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Hi, would like to know which windshield you guys decided to buy and more importantly how did you decide the size of the screen you purchased... and finally which brand did you decide to buy?

personally i'm torn between the mid size and the large ... mostly cause i am trying to find protection from the elements.....

any comments , suggestions welcome...

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windscreen sizes
Search windscreen and windshield and you will find many posts with all kinds of advice. I have tried all 3 sizes. The super ugly genuine Vespa tall windscreens work amazingly well at blocking the wind. I use mine in cold weather and can ride year round with it. You want one. You can swap to the Vespa flyscreen in 2 minutes for summer riding. Thats what I do. My wife had the Prima mid size. It offered alot more protection than the Fly screen but was worthless compared to the large in cold weather. It also cant be swapped on and off as it was necessary to disassemble the plastic headset to remove it. We ended up getting a tall shield for her and simply remove it in the summer and she rides without one.

Many people buy the tall and cut it down to a custom height. That was my original intention but the tall works so well that I didnt want to mess with it.

I have Lx150s and dont ride on the highway. I have not ever experienced any "sail" issues with the tall screen that some riders worry about.
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Hello - I am a recent member of this forum, and bought a GTS250ie this past spring. Not knowing (at that time) that there was a forum like this one or places like Motorsport Scooters to purchase after market items for my scoot, I purchased the official Vespa tall windshield from the dealer for my scoot. I do not like it, as it is soooooooooooooooo tall! I must say that it absolutely DOES keep the wind off me, and the "wings" that come out at the sides keep the wind off my hands (and in northern Indiana you NEED all that in all but the warmest months). It was only after starting to read this forum that I discovered that there was a midsize windshield that was available as an aftermarket one. I would have much preferred to have that one instead of the one I bought, as this tall one is so geeky looking. The "fly" windshield is so short, that it is for looks only, basically, and is useless as far as keeping bugs from hitting you in the face. I guess that this one I have can be cut down, but I haven't stopped by any glass cutting places yet to get details. The way my luck usually goes, I'm sure that no glass cutting place would guarantee their work, since it would be altering a product, and it would probably crack or something like that, and then I'd be stuck with it, so I just have settled for what I have, but I wished I had known about the midsized windshield. Good luck in your decision.
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I have the large FACO windscreen on my 300. I like it because it allows me to ride a lot longer season by protecting me from cold mornings/days. Since you are in Canada, you may want to consider the full windscreen. You still get enough wind on warm days to keep you cool, but you get protection on cold days to allow you to stay warm.

You can get it from ScooterWorks.


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I also putrchased the tall windscreen because even tho Santa Cruz CA is warm compared to Canada and N. Indiana, the ocean temps are about 59 degrees F and the air is cool at 30 mph even on warm days. I've had scooters for about 5 years and have custom built windshelds for my previous scooters (Metropolitan and Vino 125) because I couldn't find windscreens I liked. I did a bunch of reading and determined that the "perfect" height was to have the windshield just below eye level at the bridge of your nose. Having made two windshields I can attest to the effectiveness of that height. Its tall enough to run the wind and rain over your helmet but low enough that you can see over the top when its raining or misting.

Here's a MV wiki link on cutting down the windshield

Its an excelent article. You can buy the same plastic from Tap Plastic and practice cutting some before you try it on the windscreen just to get a feel for it. I used a jig saw with the orbital cutting feature turned off (this feature makes a more aggressive cut and you want to cut relatively slowly). I used a fine blade, about 10-12 teeth per inch). Put masking tape over the cut area so that the saw doesn't mar the platic surface. A metal cutting blade is too fine and will clog.

I plan on cutting my windscreen down this weekend. Its just too tall in my opinion after riding with it for two weeks.
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I knew I didn't want a ful size. I didn't see a need for it here in California. So that left the mid-size or fly-screen. After reading through some forum posts about excessive noise with the mid-screen pushing the air right into the helmet, I decided to go with the fly.

