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So my girlfriend took me to the Rascall Flats Concert at Wrigley Field Saturday and I decided to take my new 2 week old 300 Super. I knew parking with a car would not be happening and I hate public transportation. I rode around and found a spot about 2 blocks away from the Stadium on a side street behind the Fire Dept, out of the main path of idiots leaving the Stadium. The spot was about 6 feet wide and next to the entrance of an alley. I parked about 3 feet from the alley, put the bike on the centerstand rear wheel to the curb, front handlebars locked to the side and went in happy to find a nice spot.

Concert was fantastic and when we headed out I came back to my bike to find a suprise. A triple stretch limo was coming out of the alley and turning right and couldn't make the turn. Someone must have just moved my bike 3 feet back and to the side despite the fork lock being on. It was standing up straight resting on a street light. The part of my bike touching the street light was the brand new Vespa cowl crash bars I just installed 3 days earlier. I didn't think this was a big deal until I realized the centerstand was UP ! The bike could have just rolled forward or reverse a few inches and the bike would have went down. The person moving it obviously didn't know how to use the centerstand and without a kickstand used nothing.

I didn't know who actually moved it so I didn't make a scene but I scanned the bike and could not find any scratches or damage. I figured I was lucky. I was glad I had just put the cowl protectors on or they may have rested the bike on the paint against the metal light pole. I am thinking about putting a kickstand on my bike in case this happens again and for myself too. I'm just glad my $7K Vespa sustained no damage. Even when you think you are safe you are not.
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Thats just big city life. You do everything you can and still people screw with your bike.

My 800cc and 1000cc BMWs and my 750cc Honda were moved every so often when I lived in NYC. Ticks you off, but unless you want to chain a Rottweiler to your bike it will happen sooner or later.

Your sidestand idea is probably a good one, everybody can figure that one out, the centerstand, not so much (especially with the fork lock on).

Good luck!!

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One more thing--in Europe most cities have designated motorcycle parking spread around the town in order to encourage smaller, less congesting vehicle use.

Some day, the US will get with the program (I hope).

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I use a disclock with alarm. It works.
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So to summarise: you were were blocking the exit of a business and yet you're surprised they moved your bike. It sounds like they were reasonably careful with your scooter all things considered.
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mike_bike_kite wrote:
So to summarise: you were were blocking the exit of a business and yet you're surprised they moved your bike. It sounds like they were reasonably careful with your scooter all things considered.
No......... to summarize you need to learn to READ

I wasn't blocking anything.

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Id consider you lucky that your bike didnt get plowed over with a larger vehicle coming out of that alley. There really should be designated 2 wheel parking though
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Wow some people are just BASTARDS, glad there was no damage to your scooter, I'd be pissed.
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VEZPA wrote:
mike_bike_kite wrote:
So to summarise: you were were blocking the exit of a business and yet you're surprised they moved your bike. It sounds like they were reasonably careful with your scooter all things considered.
No......... to summarize you need to learn to READ

I wasn't blocking anything.
In your 1st post I read "a triple stretch limo was coming out of the alley and turning right and couldn't make the turn" and naturally assumed that if you parked your bike by the ally exit then it would only make it more difficult for them to leave. But I'm curious: if you weren't blocking their exit why do you think they move your bike ?
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Imagine something giant trying to leave a tight space. I'm sure the guy woulda' moved half the cars on the street if he could. Not that hard to picture.

Really really sucks though. I was just at Wrigley two weeks ago for Cubs/Cards and parked SO far away because of this.
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I have a really long F350 pickup and I can relate to the pulling out of an alley scenario... I am putting myself in the drivers shoes>>> do I pull out and side swipe the scoot and knock it over or jump out and move it?
I would move it.
now the average joe WILL NOT be able to place it back on the center stand, ergo, a sidestand may be in your future. or perhaps a trunk monkey.

I guess you were lucky that they didn't load the whole scoot into the limo and drive off LOL
My 2 cents, thanks
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I've heard of this happening to a few people here in the city but has never happened to me.

Pretty crazy and irritating.

If you truly weren't blocking anything then you definitely have every right to be irritated.
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Parking in the immediate vicinity around Wrigley is really not worth it. If you want to go to a game or a concert, it is safer to park over by Depaul and just hike all the way up to the field. It's free to park and there are usually other bikes in the area parked in front of houses. There is power in numbers, so that way you won't get your bike moved. I was there for the Saturday game against the cards not too long ago and this was exactly what I did, with no problems and the Cubbies won too!!!
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The Gorilla Alarm is great for this type of stuff. It "chirps" and gives a warning if someone tries to move or mess with your scoot.

Good piece of mind and easy to install.

That with a grip break lock and you're in business.

Glad your scoot was okay...

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