I went out to a friend's house last night, and parked the Vespa in the road, perpendicular to the kerb, as I do.
Anyway, I went out a couple of hours later (about midnight) to find it lying on its side, the top box open, and the contents gone.
I rang the Police, and later flagged a car down; the Policeman inside had seen a couple of boys wearing my spare crash helmet about an hour earlier.
They are known to the Police, so hopefully I'll get the helmet back. They also found my moleskin Trilby under a car up the road, so the only thing left missing is my tyre repair kit.
I'm just glad they didn't take my Shoei Multitec which was safely in the house; there is some damage to the Vespa, but mainly to the top box which I think I might take off now, as I don't trust leaving ANYTHING in it now!