Vespa 50cc
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Vespa 50cc
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The other day I went down Embankment towards Buckingham Palace on my 50cc Vespa, when the engine suddenly stopped. There was no loud bang, smell or smoke. I was driving quite quickly from work as it was past midnight and I wanted to be home soon to wake up early again. I waited a couple of minutes, and then I was able to ride the bike again for another 500m were I had to leave and jump on a taxi.

Today I checked on my little red devil, and realized that all the oil had gone. Is it possible that I have seized my engine?

I have to push it for about 5miles to get it to the nearest repairal shop. So I was wondering whether I could jump on the scooter if it runs again, or whether it is too risky and should push it to the repairal shop? Any thoughts or advice?

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It's unclear which 50cc Vespa you're referring to. Is it s 2 stroke? A 4 stroke?

Regardless, though, lack of oil could very well cause the engine to seize. Adding oil may or may not un-seize it, that depends on how much damage was done and, well... What type of engine we're talking about.
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Re: Seized Engine?
Hmmm... no oil, not good. Could very likely be a seizure. The question is, where did the oil go? That's would definitely need to be investigated and addressed. And what kind of Vespa is it? LX50? ET2? Vintage Vespa 50? Are you referring to 2-stroke oil, or crankcase oil in a 4-stroke? You might be ok riding it to the shop if you refill the oil, but if did in fact seize before, it might seize again, even after adding oil. Pushing it or having it transported to the shop would be safest, to avoid any further damage, but if it seized once and then ran again after that, it might not be too serious and refilling the oil might be all it needs for now. Good luck!
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Re: Seized Engine?
Ok, a moment, You rode " down Embankment towards Buckingham Palace " that sounds like an interesting ride, compared to my sojourn past all this strip-mall crap here in the Heartland of Capitalism. [somewhat envious at this point].

also, then you " realized that all the oil had gone. Is it possible that I have seized my engine? " Bloody Yes, or nearly as bad.

WTF do you mean : "all the oil had gone". Gone where exactly? Have you checked it regularly prior to this event? Is there a dripdripdrip under the bonnet?
If no oil, do not drive. Even Vespas require motor oil, or olive oil.

I am sorry for your misfortune. Good luck, check all the drains and fittings were oil might egress.

I have to push it for about 5miles to get it to the nearest repairal shop. So I was wondering whether I could jump on the scooter if it runs again, or whether it is too risky and should push it to the repairal shop? Any thoughts or advice?


Vespa 50cc
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Vespa 50cc
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Thanks for the replies.

It is the two stroke LX50 Version and I already got my ears full from my friends on how important oil is especially for a 2T stroke. And yes it is quite a nice drive along Hyde Park, down to Buckingham Palace towards Trafalgar Square and further along Embankment to Tower Hill. But believe me, at 6pm the road is completely closed and you got to drive between the cars. The ride is along the heart of history, from the kingdom to democracy towards capitalism.

The red lamp was not alight, as far as I remember, but when I checked the metal oil measuring bar, there was actually no oil inside, which made me freak out. There is a constant drip, which I haven't seen before and an oil spot was underneath the scooter.

So the plan is to refill the oil, and try to get it to the closest workshop. I am hoping for the best. I guess it is never good to only rely on the oil lamp.
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might only be a soft seize

does it turn over now, or has it locked up?

My two cylinder two stroke Suzi van used to do this, particularly if it had been running at its flat out top of 70k (40 horses heads or whatever the unmetricated use).

sometimes would lock the back wheels up - smoking them up - sit for five - hit the key, idle, and then wind it up again!

If you are not familiar with mechanics - suggest you get a dealer to look it over.
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fette_hehne wrote:
The red lamp was not alight, as far as I remember, but when I checked the metal oil measuring bar, there was actually no oil inside, which made me freak out. There is a constant drip, which I haven't seen before and an oil spot was underneath the scooter.

So the plan is to refill the oil, and try to get it to the closest workshop. I am hoping for the best. I guess it is never good to only rely on the oil lamp.
two things: 1. don't rely on the red light to tell you when you're out of oil. check it yourself, regularly. 2. oil spots underneath the scooter are a bad thing. check for them often, and if you see one, pay attention.

and finally, a bit of advice from somebody who knows what they are talking about:
greasy125 wrote:
if you happen to be riding and the oil light comes on, it would be in your best interest to stop.

seriously, just stop riding.

don't even limp it home. just pull over, lock it up and call it a day.
if it were my scooter i'd cough up whatever it costs to have it taken to a garage. good luck and let us know how things turn out.
⬆️    About 4 months elapsed    ⬇️

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possibly seized engine!!!
Hi, I,ve only had my px125 for about 2 weeks, wanted a winter run around. anyway was doing about 40 (not sure exactly cos the speedo dont work!!) and the scoot sorta stopped, it felt like it had ran out of fuel, it had'nt as it had a full tank. I tried to kick start it but had no luck so got it home and left in the garage for the night. Next day i kicked it over once and the engine seems to have siezed!!!!! any ideas?

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