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I went out to a friend's house last night, and parked the Vespa in the road, perpendicular to the kerb, as I do.

Anyway, I went out a couple of hours later (about midnight) to find it lying on its side, the top box open, and the contents gone.

I rang the Police, and later flagged a car down; the Policeman inside had seen a couple of boys wearing my spare crash helmet about an hour earlier.

They are known to the Police, so hopefully I'll get the helmet back. They also found my moleskin Trilby under a car up the road, so the only thing left missing is my tyre repair kit.

I'm just glad they didn't take my Shoei Multitec which was safely in the house; there is some damage to the Vespa, but mainly to the top box which I think I might take off now, as I don't trust leaving ANYTHING in it now!
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You're brave leaving the scoot outside. I lock mine up inside a locked shed. As for the helmet do you really want it back? They've probably been hitting each other with big sticks while wearing it
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What a pack of asswipes, fancy doing that to a Vespa!
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Man that sucks, sorry to hear that your Vespa was damaged by a bunch of hooligans.

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Normally I do keep it in my locked garage, but there wasn't a locked garage available at my mate's house.

I don't particularly care about the helmet...the Police have just emailed to say they found my moleskin Trilby though

I'm just pondering taking the top box off now though...I can't get the bolts undone though, so it might have to stay on
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Morons. Hopefully they'll get theirs in the end, especially since they are 'known to the police'...
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Did your scooter sustain any damage being knocked over?

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Yeah...there's a kerb sized load of scratched on the side of the top box, the lower right plastic part of the cowl has some black chips, and the corner part of the legshield chrome trim is scratched and cracked.

I'm just glad that the metal cowl wasn't scratched, which is surprising, considering it was on its side. I thought it if went oer you were bound to scratch the cowl, but maybe the top box bore the brunt on the fall?
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Sorry about your misfortune...seems like the law enforcement on your side of the ocean takes their follow up (email?) quite well...unless I'm mistaken the culture of your law enforcement seems to have an emphasis on professional courtesy and due diligence?

I believe we have a couple like that here locally and perhaps a few more across the US.
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TB wrote:
Sorry about your misfortune...seems like the law enforcement on your side of the ocean takes their follow up (email?) quite well...unless I'm mistaken the culture of your law enforcement seems to have an emphasis on professional courtesy and due diligence?
ROFL emoticon ..... uh, 'not always' .... i'm amazed they followed it up. glad to hear that the OP got some of his stolen property back.

having seen how easily the local yoof get into the Vespa branded topcases i decided early on that i'd never get one - i got a givi monolock instead, much trickier to break into and if i'm parked in a neighbourhood i don't like the look of, i just take it off and bring it indoors with me.
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That's crap.

Not all of the yoofs are yobs, but it seems the ones that are can be a real pain the arse.
I sometimes have to leave my 300 on the street (when i visit my sister or brother) and that is one of the reasons I dont have a top box, it is just too tempting to the little thieving scamps.

I hope you get the scratches sorted and restore the 300 and I am glad to hear about the trilby, its always a shame to loose a decent hat.

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Dr S, Hope yer bike came out alright and yer hat too. If this is likely to happen again then get a motion detector alarm (20 quid from electronic store) set it to go off with a certain amount of vibration, even if you don't hear it the scamps will likely bugger off. Better than installing an actual alarm!
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Headache emoticon Argh! The little buggers! Glad you got back some of your things, though--

The motion detector is a great idea.

Good luck with the body work.

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BrianMcNulty wrote:
get a motion detector alarm

I remember, many years ago, we saw a Rolls Royce, and one of us went for Emily--as soon as he touched her, the RR's horn came on and scared the Bejeezus out of us all. We had a good laugh later...
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I just moved out of an apartment building that often had vagrences walking through at all hours of the night (some times just walking, other times vandelizing with graffiti tags and other such annoyances, and some times breaking into things).

So I decided to get a scorpio paging alarm system. I love it, it has actually saved my vespa a few times.

One night I was inside about to settle down when the alarm went off for bump, I went down stairs quick with my trusty pealing device (will save the word replace tool) looking for the punks and I saw people running up the block with the alarm still going off. It had worked and scared them away, next day I saw what looked like screw driver scuffs on the one side of the glove box, it looks like they were trying to break in when they set off the alarm. Normally I keep the proximity detector on (which would have went off before they were close enough to lodge a screw driver in) but this night I had it turned off because my neighbor was not home yet and his car will trigger it some times (and it was late and would have woken people above my car port).

Now that I live in a quiet neighborhood I doubt I will find myself arming it at all, unless I have items in the top case at say a store or such. You really can't trust anything inside the top cases that you wouldn't want stolen.

If you find this to be a problem, I highly recommend this alarm.

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My LX was broken into last night too. Seems like an international BREAK INTO VESPA DAY ffs! For those familiar with the thieving capital of the world, I was parked by the Old Vic in Waterloo. The ponces must have used a screwdriver to get into my topbox (original Vespa one) and broke the under-seat battery cover to get to my pet carrier. The funny thing is nothing was taken. Even though the topbox was ajar, my £300 special edition MOMO (don't ask) was sitting in its place, the gold letters illuminating the other crap I keep beside it. I was mystified! The lock on the top box sure looks mangled, but nothing apart from the intended key (including a screwdriver and the ignition key) opens it, thus it's still fully functional! Another mystery!

Now the question is: do I aim to make it look like nothing happened to it by replacing the lock fascia, or would it serve as a deterrent to just leave it looking violated? What do you people think?

Of course I'm not intending to keep the MOMO or anything of value in there from now on, but I could do away with the heartache of smoothing out vandal marks in the future. As for the battery cover, I reckon I'll just glue it as its bound to happen again. Funny, it took 5 years and 32000km for my plum to get raped in both 'holes' (pun intended).

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TB wrote:
Sorry about your misfortune...seems like the law enforcement on your side of the ocean takes their follow up (email?) quite well...unless I'm mistaken the culture of your law enforcement seems to have an emphasis on professional courtesy and due diligence?

I believe we have a couple like that here locally and perhaps a few more across the US.
Ive has scoots kicked over and stolen . Even told the plod who had it and gave their address. Nothing happened. The lad sold it for £30 after it cosm me over £900 to get it back on the road. The UK police are crap (I have a cousin in the CID and another a retired sarg and told them both what I think and they agree)

If you got a reply from the police you wanna get some lottery tickets. You're gonna win Laughing emoticon
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Kids! You need to spray for the little buggers. Otherwise, they get totally out of control.
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Man, that is GREAT police work. In this town they only show up if you say "shots fired", then sometimes that doesn't even work. NO KIDDING!!

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paventura wrote:
My LX was broken into last night too. Seems like an international BREAK INTO VESPA DAY ffs!
Don't think so, BUT it might be International break into Vespa Week. Crying or Very sad emoticon I got my ET2 pet carrier broken into in under 5 minutes last week. They didn't find anything they wanted, in fact, they didn't even take the brand new packs of cigarettes. WTF were they expecting to find under the seat? My diamond collection? I'm in a store for all of 5 minutes and they happened to have a crowbar. My seat is all buggered up and loose. There's a slash almost all the way thru my seat cover.
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