One problem I ran into, which I need help with. The rear hub nut will not come loose. That puppy is on there good. Does anyone have advice on loosening this up? We drenched the nut in WD-40 and my helper was a pretty muscley dude. It was just not happening. Please help, as I THINK this nut will need to come off if I am to replace the clutch-side seal?
Also, the rear hub wheel was turning nicely when we began the process (process is a kindly understatement), but somewhere along the way, the hub no longer turns. Is this normal or did we crack a gear or pop something loose inside the tranny trying to get the engine off? We didn't do anything too asinine, but we did have to use a lot of force hammering the main engine bolt out... that sucker did NOT want to move. I am worried the shock of that might have messed something up elsewhere in the engine?
Here's a link to my project thread so you guys can see the glory that is my 30 year old, probably never cleaned engine. Can't wait to change that!
My 1980 P200E project
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