Contrary to the previous post about the fly being useless, it has been perfect so far. Keeps the wind off of the chest which makes highway driving much more pleasant. It is also supposed to help your top-end speed and gas mileage.
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Re: Windscreeens....
kdude wrote:
Hi, would like to know which windshield you guys decided to buy and more importantly how did you decide the size of the screen you purchased... and finally which brand did you decide to buy?

personally i'm torn between the mid size and the large ... mostly cause i am trying to find protection from the elements.....

any comments , suggestions welcome...

I have a full size or Tall Windscreens on my Vespa GTS and on my Piaggio BV500. I am 5'10" and I have a long torso.

1. My averages speed of travel is between 55 and 80 mph. I find the wind very uncomfortable at these speeds. The screens allows me to just ride and enjoy it with out feeling like my head is going to get ripped off everytime I turn my head to change lanes.
2. The average bug size in my area is the size of a grape and their filled with blood. I'd much rather clean them off my windscreen than my helmet and my jacket.
3. I think I get colder than most people, low body fat. I find riding at night much more comfortable with the screens. I'm no longer shivering.
4. It cuts down the noise factor. I don't care what kind of helmet you have if you put a full size windscreen on it practically eliminates the deafening noise from the wind at high speeds.
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I bought a tinted mid size...it looks great and probably works for a shorter person, but it does push wind into my face.

I have a tall screen coming on friday, I'll let you know how it goes.

By the way, I bought the mid because I believe it's what I would cut the tall down to - any higher and I'm looking right on the edge of the screen. I doubt I'll cut the tall down, I'll just use it for when I have long trips (like next week, to Cardiff and back), and take it off and keep it in the garage if I'm just doing a lot of city riding.

That's the great thing about these screens - they just pop off with an 8mm allen key (at least, I think it's 8mm).
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dr5euss wrote:
I bought a tinted mid size...it looks great and probably works for a shorter person, but it does push wind into my face.

I have a tall screen coming on friday, I'll let you know how it goes.

By the way, I bought the mid because I believe it's what I would cut the tall down to - any higher and I'm looking right on the edge of the screen. I doubt I'll cut the tall down, I'll just use it for when I have long trips (like next week, to Cardiff and back), and take it off and keep it in the garage if I'm just doing a lot of city riding.

That's the great thing about these screens - they just pop off with an 8mm allen key (at least, I think it's 8mm).
thx, i'd like to hear your review of the tall screen.. how tall r u ?
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I chose the Vespa Originale flyscreen.

My primary reason for my choice was the look of the windscreen, and the reviews on performance were promising.

I love the flyscreen. It redirects the wind from my chest to my full face helmet which cuts through the blast without much effort. It does everything that I was hoping for. It stops the wind from blowing me in every direction and it has increased my MPG by directing wind around the flat surface of my chest. Prior to the windscreen, a ride on the freeway was a battle against the wind, and now it is a calm, casual experience.
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I have a Vespa brand tall windshield on a GTV that my 5'7" wife drives mostly, but we both love it. I also have a tall Prima windscreen on a GTS 250 that I'm less than happy with. I drive it mostly and I am just south of 6'8". because we do a good bit of driving in the 50-65 mph range, we keep the tall screens on both bikes all the time. Love the Vespa brand screen and can't wait for the Prima to get to the point that I don't feel bad about replacing it with a Vespa brand. The difference in quality between the Prima and Vespa brands is huge. The Vespa screen is thicker, more stable and the mounting hardware is FAR superior. I have had the Prima for maybe two years and already I am replacing the mounting hardware that was broken plastic. The Vespa hardware is mostly metal and much more stable. Buy the Vespa.
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Is it windy where you live?
Some people find a large screen can act like a sail,
This can cause involuntary lane changes if you aren't ready for it.

In Europe full sized screens are quite popular,
However, You may want to opt for a mid sized screen.

But if you have problems with a full sized screen,
You can always just cut it down to a mid sized screen.

I want a bikini windscreen.

