.02... good luck!

GTS 250ie
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GTS 250ie
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thx for the great replies.

I've got the new tires K61. Got the 140 in the back and 130 in the front, figured bigger tire is better.

Once again thanks for all the input.
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THAT is exactly why I recommend this forum to scooter people that I meet. 8) 8)
BTW welcome to the "GTS owners club" oh that's a different forum....
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