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29,000 miles on my atlantic pastel green 2007 GTS 250
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29,000 miles on my atlantic pastel green 2007 GTS 250
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When it happens, and let's all hope you will still be able to handle what follows, you will be quite upset, under shock, or totally pissed. In other words, you won't necessarily have all your wits together.

The attached Accident Report Form will help you to collect all the important information of your opponent, so you'll be relaxed when insurance time comes.

Use the scooter image to mark damages on your Vespa (sorry, this form will not work for other brands ).

Make notes beyond the questions, so you'll have a better position later, when the opponent contests.

Keep the form in your glove box or pet carrier, and most importantly, never get in a situation where you actually need it
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Vespa 2005 GT200 & Honda Metro
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Vespa 2005 GT200 & Honda Metro
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Done printed two copies one for me and one for wife...FYI when you file a police report the report form is comprehesive...got some experience first hand with my son's accident.

Worthwhile to mention that if you disagree with the report you can file a statement to amend the report...the original report stays intact...but your statement now becomes part of the police report.

This will save you a lot of grief if you pursue civil action and you're asked why you didn't file a statement contesting the original report ASAP...hence get th copy from the Police Dept. and review right away.
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