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I have the Vespa tall windscreen on my S150 in the cooler months and take it off when it warms up. With it I can ride in temps in the 30s (F), but windy days are a challenge. I tried the Cupini mid size screen but did not like all the extra noise from the wind directed at my full face helmet. Maybe someday I will find a way to cut the full size screen to just below eye level with hopes that it will reduce the sail effect.
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Vespa windscreen

Can I purchase both the fly screen and the windsheild and just easily change them from day to day as I choose? I like the look of the flyscreen but appreciate the protection that the windshield can offer especially as I thought that I was going to be blown of the A406 last night!


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skip wrote:
I have the Vespa tall windscreen on my S150 in the cooler months and take it off when it warms up. With it I can ride in temps in the 30s (F), but windy days are a challenge. I tried the Cupini mid size screen but did not like all the extra noise from the wind directed at my full face helmet. Maybe someday I will find a way to cut the full size screen to just below eye level with hopes that it will reduce the sail effect.
I have the same setup on my ET4. I prefer the mid-sized much more at high speed than nothing at all, but it is very noisy. The tall one looks too big for the scooter, but is such a nice quiet ride. Fortunately, it is easy to change them on the ET. It is much more of a hassle to change on the BV.

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You'll get as many opinions on this question as there are folks on the forum.

Personally, I chose the OEM Vespa small flyscreen for my LX150 because I wanted to get most of the wind pressure off my chest at speed, wanted to improve the aerodynamics of the bike/rider combination (for better top speed and economy), and I liked the look. At 5'8", I'm short enough that it probably keeps the airflow off me as well as a mid-height screen on a taller person.

I didn't want a tall screen because i didn't want to be trying to see through a wet screen, especially at night. Also, from past experience with a mid-size screen on a light scooter, I didn't want the sail effect. I cross a high-level bridge with strong, gusty crosswinds a couple of times a day, and my old scooter with its bigger windscreen was a scary handful.
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Re: Vespa windscreen
maurine7 wrote:

Can I purchase both the fly screen and the windsheild and just easily change them from day to day as I choose? I like the look of the flyscreen but appreciate the protection that the windshield can offer especially as I thought that I was going to be blown of the A406 last night!

A tall windscreen may actually increase the amount you get blown around (according to some users). The flyscreen makes your profile more aerodynamic.

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Yep. It is all a matter of personal preference. My helmet is actually fairly quiet with no windscreen, but I don't like the feeling of being pushed off the back of my scooter. It is exhausting after a while. The mid-height keeps the wind off my body and makes for a comfortable ride, but for me, the noise gets on my nerves after a while. The full screen look silly and definitely catches more wind, but provides a quiet, comfortable ride.

It would be nice if we could all try each size windscreen on our scooter before buying and then choose which one fits us best. Unfortunately, most of us end up buying two or more windscreens, before finding the right one.


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Riding a naked scooter is fun for me, up to around 45mph. Anything faster than that, it gets annoying because I feel like I'm being pushed backwards by the wind and it makes my arms and shoulders hurt after a while.

I've also read posts where people claim that the tall windscreen acts like a sail. Personally, I've used tall windscreens on motorcycles and also on a GTS (sold it) and never experienced this. I don't know why it would affect some riders and not others unless it has something to do with the weight of the rider. I'm 6' 1" / 225 lbs so maybe that has something to do with it but my wife has a tall screen on her GTS and also doesn't get the sail effect and she is 5'8"/130 lbs.

I have a Givi windshield with a Laminar Lip on my BV500 where I look over the top of the shield slightly (about 15 ft. in front of me) and I don't get any sail effect from this one either.

