So my girlfriend took me to the Rascall Flats Concert at Wrigley Field Saturday and I decided to take my new 2 week old 300 Super. I knew parking with a car would not be happening and I hate public transportation. I rode around and found a spot about 2 blocks away from the Stadium on a side street behind the Fire Dept, out of the main path of idiots leaving the Stadium. The spot was about 6 feet wide and next to the entrance of an alley. I parked about 3 feet from the alley, put the bike on the centerstand rear wheel to the curb, front handlebars locked to the side and went in happy to find a nice spot.
Concert was fantastic and when we headed out I came back to my bike to find a suprise. A triple stretch limo was coming out of the alley and turning right and couldn't make the turn. Someone must have just moved my bike 3 feet back and to the side despite the fork lock being on. It was standing up straight resting on a street light. The part of my bike touching the street light was the brand new Vespa cowl crash bars I just installed 3 days earlier. I didn't think this was a big deal until I realized the centerstand was UP ! The bike could have just rolled forward or reverse a few inches and the bike would have went down. The person moving it obviously didn't know how to use the centerstand and without a kickstand used nothing.
I didn't know who actually moved it so I didn't make a scene but I scanned the bike and could not find any scratches or damage. I figured I was lucky. I was glad I had just put the cowl protectors on or they may have rested the bike on the paint against the metal light pole. I am thinking about putting a kickstand on my bike in case this happens again and for myself too. I'm just glad my $7K Vespa sustained no damage. Even when you think you are safe you are not.