I just ordered the tall Vespa-brand shield for my GTV. I think that it's going to be so tall that I'm going to have to look through. I'm going to try it for a few days but if it's too tall, I guess I'll have to cut it down. I've done this with several shields without a problem but I've always bought used shields when I needed to cut one down so I would take such a $$$ hit in case I screwed up the cut job. I couldn't find a used, tall Vespa-brand shield so I bit the bullet and will let the chips fall where they may.
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Just finally got the Laminar lip mounted on my Faco clear mid. It's absolutely perfect for my height and riding position. It dumps some air to the top vents on all three helmets but most over the top. It leaves me full clear unobstructed view. Trying flyscreens, mids, and fulls and 3 brands I've narrowed it down to two screens. Faco mid with lip for summer and Faco full uncut with water sheeting treatment for cold MN spring and fall.
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Earlier this year my dealer gave me a Vespa tall screen when I got my GTS250, I rode with that as it was for awhile because the weather was still pretty cool.

Having had some experience with screens on motorcycles I decided that the height of the tall screen was in my opinion overkill, so I cut it down following some info I found on this forum.

I have it cut to about 13" above the headlight and I find I really like it that way...it keeps the wind off my chest, doesn't act like a sail and still allows some air around it on those hotter days.

Just to be prepared for the hot 90 degree days we get in the summer here, I also bought a Vespa flyscreen. I've ridden with that on, but I'm tall and I get blasted in my chest, so I don't foresee getting a lot of use from it. It does look cool though!
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tall screen
My wife & I have LX150s and found that the tall screen has extended our riding season and pleasure in teh cool spring & fall weather. No sailing effect for us...Took mine off for a few days in hot weather, but forgot how windy it gets at 45-55 mph so put it back on...a fly screen and tall screen combo might be the best way to go...
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Re: tall screen
scootnsail wrote:
My wife & I have LX150s and found that the tall screen has extended our riding season and pleasure in teh cool spring & fall weather. No sailing effect for us...Took mine off for a few days in hot weather, but forgot how windy it gets at 45-55 mph so put it back on...a fly screen and tall screen combo might be the best way to go...
I tried the flyscreen, but the huge bug population along the Mississippi made for painfull hits. Since using the mid with a lip I haven't taken any more bees or wasps in the neck....that's a good thing. (still can't believe those hits weren't disasters! OUCH!)
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brilaz wrote:
I knew I didn't want a ful size. I didn't see a need for it here in California. So that left the mid-size or fly-screen. After reading through some forum posts about excessive noise with the mid-screen pushing the air right into the helmet, I decided to go with the fly.

Contrary to the previous post about the fly being useless, it has been perfect so far. Keeps the wind off of the chest which makes highway driving much more pleasant. It is also supposed to help your top-end speed and gas mileage.
1+ Please do not under estimate the Fly Screen (especially in the more temperate climate / seasons). I thought the Fly Screen it was not going to provide enough deflection of the wind @ freeway speeds. The Fly Screen deflects the wind up and over with slight buffeting....for me it's tolerable.

I'm 5'8" and it's important is where to top of Fly Screen tops off relative to your upper body torso and what amount of buffeting (or wind chill effect) you will find acceptable.

I still experince some buffeting and at most I may consider is a mid-size upgrade...for my needs the Fly Screen is acceptable.
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louisq wrote:
Just finally got the Laminar lip mounted on my Faco clear mid. It's absolutely perfect for my height and riding position. It dumps some air to the top vents on all three helmets but most over the top. It leaves me full clear unobstructed view. Trying flyscreens, mids, and fulls and 3 brands I've narrowed it down to two screens. Faco mid with lip for summer and Faco full uncut with water sheeting treatment for cold MN spring and fall.
Can you provide more information on the Lamnar lip? Thank!
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TB wrote:
louisq wrote:
Just finally got the Laminar lip mounted on my Faco clear mid. It's absolutely perfect for my height and riding position. It dumps some air to the top vents on all three helmets but most over the top. It leaves me full clear unobstructed view. Trying flyscreens, mids, and fulls and 3 brands I've narrowed it down to two screens. Faco mid with lip for summer and Faco full uncut with water sheeting treatment for cold MN spring and fall.
Can you provide more information on the Lamnar lip? Thank!

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My neighbor just commented that my GTS with the tall windshield wasn't really a Vespa scooter, but rather a two-wheeled Mazda Miata. huh? I'm almost 6'8" and about 225 pounds and have never felt the scooter sail. Love the tall windshield. My 5'7" wife also has a tall one on her GTV and hasn't experienced anything negative.
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I found the tall windscreen sucks in the rain, especially at night.
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I've got flyscreens on my BV 200 and my Vespa LX 150. After riding a motorcycle that I absolutely had to have a windshield on I was amazed that the little screens on the scooters deflected so much wind.

Riding the motorcycle without a fairly large windscreen was like riding into a hurricane all the time. I can ride the scooters at the same speed without all the pummeling.
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louisq wrote:
TB wrote:
louisq wrote:
Just finally got the Laminar lip mounted on my Faco clear mid. It's absolutely perfect for my height and riding position. It dumps some air to the top vents on all three helmets but most over the top. It leaves me full clear unobstructed view. Trying flyscreens, mids, and fulls and 3 brands I've narrowed it down to two screens. Faco mid with lip for summer and Faco full uncut with water sheeting treatment for cold MN spring and fall.
Can you provide more information on the Lamnar lip? Thank!

Thanks! May become a project to attach onto current Fly Screen...really appreciated the detailed steps as well as pics that Jess had posted...thanks to all!
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Timbit wrote:
I found the tall windscreen sucks in the rain, especially at night.
interesting comment .... can you elaborate ? were you not able to look above the tall windscreen?
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I found the tall screens to be impossible in heavy rain or mist. So I cut it down half-way, worked alot better.

Now I have the fly screen, which does make things quite windy and noisy. It seems to deflect the wind into your helmet.

I tried the 300 without a screen at all, and I found it very windy at speed.

I woudl recommend the fly screen and a good helmet.
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kdude wrote:
Timbit wrote:
I found the tall windscreen sucks in the rain, especially at night.
interesting comment .... can you elaborate ? were you not able to look above the tall windscreen?
Not many people would be able to see over a tall screen without standing a bit.
Rain on the helmet visor is bad enough, but at least you can wipe it easily.
At night, with oncoming headlights flaring off the drops, it's a nightmare.

I've read that the ideal screen height is 5cm below your normal riding eye level, this provides the optimal balance of visibility and wind deflection.

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TB wrote:
brilaz wrote:
I knew I didn't want a ful size. I didn't see a need for it here in California. So that left the mid-size or fly-screen. After reading through some forum posts about excessive noise with the mid-screen pushing the air right into the helmet, I decided to go with the fly.

Contrary to the previous post about the fly being useless, it has been perfect so far. Keeps the wind off of the chest which makes highway driving much more pleasant. It is also supposed to help your top-end speed and gas mileage.
1+ Please do not under estimate the Fly Screen (especially in the more temperate climate / seasons). I thought the Fly Screen it was not going to provide enough deflection of the wind @ freeway speeds. The Fly Screen deflects the wind up and over with slight buffeting....for me it's tolerable.

I'm 5'8" and it's important is where to top of Fly Screen tops off relative to your upper body torso and what amount of buffeting (or wind chill effect) you will find acceptable.

I still experince some buffeting and at most I may consider is a mid-size upgrade...for my needs the Fly Screen is acceptable.
What is buffeting?
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I still experince some buffeting and at most I may consider is a mid-size upgrade...for my needs the Fly Screen is acceptable.
What is buffeting?[/quote]

My explanation:

When riding there will be a certain amount of wind (turbulance) that will be generated against your body this is sometime exagerrated if you're encountering some headwind. If you don't hava any wind screen (i.e. Fly screen) you'll get the brunt of wind. If you have some sort of wind screen (i.e. Fly screen) the wind will deflect up and above the top of the wind screen. Depending on your height the effect of the wind may not be deflected and you will encounter some "buffeting" against your shoulders and / or head. As for me (with Fly screen) and my height of 5'8' with normal upper body torso the amount of "buffeting" that I receive at head height is nominal..hence acceotable. Hope this helps.
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This really does help - i'm a 5ft 7 female so not that tall and at the moment with no shield whatsoever I'm really feeling the brunt of the wind all over and in particular my neck is begining to hurt. Can't wait to get a screen - I'll probably go for a tinted fly screen as they look good from the average response on here it will do the job that I paying for it to do.
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The whole riding with/without a windscreen thing seems to be pretty subjective.

At the end of a multi-state, multi-day trip another scooter rider remarked to me "I can't believe you made that trip without a windscreen!" I was surprised at the remark because I really didn't understand then what he meant by that.

I rode for years without a windscreen on my ET4. Personally, I never found the wind to be a problem, I never found the helmet sound to be deafening, I was never bothered by buffeting at high speeds. I never really felt the need for a windscreen. Maybe I'm aerodynamic. Maybe I'm just numb. Razz emoticon

Well, I eventually bought one. A flyscreen. I didn't buy it for the wind...I just liked the looks, and it gave me an extra surface for stickers.

But I'm quite happy with it. It helps keep the wind off my chest (I'm 5'-9-1/2"), it doesn't blow air up my helmet, it doesn't impede my vision in the rain, and it isn't so big as to cause "sailing" in wind...which I know would be a problem on some of the bridges I cross during my commute.

I'm also able to commute more comfortably in colder weather, too. I'm betting if I had that flyscreen on the scooter when I rode the Blue Ridge Parkway, I might have saved myself some teeth-chattering at the higher elevations on that rainy day.

Bigger is not necessarily better. The flyscreen does it for me.
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In some ways, asking windshield advice is like asking what kind of shoes to wear and what's the best size. I'm 5' 11" but only have a 30" inseam so have a long torso. I also wear a modular helmet, have crappy posture, sit way back on the seat sometimes, etc. There are just too many variables to suggest what might work best and be comfortable for another rider.

I have the mid-sized Cuppini on my LX and haven't ridden without it in 2 years. In windy conditions, on highways, freeways and at high speeds, the mid-sized screen is a huge benefit. Also: increased top speed, acceleration and MPGs. Bonus!

On a recent long-distance ride, there was a rider on a Buddy 150 with no windshield and he just got pummeled by winds and buffeting. He actually has a screen but removed it after trying it for a while because he didn't like it.

In fact, I know several riders who have tried screens and who just never get used to them. Their reasons are usually either that they miss the wind on their body or that they can't take the wind being so focused on their chest or helmet and the additional noise it creates. Most people become accustomed to it with time. Others spend a lot of time and money experimenting with different windshield sizes.
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As a short 62" woman, I have found that the fly screen on my LX 150 is invaluable for keeping me warmer at speeds above 40 mph. I did notice increased noise at first when I put it on, but now I am used to it. It deflects a lot of wind from my chest.
On the freeway, I wear earplugs under my helmet. Prolonged wind noise actually contributes to hearing loss (nurse speaking here).
For my new GTS300 Sport I am getting the tall wind screen. It is windy here in the Bay Area, so while I am concerned about a potential 'sail' effect, especially on bridges, I need the protection. At highway speeds I feel noticeably 'pushed off' the scoot, and I am freezing, even in my corazzo jacket, especially in the cooler evenings. And when I turn my head to look over my shoulder, it feels like my head can get ripped off. I do always wear a full-face helmet, BTW.
I am considering getting the windscreen shaved down so that the laminar air flow is optimal for my height and helmet. I am also concerned about misting in the cooler weather. I will test drive it first as is and then decide if it's appropriate for me to shave it down.
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There's a lot of good information here and perhaps the best suggestion would be to secure the best screen (per our input) and give it a try...again for me it made a difference (Fly Screen).

O.K. ...now the next question...which brand...Oringinal Piaggio, Faco, Cuppini????

Oh Noooooooooooooooooo...... Laughing emoticon

Believe me I've been there....

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